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Tribute Act v Dons 29/11 & Dons v Tribute Act 03/12


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AOC was a decent centre half 2 years ago before sevco and hibs got back up but is far too slow to play in midfield and lacks the ability to play anything other than simple passes. He really should by now be no more than a squad player covering central defence and right back.

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AOC was a decent centre half 2 years ago before sevco and hibs got back up but is far too slow to play in midfield and lacks the ability to play anything other than simple passes. He really should by now be no more than a squad player covering central defence and right back.


It’s my recollection that O’Connor was not too solid at the back either, lacked pace and weak on his left side which was getting exploited. He got a lot of the blame for the league cup final and was dropped after that. Agree, squad player at best but shouldn’t be a first 11 player.

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Tansey? You're clearly on the glue. That cunt needs to go and remind himself of the footballing basics, positioning, tackling, passing. If you can bear to rewatch that first half then look at his positioning, it was generally wandering around looking lost. I haven't seen such a disgraceful individual performance since Harold Ingulffson and I'm sure he only got a shottie because he won it in Icelandic raffle.


Agreed re tansey but whats the other options?


Play gms on the right?

Or stewart out of position?

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Nope. 6 defenders, 5 at the back. The formation and set-up was clear for all to see. Keeping the crowd quiet wasn't about banging in goals, it was about frustrating them. Hence why he did the same against the Tims, Motherwell x 2, Hertz away and Appollon once we went in the lead. That is his go to defensive, stifling format.


I said in a previous post here.....6 defenders.


I still think McInnes was setting out to play out of defence and go at them from the start with Conso and Shinnie and the likes driving up the left and mclean pushing forward.

He may think that was his plan but it certainly didnt work and by what he has said , it sounds to me like he wanted to get at them from the start but it just didnt work.i dunno what he was thinking with that set up.


Or why didnt he just say he wanted to sit back..take the pressure and hit them on the break?






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The sole out ball appeared to be Christie, which led to Christie getting kicked black and blue and offered no protection from the ref.  The midfield were so deep it was very hard for them to get up and support Christie and May.


A lot of the players looked lost in terms of where they should be or where their team mates should be. 


And it isn't the first time this season either.


I wouldn't lose any sleep if McInnes was to leave. Brilliant, he beats Killie every time we play them. Unfortunately, he shits the bed every time we play the OF.

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Have to say it’s clear as day DM “tactical genius” decided we should sail pressure and not bring it to them. It hasn’t ever worked, once. I cannot fathom why he persists with this when it’s not playing to our strengths. We seriously need an overhaul squad wise, maybe it would have been best if he had have gone in the summer? We’ve certainly not improved and it’s hard to see how they will, he clearly hasn’t a clue. He’s also certainly had more bad signings than good.


Sort it out.

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Well I'll be along on Sunday, but no idea what sort of formation and tactics to expect from the great tombola.


Will be looking forward to venting some spleen towards that classless, rat bastard, ex captain of ours.


We have enough to beat these clowns and beat them well, but our "best manager since Fergie" sees thing a little differently to me and will look to contain them once again, regardless of the fact it didn't work on Wednesday.



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Guest kiriakovisthenewstrachan



LOGAN                                          ARNASON                                MCKENNA                                  SHINNIE



                                                    O'CONNOR                                TANSEY



MAY                                                                  MCLEAN                                                    MACKAY-STEVEN





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Christie's sending off has probably left us having to play players who would otherwise have been dropped after Wednesday which is not a great starting point. Tribute Act will be on high after our miserable performance on Wednesday so it will be imperative that we start on the front foot and go after them from the off. We need to keep width in the team and press their full backs. Would like to see Stewart and Wright get a chance to go at them. However I expect the manager to try a similar formation to Wednesday. Got the feeling is will be a long afternoon.



Train then sprint to ground - stupid fucking kick off time.


Lift down the road

0-2 No dons socrer.

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Please dont play May up front on his own.


We cant just pump balls up to him while playing deep.


I know its not popular but id honestly have may and maynard as a partnetship for this one.


If it doesnt work ill never mention maynards name again as long as i live.


We have already played them together in the 1-1 draw against Killie early in the season and Maynard was taken off after 58 inept minutes.

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Please dont play May up front on his own.


We cant just pump balls up to him while playing deep.


I know its not popular but id honestly have may and maynard as a partnetship for this one.


If it doesnt work ill never mention maynards name again as long as i live.


Can you tell us why Maynard should get a start?  He has shown nothing at all. No pace, no threat, no intelligence, no fight... nothing. Worse than a man short.


