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Magic Moments

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What are everybody`s top ten personnal moments from their time as a Don?


Not got long left at the library so I`ll give you my first then the rest at at a later date.


April 1991:  Walking down Gorgie Road as a ten year old after my very first match and being surrounded by what seemed thousands of Dandies celebrating a 4-1 Tynecastle success with a chorus of;


"We`re by far the greatest team the world has ever seen, and we`re ABERDEEN!"


So cool at the time but as I got older I realised how WE WEREN`T the best team in the world, yet we still sing it nevertheless!



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Guest swaddon

I know you want ten, but the match is on in a bit, so I'll give you just one.


March 1994, a particularly bad game against Hibs which we lost 2-3 at Pittodrie, Shearer missed a penalty. Some Hibs fans start singing "Shearer, ye're a wanker" and this bloke a couple of rows behind me shouts at the top of his voice to them:




And they all shut up.

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season 1993/94 in a 4-1 win over Raith Rovers at Pittodrie


Mcleish had possession of the ball close to the touchline and sidestepped a tackle at the last second that sent the raith boy sliding into the south stand boarding. He then hoofed the ball up to shearer.


Some guy behind us shouts


'Alec, fuckin brilliant big man!'


to which mcleish turned round and said 'Aye. it was magic wasnt it'


As you can tell, pittodrie was its usual cauldron of noise

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Off the top of my head (In no order)...


The Hibs 4-3 January midweek away game about 4/5 seasons ago. A fantastic match, 7 goals and a 97th min winner for the Dons. Got so worked up I got a nosebleed and threw up on the way back to the bus!  :o


MUNICH! Proof that large numbers of fans can travel to a European game, have a good great time, get hammered and NOT feel the need to fight and piss off the locals (we'll gloss over the state of Marienplatz as everybody went to the game ;) ).


Tosher scoring an equaliser at the Hunnery (one of the most mental bounces i've been involved in).


The atmosphere at the Copenhagen (and to a lesser extent, Munich home) game...made me pwoud tae be a Don.


The Irish Bar in Berlin.


The 2000 Scottish Cup Semi v Hibs...another great game and bounce!


Qualifying for Europe by beating the Huns!  ;D

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When Barry Nic equalised against Hearts last years. I was buzzing for days

The Scottish cup last season, as soon as the match finished phoning one of my mates thats a Celtic fan that was there and having a nice 10 minuted conversation with him ;D He was clear on the phone as the was no noise around him ;D

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In no particular order


Coming from 2-0 down to draw at snake mountain with a Bett double in last 10 mins. 1990 I think.


Winning 3-1 at Parkhead with a team of youngsters including Jess and Booth in 1990. Could have been 6 or 7.


Beating Hearts 6-2 at Pittodrie playing some of best football I have ever seen from a Dons team.


Billy Dodds goal at Tynecastle that put us 2-1 up and above Arabs in relegation battle.


Cannot think of anymore at the moment.





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The tension then celebrations after beating St. Johnstone 2-1 and hearing that the Huns had chucked it 3-0 at Motherwell to go top of the League by one point with one game to go.


Paul Mason's second to win the Skol Cup final at Hampden and ensuing celebrations.


Lee Richardson's screamer to get us back in to the game in the Cup Final versus the Huns at Parkheid. What a feckin bounce that was though we ultimately lost.


Doing the conga round the United team bus after relegating the hoors and watching McLean as he storms of the bus to remonstrate with the coppers.


The atmosphere in Aberdeen city centre the night before said relegation battle, very surreal but very much feel good.


Ibrox beating the Huns 2-0 in our very last win there.


Eoin Jess's four goal salvo at East End Park.


Stuffing Hearts 4-0 at Swinecastle, I think the same season that Jess scored four against the Pars. Jess ripped McPherson a new one that night.


Stuffing United 4-0 at Swinecastle with own goals from Mixu and Freddy's Wife's a Whore.


Beating Hibs 3-0 in the League Cup Final. I was only a bairn and went down on a bus from Orkney that had stopped off in Perth. Mental bastards.

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I think for my second selection it`d have to be the 6-5 thriller at Fir Park in October 1999.  This was my first game for two years with my first step-father after the break-up of my mum`s marriage to him (her now third husband is a Celtic fan and has no interest in going to any games nevermind Aberdeen ones.)


The thing which always sticks out like a sore thumb about that night was how loud we were despite relatively few of us there were.  I have all eleven goals on DVD which BBC Scotland kindly sent to my door.  Nice visual memories to have friends.


Moment Number Three will be posted soon. 



