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Jute last won the day on July 13

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  1. Think he is as long as Norwegian FA have advised SFA of the sending off.
  2. Would expect there to be changes from Tuesday. Would like to see Miovski start and Sokler wide right. Dumbarton looked shit in highlights I watched. Even with a weakened team would expect us to win comfortably. oot Flat Local game Flat 3-0 Miovski x 3
  3. I thought he is refusing to train to try and force through a transfer and club have disciplined him accordingly. Not sure what else they can say until he either returns to training or fucks off elsewhere.
  4. I was not that convinced that by Hoillet. While we looked better with him in the team once Warnock was gone it was a low bar. I would like to think we are looking at better and younger options.
  5. Killie doing better than I expected against Cercle Brugge. Currently 1-1 with 10 minutes left.
  6. Old firm would never give that sort of money to another Scottish Club. No chance they risk one of us getting money that might allow us to challenge them.
  7. Good point on lack of VAR. It definitely helped game be an enjoyable watch.
  8. Airdrie look good side and will be better than some of the dross at the bottom of league this season. Whoever in the recruitment team decided to release Hanncock and pay a fee for McGarry is hopefully no longer employed. Looked a better team when Bojan came on but we desperately need to a winger in as Morris isn’t good enough. Not convinced at all by Rubi and Molloy as a central pairing so think another centre half is a must. Agree that another defensive central mid might be required if Shinnie and Nilsen keep picking up bookings like they are just now.
  9. I think we will have to accept that squad cannot be change over one summer due to the imbalance created over a number of poor windows. However I would like to think there will be some leeway to address some of the issues without moving on all of the dross/selling Miovski first.
  10. Expect this to be toughest test of group games and probably closest to playing a premier level team. Would like to see Rubi and McDonald at the back with Nilsen and Shinnie in the middle in front of them. Think this is game our lack of quality in wide areas might get exposed. Suspect we might start Miovski in this one. I have been impressed with Airdrie under McCabe. They play decent football and if we are not at top of our game we could lose this one. Oot - shite public transport flat tv flat 2-1 Miovski and McGrath
  11. That’s a bit of a nightmare. Suspect that it might be first time that so many players have finished level.
  12. Changes for sake of it looks like. Surprised Molloy gets a game in front of Rubi.
  13. They got through despite losing 2-1 to a 10 man Derry. First time they have ever got through a round in Europe. However I would be stunned if Copenhagen didn’t beat them by double figures over both legs.
  14. Had managed to get a ticket for this but due to wife deceitfully getting out of hospital after her knee op today I have had to get rid of it. Gutted to say the least. Starting 11 did enough last week to start against a team who lost 8 goals in mid week. Really should be looking to thrash this mob, Oot collecting daughter from rehearsals Stream hopefully flat 1-0 Sokler
  15. Think it’s 4 in 15 in the league and 2 in 3 in the Norwegian Cup. Cup goals came against 3rd and 4th division sides.
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