Maybe Sunday will be the day it all comes together for him, but I have my reservations.

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Maynard is pish. There's no reason to ever play him. He'll be playing non-league very soon.


In light of injuries, I'd go:








If GMS is fit, I'd drop O'Connor, McLean deep and put Stewart into the centre with GMS out wide. One game - against us - aside, I haven't seen anything good from May out wide with Rooney up front. We need to get the best out of Rooney or May, and that best comes from getting the ball fired into the box, for which we need width. Neither May nor Rooney provides this for the other. The front 2 does not work with our personnel.

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No Christie, Tansey and probably GMS...


Limits our options dramatically. I'd guess Stewart for Christie and Wright for GMS. Who replaces Tansey though? I'd hope it would be Frank Ross but expect Ball.


Lowering expectations, I'd take a draw right now. Sevco are buzzing and it seems we are on a downer, the speculation regarding McInnes looks like it really has got to the squad. The sooner it's sorted one way or the other the better.

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Maynard is pish. There's no reason to ever play him. He'll be playing non-league very soon.


In light of injuries, I'd go:








If GMS is fit, I'd drop O'Connor, McLean deep and put Stewart into the centre with GMS out wide. One game - against us - aside, I haven't seen anything good from May out wide with Rooney up front. We need to get the best out of Rooney or May, and that best comes from getting the ball fired into the box, for which we need width. Neither May nor Rooney provides this for the other. The front 2 does not work with our personnel.


Exactly the team I'd play given Christie and Tansey are out and GMS a doubt.


We need width, we only came into the game a little more once we played with a bit more width on Wednesday so we need to make sure we do that again, start quicker and get the ball into wide areas then deliver decent crosses into the box.


Shame GMS is struggling as I thought he was not bad when he came on at Ibrox, short on confidence etc but at least added something. Here's hoping Wright/Stewart can slot in and perform though.


I just dont trust McInnes not to try and set up to stifle Rangers again out of stubbornness anymore, which will only lead to the same result as Wednesday.  In my eyes he's got as much (if not more) to prove than the players do on Sunday.


Agree Maynard is pish, havent seen any evidence of him being able to offer anything at all any time I've seen him. I don't agree that May/Rooney cant work playing 2 upfront though, I just dont think Sunday is the game to see if they gel.

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the speculation regarding McInnes looks like it really has got to the squad. The sooner it's sorted one way or the other the better.


Aye, this, especially the press building it up so much more before 2 games against the huntheylove.

Paranoia on my part, maybe, but I've been a Don since around 1970 and some things never change, (even if it's a new club)

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Aye, this, especially the press building it up so much more before 2 games against the huntheylove.

Paranoia on my part, maybe, but I've been a Don since around 1970 and some things never change, (even if it's a new club)


I don't buy it. We fucked up against the huns because we played a shite formation that plays to the weaknesses in our squad. That had nothing to do with speculation surrounding McInnes or anything else. The evidence to backup this view is in the numerous times he's made the same mistake previously. Suggesting that the speculation had anything to do with it is a pathetic excuse for a shite performance. We (McInnes) were at fault here, nothing to do with the press.

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Ive seen glimpses of skill from Maynard.


He needs a goal perhaps.


Could say exactly the same about May and definitely Roonwy.


Maynard contributes far more than Rooney does when he comes on.


He's more mobile than Rooney.


I know maynard and may werr innefective that game but id still go with it.

Its far far more productive than May up front on his own which doesnt work at all.he will just get marked out the game and wont get anything in the air.


But to have 2 strikers would show you arent afraid of the huns so itll never happen.



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Give him 1 last chance.


Then you can all say I was wrong.


Which happens anyway.


Id rather be shouting at Maynard and May not working than the lone striker pish which we keep seeing.


Are we banging goals in?


Until we get new strikers lets at least put 2 up instead of pussying about thinking our midfield are world beaters and will simply pass the ball to our incredible May or Rooney who will score.




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Maynard is fucking gash. Again, you have to see him in the flesh just to see how gash he is. May is approximately 6 times better than him and Rooney perhaps 50. If yer watching it on the TV, you don't see his movement. He's lost any ability he may have once had to play fitba because he's forgotten how to play the game. He's like Storey last season. Makes all the wrong runs, is two yards behind his defender when coming short, and hides when we're breaking so he doesn't receive the pass. Makes the run too late to make it look as if he was trying, when I don't think even wants the ball. He doesn't look bad on the TV because he doesn't get the ball because he's never in the right position. He makes all other players look bad because of his own ineptitude. He's a fitba charlatan. Like Goodwillie.

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