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Aberdeen v Hamilton 6/8/17

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Ach well,I'll take that.A bit of a mixed performance,flashes of good,with untidy periods,we never quite got into a good rythym.Wright and Christie were good,A oC,and Shay also,though Arnason was a bit shaky. We were just a shade off the pace generally,maybe due to midweek,but good to get off to a win against a stuffy team.

  Surprised to hear there was 15'000 there,looked more like 12 or 13 to me.Good show if correct.

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I thought 15K seemed about right. Although, a terrible game for 15K people to sit through. Very much like Thursday accept against a much shiter opponent. We looked tired, but been a long week I suppose. Logan, O'Connor, Considine and Wright the only real performers, the rest were poor. Stewart didn't do much when he come on either. Maynard was gash. He's like Goodwillie. We could persist, but I can't see it being worth it. His movement and general game understanding just doesn't seem to be there. Great finish by Storey, but he's still gash.


Not sure how we set-up for the same fixture on Wednesday. I'm thinking give Storey a run about just because he scored. Re-instate Christie to the attacking midfield role where he's far better and maybe go with GMS and Wright on either wing. Nae sure though, we just look a good bit off where we need to be.

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Overall it was a convincing 2-0 without us really getting out of second gear.

Hamilton came to rough us up and put us off our passing game.

I thought Wright was a great outlet for us and had a very good game.

All in all it's a decent start to the season.

A home win and clean sheet Also.


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Miller didnt hold back on what he thought of Arnason on radio commentary. And he wasnt too complimentary about his replacement either...


Sounded like Hamilton tried to kick us off the park, though for a good 20 minute spell after the sending off it sounded like they were the better side. Its a bastard facing them on their own ground straight away, especially in a knockout competition, really not sure what changes we need to make but I'd be tempted to drop Shinnie back to left back, pair Arnason with Consi and move AOC into midfield to try to combat their physicality.


Anyway good start boys

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scrappy performance, good result in the end.


Logan rightly MOTM, O'Connor also very good (first half in particular).

Christie and Wright a bit hot and cold but both have the ability.

McLean not doing enough.

Maynard looked ok, some nice link play. Should have scored although the defender did well to get back.

Arnason was absolutely pish, and that's being kind.


Refreee......................... ???

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Miller didnt hold back on what he thought of Arnason on radio commentary. And he wasnt too complimentary about his replacement either...


Sounded like Hamilton tried to kick us off the park, though for a good 20 minute spell after the sending off it sounded like they were the better side. Its a bastard facing them on their own ground straight away, especially in a knockout competition, really not sure what changes we need to make but I'd be tempted to drop Shinnie back to left back, pair Arnason with Consi and move AOC into midfield to try to combat their physicality.


Anyway good start boys


wouldn't have Arnason anywhere near the team after todays game, he was horrific.


Might just have been an off day, but I would wait for a home game before playing him again.

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Well that was tough going. A good win in the end though, but boy did we make hard work of it, not helped by some awful fouls on our players. I don't mind teams playing hard, but Hamilton took it to extemes today.


I think Tansey will be a good addition to the team and looks a tidy enough player. Maynard I'm not too sure on. The first half he was awful IMO, but did see an improvement in the second half and has been posted he should have scored. Just have to hope he is building up his fitness!


Arnason, wasn't too happy about him coming back as didn't like his attitude the first time he was here, especially the second half of the season and today he did nothing of note to prove he was worth taking a punt on and then Reynolds came on and did worse, thank fuck for Lewis or they would have equalised, early doors, but still a concern.


Very happy to see Wright get a chance and he showed some decent play despite Hamilton players doing their best to get him stretchered off. I sit in the Merkland and the tackle on him on the first half by the baldy Hamilton player with the beard (Samaris?) was brutal and looked like it should have been a red.


CHristie is an excellent player and I would like us to have him as our own, not going to be good facing the tims without him.


McLean was utter gash today as bad as the ref.


Game 1, three points and a clean sheet, cannot ask for more than that, but think we need a centre half.



