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Tribute Act v Dons 29/11 & Dons v Tribute Act 03/12


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What are our strengths at the minute?

We are minus an entire midfield, almost. As has been seen against Motherwell, the sevco, and timothy.

Tansey not good enough (on current form), O'Connor a CB, no RM at all. Shinnie, spends his time covering for Considine, who has not been good enough this season, and Christie who is not our player but I'd suggest is a number 10 ideally. We have two LM's but neither get a start and one is invariably brought on at RM. McLean has downed tools so not even worth the mention.


This is where managers (good ones) create a system and convert players. Players have a month. Currently;












I'd keep Rooney and Considine, Tansey to see if he can improve, everyone else can go in order to improve starting line up in the deficient positions.


If you stick best players in the SPL in those positions  we win the league, which while never realistic, indicates how close we are and again good scouting could identify those players.



Logan isn't a strength at present and May has potential, hardly a dominating forward at present. Arneson is 35, GMS is way too inconsistent, and Christie will be back at Celtic soon. Build a team around Lewis, McKenna, and Shinnie but we have no other players who are consistently starting 11. A big part of the blame is DM and his continued fucking around with the starting 11. Impossible to get consistency when the 11 changes every week, as well as positions and formations.

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Well, I guess it’s as depressing as it was predictable. McInnes is probably the biggest big game bottler at the club. He does it with such consistency it’s unreal. There was no reason to fear that rangers team, ever, let alone currently. It’s an embarrassment. Stop fucking about you clown, play to our strengths, which everyone knows does not include defending this season.


The fact that even redtv couldn’t argue with it spoke volumes. Just glad I stopped listening after the first half debacle. This one (along with the multiple of others this season) is down to him. Sort it the fuck out ahead of Sunday.



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Well i'm fucking raging... and i didn't even see the game!


I'm working midnight to midday and woke myself up early to follow online. As soon as i saw the line up i knew... i just. fucking. knew. DM had shat it already! Seems like the same formation employed against the dhims last month... that worked a fucking treat didn't it?!


WTF was his game plan? Was there one? If there was it was dog shit! Just like his 'game plans' every time we have a big game on our hands! His record in important (i know they're all important, but...) games is fucking atrocious!


A lot of our fans were delighted with the blurb that came out the club at the end of last week, well DM has made an absolute mockery of them who celebrated his apparent allegiance to us.


And WTF is Tony Doc doing? Surely he can't be saying, "aye Del min, that line up and formation has winner written all over it!"???? To a man i bet every Dons fan shuddered when they saw that line up!


I'm very grateful to DM for steering our club away from where we were under the previous pair of ball bags but we're on the slide under him imo.  :

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That was pathetic.


If I had been at that game my face would've been as red as my scarf.


Actually, my scarf would've been thrown onto the pitch in disgust.


The Huns tore us apart.they were better than us in every department. Fuck they even looked better than Celtic do against us when they hump us every time.


6 defenders playing tonight.


What's happened to Ross and Wright?


McLean actually wasn't that bad to be fair.he scooped up a lot of the mess.


We didn't need Chrisite sent off to go down to 10 men..er lassies.May wasn't playing up front anyway, was he?

Did anyone see him?


Bad decision by DM to obsessively get his man who was decent a few years ago.


Him and Rooney are shite at this level.kilmarnock yeah..the twins no.


I'd prefer Maynard for 90 minutes.


would be excellent if DM did go to the Hun because we would then be able to beat them.


Tansey's challenge was like a drunken ballerina.wtf was he doing?


Christie is a liar..nowhere near the ball.


Their goal was offside and the referee was awful.he let them off with a challenge in the first half then books one of our players seconds later for a similar challenge.prick.


If you play like that on Sunday you can fuck off AFC.


I'd play this team:



Logan Arni McKenna Shinnie


Tansey          McLean          Wright

      Maynard    May


We need to get the wings active and create space.


We were awful on the right wing last night and GMS was too slow down the left and too inconsistent with his touches.he gave the ball away a few times too easily.


Maynard and May are far far more effective than a May or Rooney up front  on their own.


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That was pathetic.


If I had been at that game my face would've been as red as my scarf.


Actually, my scarf would've been thrown onto the pitch in disgust.


The Huns tore us apart.they were better than us in every department. Fuck they even looked better than Celtic do against us when they hump us every time.


6 defenders playing tonight.


What's happened to Ross and Wright?


McLean actually wasn't that bad to be fair.he scooped up a lot of the mess.


We didn't need Chrisite sent off to go down to 10 men..er lassies.May wasn't playing up front anyway, was he?

Did anyone see him?


Bad decision by DM to obsessively get his man who was decent a few years ago.


Him and Rooney are shite at this level.kilmarnock yeah..the twins no.


I'd prefer Maynard for 90 minutes.


would be excellent if DM did go to the Hun because we would then be able to beat them.


Tansey's challenge was like a drunken ballerina.wtf was he doing?


Christie is a liar..nowhere near the ball.


Their goal was offside and the referee was awful.he let them off with a challenge in the first half then books one of our players seconds later for a similar challenge.prick.


If you play like that on Sunday you can fuck off AFC.


I'd play this team:



Logan Arni McKenna Shinnie


Tansey          McLean          Wright

      Maynard    May


We need to get the wings active and create space.


We were awful on the right wing last night and GMS was too slow down the left and too inconsistent with his touches.he gave the ball away a few times too easily.


Maynard and May are far far more effective than a May or Rooney up front  on their own.



