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OxfordDon last won the day on April 9

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  1. We had Nicky Maynard and finished 2nd. Life is a mystery sometimes.
  2. More than a few times, unless there's significant improvement before we play the bigger teams a defence of Ruby and Molloy might need to banned as a health risk, not sure my heart would take it. Nilsen didn't look the most mobile at times so not sure we can just rely on a defensive midfield either. Could see Macdonald back in as the older head mentoring an alternating Ruby and Molloy as they each get suspended in turn.
  3. Just as well, as Shinnie was the best player on the park today.
  4. New signing. Definitely wasn't here last season.
  5. Goal - Shinnie. Bugger making me have to type.
  6. Bookmarking this for future cut & pastes so I hopefully dont have to keep typing it every few minutes: Goal - Sokler
  7. This. How are we meant to know there's a game on? Next we'll be getting told there's a delay in pie shipments and we'll have to play our remaining games at Hampden.
  8. Feels like he's rapidly in danger of becoming this decade's Sone Aluko.
  9. Can I be the first second to say.... meh.
  10. doesn't even begin to describe it - they were 30 seconds away from going out and equalised in the 95th minute.
  11. Got a decent pedigree at least, seems to have been at far bigger clubs in the past
  12. Shame we couldn't keep Charlie Dodgson as well, those two were inseparable
  13. Just tuned into BBC for the game at 8, been listening for 10 minutes and they haven't mentioned the other team yet, is it Portugal or Czech Republic England are playing tonight?
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