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I wasn't happy Arnasson was signed, but I was very open to being proved wrong.  Nothing that's happened since has been encouraging. On top of being left out on Thursday and not even coming on when the our timid defence was costing us the game he was dire today.  I'm not convinced he has the muscle to be an SPL central defender, he was beaten in the air repeatedly, he's as slow as hell and Hamilton obviously thought getting the ball behind him for players to run on to was their best hope of a goal.  The one thing even I thought he'd be better at than our lot, distributing the ball, he made Taylor look like Beckenbauer.


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To me today was all about the win and that's it. Preseason is a joke with competitive games in it. Not judging any player or team performance, happy with the win.


In 5 competitive games a forward has scored 1 goal. Apparently DM said Maynard was a finisher? Round the keeper and smash it in, it wasn't that bad of an angle. A player lacking in form and confidence, that goal would have done him a world of good.


We either need to sign Moult or I suggest we give Miles Storey a run in the team. Storey will bring pace to the team and surely he'd love the opportunity to prove a point.

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Thought we played well enough against team who were intent on kicking us off the park and the ref let them. We need to get a striker in especially if Rooney's injury is long term. Maynard worked hard but does not look like he will score. Wright looks like he could develop into some player if we give game time.

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I think it's a bit too early to be calling it on Maynard.  Personally I thought he did fine, his movement up front created a lot of space for Christie and Wright to exploit.  Arnason looked well off the pace and against a more positive and skillful team we could have easily conceded. I thought Tansey did pretty well and his free kick for the goal was McGinn-esque, it was a bit of a poachers header from AOC whilst we are on the subject.  Chuffed for Storey, he took his goal pretty well though I thought the keeper should have got something on it.  It's going to be interesting to see who starts up front on Wednesday but Storey must now be staking a claim given he's the only recognised striker to actually score this season.... and in a lot less game time. 

Hamilton were fucking brutal it has to be said, it's fairly miraculous we got through that without injury.  They were Hearts like in their thuggery pretty much the entire game.  The ref was fucking murder as well, I know it's only his first game in the top flight but if he keeps up that level of incompetence Willie Collum may have contest for the most hated ref in Scotland tag. 



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A laboured win but a win none the less and it is good to kick the League season off with 3 points.


Wright was excellent I thought, he had a real willingness to have a run at at players and wasnt afraid to try something a little different to get passed them. This lad will be a real talent and I really hope he gets more game time this season.


I see a few Dons fans attacking Arnason, yeah he had a few dodgy touches, one of which did force Lewis in to a save, but I am not going to label the guy a failure just yet, I think he will come good, he just looked a little rusty yesterday.  O'Connor was outstanding aswell I thought, he seemed to have a couple of wobbles when Reynolds came on, who was a total bombscare when he did. I mean he headed the ball across his own goaline at one point. I still think another CB should be on the summer shopping list.


Tansey played well I thought, Shinnie unlucky to get booked so early on as that sort of stiffled him for the rest of the game.


Glad to see Storey score and he did take the goal well. Should have been on for Maynard a lot earlier in the game though, Maynard so far in my opinion has offered us nothing upfront, sure he may still be getting up to speed and I really hope that is the case. As it stands though, a new striker is a must, whether its Moult or May.



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I'm prepared to give Arnason a few weeks to get up to speed but its been clear for a while that Reynolds is finished at this level. What I'd like to know because I havent seen confirmation anywhere though I may have missed it....did big Gash turn down a new contract offer or was he not even offered one in the first place?


He had his faults for sure but I would have been happy enough to have had him onboard as a squad player.

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Kari made several mistakes, none of which led to a goal fortunately, but I'm still confident he'll become a good reliable defender for us. He's proved himself at international level and he's streets ahead of Ash Taylor imo opinion.


I'm not understanding the McLean criticism, ok he's not at his best but there's no lack of effort, and I'm sure he'll come good again. Same could be said for Reynolds, we should afford him some time to find his form again - surely he's earned that? And there's definitely a player in Nicky Maynard, I hope the fans can give him time to find his feet.


There were spells in the first half where we looked great going forward, a couple of breathtaking moments from Wright and Christie, and although things didn't always come off there's loads to be positive about. Considering the overhaul the squad's had I'm impressed we're still able to perform like that, pick up the points and keep a clean sheet. And look at the players who DIDN'T start yesterday.....good times ahead I think peeps, keep the faith.  :thumbsup:

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