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manc_don last won the day on June 25

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About manc_don

  • Birthday 21/02/1985

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  1. Daugava we’re done for match fixing weren’t they?
  2. I’d happily see them lose and drop down into the conference league qualifiers
  3. Was great seeing the turnaround after the first half of pish against Airdrie. In theory this should be an easier task but nevertheless I think Thelin will take his professional approach. Another few days of being under his stewardship, the players should have a bit more of an understanding as to what he’s trying to achieve. It is concerning that it took miovski coming on to turn it around though as Sokler didn’t seem up to it, but he should have the confidence from his first game or two. Really hope that if we are to lose miovski it’s sooner rather than later as we’ll need to unearth someone better than sokler. anyway, they’ve lost all their games, albeit they were unlucky against airdrie but we should win this comfortably. out bed bed day of birthday parties 3-0, Rubi, Shinnie , sokler
  4. I would actually like to see us try McGarry on the wing. He was always better going forward than defending (hence why I was surprised we got him as a defender anyway). This would free up space for Hancock.
  5. Hope so, i'm sure he was as disappointed as we were with his season last time out. No doubt there's a player there.
  6. Forwards: Sokler - 2 Midfielders: Clarkson - 1 McGrath - 1 Morris - 1 Shinnie - 1 Defenders: Devlin - 1 GK: OG:
  7. You do wonder about Miovski and whether the club risk it. Doesn't seem to be much movement on that front? Personally, if he's going to go i'd rather he go now so we can actually get someone decent in to replace him. Sokler will do ok, but not at the same level (from what I have seen).
  8. That's a bit of a shit outcome for you there, Seabass!
  9. In keeping with recent tradition, here’s another thread for Rico. Thelins first home game, how’re ticket sales going for it? I’d imagine we’ll be lucky to hit 10k for this, which would be decent for midweek cup game? anyway, I’d imagine a similar line up to the first cup game, as this is definitely a more testing opponent than EK were. Wonder how close to the saints line up this one will be? can’t see Vinny keeping his place, certainly didn’t appear to earn it and I’d imagine we’ll see Nilsen back alongside Shinnie which will protect him a bit more than McGrath / Clarkson did (not that I think that’s their roles anyway). out bed work work 3-1, sokler, Shinnie and Nilsen.
  10. Pleasing to see us score 4, albeit against EK, but minutes, goals and a run out for some of the fringe players wasn’t a bad idea. I was very impressed with shady mo’s goal, that first touch was sublime, which is not a word I’d ever thought I’d be using to describe Morris. If the trick was to play him in the left, well Thelin! And kudos to McGrath too, cheeky as fuck. Shame that Vinny doesn’t seem to be trying to make the most of this opportunity, we need to cut our losses with him, it’s not happening. looking forward to seeing how we do against airdrie, which’ll be a much sterner test. They’ve certainly scored plenty of goals so likely be a bit more of an opportunity for the defence to see how they’re getting up to speed.
  11. I like it it. Different and quite like the angled cuts.
  12. Good on him. Done what we all probably dreamt of at some point until we realised we were pish(ed)! Glad to see him go out as a top flight pro
  13. Was an incredible save at the death. Have been some crackers this tournament so far, but I think that takes it!
  14. Said the same to a few mates this morning. Such contrasting outcomes.
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