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Back in November 2000 I think.  We played Hibs off the park at Easter Road with Arild Stavrum and Andreas Mayer grabbing the goals in a 2-0 win.  When the second went in during injury time the relief at not throwing away the three points showed with what felt like the stand about to crash to the ground.  Spine tingling folks.  Left leg wobbled like jelly and my right did it`s best impersonation of being under anasthetic!  Don`t drink because of my Epilepsy but I still learned that evening what it`s like to be legless!   

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A few I can think of


Mixu Paatelainen's header against Torino.............and Eoin Jess putting us 2 nil up at the Stadio Del Alpi in the early 90's (if only the referee blew full time after 25mins)  ???


Beating Celtic 9-8 on penalties at Hampden in 1990, Irvine I think scored the winner after a class save by Theo - amazing :o


and more recently beating Rangers the last game of this season to stop them winning the league 

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The one nil win at Tinkcastle 2 christmas's ago. That was magic from pre pub, game, post pub and then the walk home up Dalry road (into the Hearts fans :) ) in my santa suit getting suitable christmas greetings from Hearts fans  :thumbsup: Ho Ho Ho indeed it was.

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My fourth most memorable moment came at Easter Road again.  I believe this was a game in which we lost 4-2.  The Cow Shed was being renovated and with the rain lashing down and no cover to protect us police officers were handing out yellow binbags to keep us dry as possible. 


  Plonker here couldn`t understand why mine didn`t fit.  I`d only put my arms through the leg holes and legs through the arm holes eh?!!!  The look on the Chief Superintendant said it all folks! 

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Next comes from The Centenary Bar in Dundee on the opening day of last season just before playing The Arabs.  It was the first time I`d ever mingled with The Red Army prior to a game.  Always just made my way to the ground in the past.  To witness 5,000 plus people just having a ball without a care in the world brought a tear to my eye.  Realised later what an amazing group of individuals I`d missed out on these last nineteen years.


  Everything else that morning, afternoon and night made up for a poor result too.       

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Andy Dows last minute extra time winner in the league cup quarter final

119mins of rangers taking pot shots at our goal only for their keeper to spill our only shot and dow to put in the rebound from 1 yard out.

Still the only time ive seen us beat rangers in person


Chris Clarkes 97th minute winner at easter Road on the opening day of the 2002/03 season. About 1min b4 Kjaer had kept us level with an unbelieveable save and then I think Young hit a random shot come cross and clarke stuck his foot out.

About 3000 dons fans there filling the whole stand which apparenlty no one had anticipated.


Darren Mackies winner at Parkhead just for the ceebrations. Plus id never seen us beat either of the old firm away from home.


Andy Dows Free kick against the arabs way back in 1999. Our first league goal and the way it went in was almosted scripted.


Eoin Jess's (im not a fan of him in the slightest by the way) last minute free kick at tannadice in the 5-3 win. Leave it to Aberdeen to go 3-0 up, then  4-1 with 2mins to go only for it to end up 4-3 with united pushing an equaliser. jess finally ended it as a contest.


Darren Mackie putting us 2-1 up against rangers 5mins aftter Leon Mike had equalised. A real slow motion moment when you saw mackie completely unmarked and sticking his napper on the ball.



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For my sixth choice I couldn`t omit me running onto the hallowed Pittodrie turf from The Merkland Family Stand with this other blonde lad to see Joe Miller in the centre circle and get his autograph.  Was about 14 or 15 and it might have been Stewart McKimmie`s testimonial against Blackburn Rovers I`m not sure but what a thrill friends!  Our right winger gave us a stern dressing down about how we`d broke the stadium safety policy before signing my programme lent across my back for the hard surface he needed.  Waved at my younger brother and step-father then ran like the wind so not to get caught by the stewards, almost kicking a ball into the net as I jumped the advertising boards.  Never did I see this lad again who dared me to open the fire exit gate to begin this mission plucked out of the air.


Have a really stupid story about me and John Inglis outside Firhill which can wait for now. 

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Zero's goal against Hibs where the Hibs keeper came up last minute for a corner. He collected at the edge our our box and walked it in. Brilliant goal.


Smith's brace against Copenhagen is defo up there


Finally the coins being thrown at Ricksen at the game he done his bruce lee moves. Money well spent!

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A few that stick out:


Nicholsons goal at Tynecastle in the 90th min. Was bodies flying everywhere in the stand, we were taking abuse from a bunch of neds the whole game across the barrier when we scored the amount of people turned round and bounced towards one of them saw him get straight up and leave.


My first away game- a 5-3 win at Tannadice!


The time I spent in Munich and the atmosphere during the whole trip


The Copenhagen game


Jamie Smiths winner vs the Huns in the 3-2 game.


The SC game when we beat Utd. 3-2 having been 2-0 down.


The Dnipro was one of the best because I fully expected a humping in Ukraine and didn't think we'd ever be so lucky.

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