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BigAl last won the day on July 25

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  1. Injured and missed out playing for Canada Likely to be several weeks before he is even able to train No one, including us is likely to be signing him in the coming weeks, and even then if they do, he will need to complete a pre season. At best, if and it is a BIG if, we sign him up, we are not seeing him in red this side of mid September.
  2. To be honest, I wouldn't assume that at all at this moment in time
  3. Not a chance O.D Johnston played 20 odd games for WBA on loan for second half of the season and claimed a Championship Player Of The Month during that time, meaning that it highly likely, if he leaves Victim FC, he'll be headed for a club near the top of the Championship at worst
  4. Saw this on X yesterday, but really wasn't sure of the legitimacy of it, so didn't share. Really not sure of the level of league football in Ghana to be honest, but he seems to be a first team regular for his club and has had a call up to his countries international team, so potentially might have something about him. Sure Jimmy has previous, of unearthing players from the African continent in the past. Could potentially, prove to be an interesting one if true.
  5. My point previously, even though I didn't say it in as many words
  6. Which they won't Would rather spunk £8 million on someone from another league.
  7. Read elsewhere last night that Hearts have been sniffing around and had a £200k offer knocked back. Could be and probably is complete shite, but I agree with you in that if he plays to that level week in week out, he'll get a move
  8. Hancock undoubtedly had a point to prove last night and certainly did look impressive. Sure he picked up a bad injury, whilst out on loan during his last season with us. Obviously someone made the decision not to give him another year at that time.
  9. The boy Armstrong, recruited from Spartans, looks pretty handy.
  10. BigAl

    Celeb Deaths

    Aye him as well Fucking predictive text and my fault for not reading it back.
  11. So far for me the best thing about this afternoon is that I didn't get a ticket for this game Surely to fuck we will come out of pre season mode and wake up in the second half.
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