We have to be realistic. From what I read, too many were shit today but we’re not going to drop 6 or more players. Plus I blame DM for today. We need consistency in lineup and formation with players playing their best positions. Our back 4 needs to stay Logan Arnie McKenna and considine. Andy is weak but we need Shinnie in midfield and now is not the time to blood harvie or some other youngster. This back 4 has rarely played together, give it time to develop.


tansey and Shinnie need games together. Pre surgery I thought Tansey looked ok, I’d like to see him get fit and get games for form and consistency. McLean can fuck off . He’s decided he’s leaving and he’s not some stud performing so well every week that can’t be dropped.  Of our three attacking mids Christie is guaranteed (after suspension). Gms and Wright need to be given games. Stewart just doesn’t look mobile or athletic enough and can’t give the performance for 90 mins a wide mid gives in this formation.


We paid money for May, play him through the middle and give him time. Rooney can come off the bench. We signed May cos Rooney is limited and has proven that, give may the games in his position to develop.


The lineup and formation has been juggled around all season. Consistency please. Same as last year, we found form when DM stopped fucking around.

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That's the team I would consistently stick with.


May has had enough opportunities on his own as has Rooney...it doesn't work.


I am maybe old school and that I believe in a partnership up front.


Both May and Maynard are very mobile (unlike Rooney)


May is too small to punt balls up to all the time.


our midfield is weak but by strengthening the defence with Shinnie, I think it's a chance worth taking and let the 'flair' players take on men on the wings to get the ball to our front two.


We used to play some lovely one-twos and triangle passes...what's happened to it?


Anyway, hope things change for Sunday.


They need to badly.

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If Maynard is the answer then we're in bigger trouble than I thought. Utterly abysmal player who should be nowhere near our squad, even on last night's showing.




Don't think he touched the ball more than twice on Sunday after coming on.





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He's definitely not the answer but are May and Rooney producing the goods?



Let's at least try something that feeds two strikers cos this lone striker piss does NOT work for us.


We havnt the midfield for it when we play McLean GMS Shinnie and Christie and have 1 up top when playing the Huns or Celtic.


we need a midfielder, a winger and a striker.


On last nights game , we need at least 5 new defenders.

The man marking was piss poor.they ran all over us and our watching runs was abysmal.


DM and TD need to work on the defence matching runs or at least become more aware of them.


I could've skipped past our defence last night it was shocking.


the worrying thing, although I thought we would put in a good performance is...the signs have been there for months as we all know right?


Fucking Jack celebrating to the Huns.


Wish we'd got rid of him about 3 years ago. He was never any big shakes for us.









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Think we should try not to over react to this, it’s always a blow losing to them of course - but there’s every chance we’ll beat them on Sunday, and it’s not beyond the realms of possibility we could find ourselves top of the league next Friday night.


Rangers are fragile, and the first goal on Sunday will be crucial again. We need to come out with all guns blazing and I think Deek knows that.

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I have no doubt we tried to come out the traps last night and all guns a blazing but unfortunately, they didn't let us.


Nonsense. Our formation was designed to let them come to us. We had 6 defenders on the pitch, and didn't play a pressing game. McInnes clearly thought we could absorb pressure and then pick them off later in the game. That is how both Dundee and Hamilton beat them recently. However, we don't have the personnel to do this as we're too weak in midfield.

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Nonsense. Our formation was designed to let them come to us. We had 6 defenders on the pitch, and didn't play a pressing game. McInnes clearly thought we could absorb pressure and then pick them off later in the game. That is how both Dundee and Hamilton beat them recently. However, we don't have the personnel to do this as we're too weak in midfield.


Nonsense huh?


Mcinnes admitted this himself on redtv.



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"The initial start to the game, we spoke about trying to keep the crowd quiet or bring some pressure onto the Rangers players after the last couple of results that they have had. But we gave them the complete opposite. We gave them a lift."



There ya go Rico.


Go argue with McInnes about it.




I think you've misunderstood his point. He didn't mean pressure by getting in their faces, he meant pressure from their fans the longer the game went on without them scoring. He was playing to frustrate them, hence the 6 defenders.

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Nope. 6 defenders, 5 at the back. The formation and set-up was clear for all to see. Keeping the crowd quiet wasn't about banging in goals, it was about frustrating them. Hence why he did the same against the Tims, Motherwell x 2, Hertz away and Appollon once we went in the lead. That is his go to defensive, stifling format. 

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Furious last night, now trying to rationalise the thinking. Just looking at the sevco line up.....Windass, hated by the sevconian hordes as he has been so bad.....Holt, hardly seen in the past 12 months until the last few weeks regarded as dross by everyone.....McCrorie, 18yo rookie being played out of position......Pena, unable to get a regular game, looks overweight and rumoured to be hittling the tequila big time......Miller, drawing his pension....Alves, drawing a pension double that of Miller....


And DM decides to keep things tight???


If ever there was a time to go for the jugular it was last night. And now we face them again on Sunday without our most creative player. Now had we taken a point last night, especially after the start we had, it would probably have been viewed as acceptable. Another draw on Sunday whilst not great would not have been disastrous either. That would have been 2 points from 2 games. However if we win (and I ain't nearly as confident now as I was 24 hours ago) would give us 3 points from the 2 games. Better than 2 (i know I'm clutching at straws here but anything to lift the gloom). I fully expect Calderwood's tombola to be given an airing....


The sevconians are absolutely convinced DM will be unveiled at castle greyskull on Monday. If this is the case the board should be lined up and shot at dawn. Surely to fuck they wouldn't let DM anywhere near the team if they knew he was leaving???

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I'd play this team:



Logan Arni McKenna Shinnie


Tansey          McLean          Wright

      Maynard    May




Tansey? You're clearly on the glue. That cunt needs to go and remind himself of the footballing basics, positioning, tackling, passing. If you can bear to rewatch that first half then look at his positioning, it was generally wandering around looking lost. I haven't seen such a disgraceful individual performance since Harold Ingulffson and I'm sure he only got a shottie because he won it in Icelandic raffle.


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