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Match Thread - Dons V Killie

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It's not either of the arse cheeks so we might try to win on Saturday. McGinn hopefully fit enough to start as we looked better (hard not to have admittedly) when he came on mid week.



Train then straight to ground.


Pint in town then train back to the capital.

2-0 Rooney x 2.



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It's not either of the arse cheeks so we might try to win on Saturday. McGinn hopefully fit enough to start as we looked better (hard not to have admittedly) when he came on mid week.



Train then straight to ground.


Pint in town then train back to the capital.

2-0 Rooney x 2.


McGinn's appearance seemed to perk up his team mates. He's got to start on Saturday and give us a fast start hopefully.

Time for Considine to have a rest I think.

Hoping for a good open game on Saturday but I think Killie may sit in and keep it tight hoping they're still in it with 20 mins to go and then open it up a bit.

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In for this one, which going on their current form could be a very hard game. They were shyte when we played them up here earlier on in the season, although they made it hard for us on the day, but their transformation since Clarke took over has been pretty impressive I have to say.  Interested to see how they play under Clarke.


I don't expect much tinkering to the team from Wednesday night, possibly McGinn for Stewart.


3-2 us with a 93rd minute winner from McGinn.

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Manc being on the other side of the world is no excuse here  :laughing:


Day before matchday and no thread ;)





In all honesty, I had meant to start one last night but was still pissed off.


Agree with Rico on this, think they'll be a bit short of confidence, and rightly so. Useless pussies. I really hope we see the return of the McKenna / Arnason along with the return of McGinn to the starting lineup. We need to start having a more consistent team.






2-1 Dons, McGinn and GMS, late winner


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Great result that. Had to leave early second half though,and managed to miss the last two goals  8) 8)



Thought we chipped away first half,and thought a goal might be coming,until Killie stuck one in.We were mince the rest of the first half. Couldnt see the eventual outcome coming though,but we were certainly fired in the second half.Well done Scott McKenna,and Niall McGinn  :thumbsup:


  Some random thoughts of what I saw of the game.Havnt seen much of Ball,but without being brilliant,he looks like he may have something about him?  Beginning to think it might be easier for us to source a new midfield combo,and stick Shinnie at left back.Thought he looked limited in midfield today.Kenny MacLean played very well.Couldnt get Adam into the game again,and thinking a combo of GMS,Niall,Ryan,and Stevie May would make us more versatile in attack

  Still think we need to practice,or work harder at looking for space and making ourselves available for the next pass for games like today.Good bounce back after Wednesday though

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Well that was an interesting game and gave us a goal we will probably talk about for years to come.


McGinn and McKenna were back in the line up, which was no real surprise, at the expense of Christie and Reynolds, but Dom Ball starting was a big surprise, another McInnes curve ball. Rodgers was in for Lewis, but we knew that anyway.


We started off well enough and were unlucky not to score with a great shot from McGinn. We passed the ball about well enough and looked comfortable for the opening 15-20 minutes, then Killie started to get a hold in the game, that boy Mulumbu they have in the centre is a beast of a midfielder and he really started to make his presence felt in the game and was bossing the middle of the park then lo and behold they score through Boyd, it bloody had to be that fat hun bastard, then we weren't at the races for the rest of the half and Killie were probably lucky not to score a second, a great stop from Rodgers stopped them going 2 up, I thought we were awful for the rest of the first half and they were booed off at half time.


No changes for us in the 2nd half, but Killie put on Irwin, so obviously thought we were there for the taking so was interesting to see how we responded and what better way than getting an equaliser through McKenna, never had a good view of the goal and didn't know who scored it until it was announced, but you could see the lift it gave the players. Then a few minutes after this McKenna picks the ball up in the centre and with nobody closing him down you could see him teeing up an audacious shot which ordinarily would end up in the RDS, but not today, he smashed it past the keeper from what looked like 40 yards out, the stadiium was bouncing with this one and glad to be able to say I witnessed it as it was one of those goals which will be talked about for years.


