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tlg1903 last won the day on May 17

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About tlg1903

  • Birthday 01/01/1979

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  1. He absolutely does, there are few African players in the Elfsborg squad and he moved a few on last window too I believe. Re Miovski, cormack would only sell to the ugly sisters if they made an offer too good to turn down (so 10 mill or above I would say) which they are never going to pay.
  2. Hard to know what to make of yesterday 2bh, the game was over the moment Devlin scored. We did score some nice goals and you do get the feeling the likes of mcgrath and Clarkson are being given a bit more freedom to try things. That chip from JM was very naughty, even if the goalie wasn't taller than 5 10". Morris took his goal well yesterday 2bf, it was all about the first touch but the solid finish on the weaker foot was also notable. Maybe the kid is better suited as an inside forward. Jensen in midfield was.... Interesting? Perhaps JT just having a look at how he does in that role for emergency situations and to get some minutes in his legs. He didn't look awful but at that stage of the game and level of opposition that's hardly a ringing endorsement. I'm a bit surprised some seem to be writing off McGrath, I think he's been a really good bit of business so far and fully expect him to be a key player this season. Ultimately we are basically still in pre season, there's still plenty business to be done and the starting 11 come the end of August will probably look a bit different to than it did today.
  3. Interesting move, wonder how much input Thelin had in the decision.
  4. This could be a great tournament for getting a bigger sell on fee for Rama, Albania 1 up on Croatia already.
  5. Nerves are starting to get awfully jingly jangly today. The one advantage of never qualifying was the only thing you had to stress about was England doing well.
  6. This, I just can't see Cormack selling to them. That said if he went to the huns he would be dead to me, as would Cormack for allowing it.
  7. Wish I could start a job and be put on holiday straight away
  8. He's been in the building since Monday and still no Red TV interview. I'm a bit surprised by that.
  9. I'm quite surprised at how sad I am he's not sticking around. Maybe his family are still down in the central belt
  10. I would be very surprised. Mcinnes was raging with jack as he lied to his face about signing for der hun. I doubt he would want him on those grounds alone let alone his injury record. The wee rat cunt has barely played for 2 seasons #karmaisabitch
  11. No idea but Germany v Ukraine is on at 745
  12. I thought it interesting McRorie started over Ralston. Whilst Ralston has been capped before he's not had much game time and I can't help but wonder if this means Clarke is leaning toward RM for RWB. Aye Rico, if we must lose one through injury at least we have enough cover at CB. Disappointed we didn't see Doak, not even on the bench, but Tom English just said on the radio he didn't train last week so that makes some sense. Overall a drab affair but I think Clarke was probably just wanting them to having a run out so I'm not going to shit the bed just yet. Fingers crossed we see a more positive performance on Friday against Finland.
  13. Thought a new thread for the new gaffer was in order now he's in the door! Welcome to the Dons Jimmy
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