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baggy89 last won the day on July 17

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  1. He also led the centipede after the sna ba game...
  2. Massive superiority complex and misplaced arrogance. It brings out the worst in the whole population. Particularly bad are the ones who know nothing about sport. Most recently having a conversation about rugby just after the 6 nations. I made a comment which was responded to by an older English lad very confidently with "come back to me when you beat us" to which I laughed and replied "you mean like this year, or last year or the year before that." Or the dickhead my wife saw yesterday wandering down the street shouting "eng-ha lund eng-ah-lund" only stopping to stick his head in the door of the kebab shop and Turkish barbers to shout racist shite at them. Thankfully I married an Irish girl and have mates that treat it like a rivalry, same as we do. Cheering and giving me shit when we lose or have crap results (memorably the draw against the Faroes). I wanted to go to Germany and tried to convince one of these mates to come with me, he wouldn't, saying that he would have done had England not qualified but didn't want to go and have the Germans (or anyone else) associate him with the rest of his countrymen. I always like to tell them that half their team should have been missing from the final in '66 had the semi been refereed correctly, having spent 90 minutes taking turns kicking the fuck out of Eusebio (something my dad goes on about), so really the goal given that didn't cross the line just typified how corrupt that whole tournament was. In fairness the jingoism has died down a bit over the last few years and yesterday meant I got a lovely round of golf in on an empty course while the rest of England tried to drink more than three cans of cider while comparing guts and bad tattoos before seeing their team capitulate and giving their wives a slap to reassert their superiority complex and misplaced arrogance.
  3. Thank fuck for the Spanish. Have endured years 31 to 58 living down here following their fixed win in '66, not sure I'd have coped starting at year 0.
  4. Seen Keith Wyness has been talking about the huns issues around the redevelopment of their shit hole.
  5. Funny they announce Barron the same day it comes to light they can’t afford to pay their builders Make your stadium playable/sign a player from Aberdeen
  6. Fuckin' right. Barron's a decent prospect, with still a fair bit of deficiencies in his game. Won't get the game time, to develop, he needs at the huns as their followers won't allow it. IF he goes there he'll end up no more than a journeyman lower premier/championship player at best. See the balmedie hun as an example. BUT we can present the ridiculous price they're putting on a 26 year old goal keeper with about 30 top flight games played and use it to compare it to the 21 year old midfielder with 70 odd top flight appearances for the "independent" panel that decides the fee.
  7. Possession is meaningless, in a way. Absolutely fine to give up possession if it's passive. A good possession team will drag their opposition out of shape and switch the play quickly. If you can engage the press in a way that you don't lose your shape, the opposition can pass it round the horseshoe all they want. Unless your playing a team like Man City, who will exploit those minor changes in shape and press. If you're shape and press is good, you're negating most teams possession as passive. Then the difference will be in the transitions and the speed and accuracy of those. The interesting thing for me with, what appears to be Thelin's style, is how does that work against teams that are happy to give up possession to us, about 70% of the league. Was that why Robson's team resorted to punting it up-field? "You have the ball so we can play our style".
  8. Harsh pen but what do you expect against the scum when they’re 0-1 down. Unlucky deflection for the second. Don’t think there was a great deal between the teams thought we shaded it, but probably biased .
  9. Last time we won it; Mark Peat, Stephen Payne, Scott Morrison, Terry Kid, Kev McNaughton, Murray McCulloch, Darren Mackie, Ross O'Donoghue, Scott Michie, Fergus Tiernan, Bob Duncan. Subs. Allan Carella, Duncan Jones, Murray Watson, Calum McKenzie, Calum McHattie Last time we were there; David Craddock, Ryan Harrington, Daniel Harvie, Dean Campbell (Captain), Joe MacPherson, Sam Roscoe, Connor McLennan, Seb Ross, Bruce Anderson, Frank Ross, Ethan Ross Subs. Archie Mair, Miko Virtanen, Chris Antoniazzi, Jack MacKenzie, Toby Wells, Connor Barron, David Dangana
  10. I see Micky Duff is on some bookies list. As a bit of a Cheltenham hero as both a player and manager I wouldn’t be averse to this. Turned Cheltenham round quickly. Would have been promoted, I think as Champions, in the Covid season had it completed. Did the following season, highest ever finish first season in League 1, before going to Barnsley where he turned them round too. Rated highly at both clubs. Plays decent football. Just his short stint at Swansea as a blot.
  11. Still today isn't there? I'm not saying were going to pull out a starting CDM, a couple of first choice wingers and an experienced manager today, but theres at least a couple of hours of hope .
  12. 76 year old Neil Warnock? Talk about long term succession planning...
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