To be fair to Killie they still kept coming at us and tried to get the equaliser, but then up pops Niall to score a peach of a third and settles the match for us.


A decent enough game and Killie are a far better team than the one which came here in August under old Elbows. Boyd is still a cunt though and a fat one at that, the guy is huge and no way is that muscle. Surprised to see Clarke having a player like that in the team. Their goalie McDonald is a cunt also, never liked him.


The new boy from City came on for the last few minutes and got himself booked, which looked a little soft but welcome to Scoland loon.


We are soft as fuck in the middle of the park SHinnie was bossed out of the game today by Mulumbu and we really need to sort out our central pairing at the back, O'Connor is just not good enough and we should look to get rid in the summer. If Arnie cannot play games due to whatever reason then he has to go also, but if he is left out for other reasons then DM needs his head looked at. I know we have Devlin, but we need someone for between now and May.


Glad to get the three points and great to see Niall back on the score sheet.


What a 2nd goal dfrom McKenna though.


Edit: Thought Rodgers did well today. First time I have seen him play and saved us on a couple of occassions.

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The second half is about to get underway on Alba  8)


Just watched the 2nd McKenna goal, a thing of beauty, stunning.  Has to be a goal of the season contender in my opinion.


Watched the McGinn goal again as well, that was another superb goal, didn't realise he was so far out when he scored.

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What a ping from McKenna  :o


Glad to wake up to a positive result, desperately needed after the midweek bottle crash. Very surprised to see ball start, howd he play?  Positive to hear that Rogers had a decent game too, hope the keeper we will probably sign gives him competition but won't be no.1. 

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Very surprised to see ball start, howd he play?


He was as expected, one of two major negatives, the other being that Rooney is becoming more than embarrassing now. GMS had an off-day too.


It was an incredible strike by McKenna, possibly the best shot Pittodrie has ever seen, THAT good.


Other positives were McGinn's goal, totally created for himself and Shay Logan was back to his old self today. I think Rogers is going to be good.


Terrible first half and other than the two goals that were great strikes, it was a pretty dreadful match. Mulumbu was impressive for them, totally stripped Shinnie for the ball a number of times.


Deceptively cold despite the sunshine. You're better off with the mountain goats and the sheep and the warmer weather. Not sure if they have mountain goats over there but they would have more intelligence than some of the balloons in the SS today.






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What a ping from McKenna  :o


Glad to wake up to a positive result, desperately needed after the midweek bottle crash. Very surprised to see ball start, howd he play?  Positive to hear that Rogers had a decent game too, hope the keeper we will probably sign gives him competition but won't be no.1.


No idea how long Joe is out for, but if a while then no doubt DM will try and get someone in on loan, but I would keep Rodgers at number one until at least Joe gets back to fitness. He has waited long enough to get his chance and deserves it in my opinion.

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Ball certainly had his best game in a dons jersey, nothing flashy just won his tackles and retained possession when required and played simple effective passes.


Still hasn't done enough to warrant us trying to make him a permanent addition in the summer but a few more performances of that ilk might make me change my mind

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He was as expected, one of two major negatives, the other being that Rooney is becoming more than embarrassing now. GMS had an off-day too.


It was an incredible strike by McKenna, possibly the best shot Pittodrie has ever seen, THAT good.


Other positives were McGinn's goal, totally created for himself and Shay Logan was back to his old self today. I think Rogers is going to be good.


Terrible first half and other than the two goals that were great strikes, it was a pretty dreadful match. Mulumbu was impressive for them, totally stripped Shinnie for the ball a number of times.


Deceptively cold despite the sunshine. You're better off with the mountain goats and the sheep and the warmer weather. Not sure if they have mountain goats over there but they would have more intelligence than some of the balloons in the SS today.


I thought GMS was tracking back more today, he was also swapping sides with McGinn which I had not seen him do up until today, maybe that had an influence on his game?  Hopefully he can learn a thing or two from Niall, who I thought was superb and was the difference between the teams. I think we would have been beat if he was not back with us.


Glad to read I wasn't the only one impressed with Mulumbu, I thought he bossed the middle of the park.



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