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Dons vs County

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Team showed massive character on the weekend and credit really should be heaped on both the team and management for finding a result in what appeared to be an impossible scenario.  County, despite us being at home is going to be a tough fixture.  They're a dogged side and haven't had results go their way of late.  All that being said, play to our strengths, avoid any defensive idiocies like last Sunday and we should be fine.  County are a team that can punish play like that.  Hopefully we have a fully fit squad to choose from.


Big downer is that Willie Collum has been confirmed as the referee for the match.  I expect someone in red to get sent off as the establishment try to reign us in for the newco hunnery.




Watching the rugby preparing to put my cock in folks pints etc...

Hopefully celebrating a Dons victory

2-1 Dons, Taylor and Hayes - McLean to get sent off.

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Missed the last couple of homes due to one thing or another.Working am but hopefully enough time to go.


We should have won by more up there.Play with a similar intensity and we should get the win,COYR


  In or oot - In

  Furry - SS X

  Pre/Post - Driving

  Prediction -  3-1 Dons  Rooney,Hayes,MacLean

  Crowd - 11'438

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Would expect Shinnie to start with Christie dropping back to the bench. Same team other than that. County's league form is awful so as long as we keep playing at the same level we should be looking at a comfortable home win.



train the hopefully time for a pint in the Pit


Pint in town then train back to the capital

3-0 Rooney McGinn and McLean.

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Just back - A sair one on the eyes that game tbh,but said I would have been happy with a 1 - 0 before the game.

  Said to myself just before we scored,I would take Rooney off for someone with a bit more pace to run at them,and then up he pops,so what do I know.

  Glad to get the win,just need to work a bit more on working thru teams like County with one twos,direct running and better movement off the ball.

    Tough game for anyone to stand out,but Jack and MacLean did well,Ash Consi and Joe were fine

Decent crowd,I would guess around 12/13'000


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Not a great game, but a good result. Interesting McInnes mentioned the pitch, it doesn't look great. I'd have thought that a shitey pitch is exactly the reason we'd have Stockley, but I'm guessing he was injured today? Anyway, Storey played the Magennis role well when he came on. 100 mile an hour harassing the defence. Rooney got lucky with the goal, and indeed was lucky to stay on for the whole game. Jack good, Shinnie a bit off the pace, and I thought Hayes looked like he needed a rest. Logan got forward well enough today but the final ball wasn't there. Overall, they were probably unlucky not to get a draw. Ref wasn't too bad, couple of poor decisions but nothing major.

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I enjoyed that game, we started off far the better team and were passing it around well, Country got themselves back into it, with a lot of help from Scotlands best ref, but right on half time Rooney missed the kind of chance he would normally smack in the back on the net blindfolded and felt like it was going to be one of them days.


Second half I would say County started off better than us and had a couple of decent chances which Lewis saved well fromand then came another inspired substitiution from Deek in the form of Miles Storey, who started to stretch play out wide in the final third which pulled the County players out wide which seemed to work and not long afterwards we scored, Rooney making amends for his first half miss, then we shut up shop by putting on O'Connor and County were still pushing for that equaliser, but fortunately never got it. We had a few chances ourselves, but glad we came away with another 3 points and yet another substitution turning the game in our favour, although he didn't get the goal.


I thought Hayes and McGinn didn't have the best of games today, Joe did well when called upon in goal, as we have come to expect. McLean had another good game and so did Jack. I thought Ash did well in defence also.


Dougie Bell did the half time draw, not often we see ex players do this nowadays.


Collum is just the worst ref in our game and made some strange decisions today, which I suppose we should expect.


By the way, does anyone know what has happened to the guys that sell the badges and scarves outside Pittodrie have disappeared too?  Haven't been there for week and my son has been missing getting his badges.


We have now pulled 9 points clear of the zombies and Hearts and Saints dropping points too made today a sweet victory.

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Well, a game we could have won, drawn, or lost. Both teams had and missed chances. Still, luck is on our side at the moment and I'm a firm believer you create your own luck. 3 more points and 9 ahead of the comedy club.


Interesting to note that the huns, Hearts, and St J all lost. We really should pull away and finish second by double digits. I certainly voiced my concerns pre Xmas that we failed in the summer transfer market, and again in January. However, DM finally playing a settled team has helped McLean and Jack find form and the team has been consistently performing. We still have a thin squad but with the huns and Hearts imploding that's certainly helped our cause. Hopefully we stay injury and suspension free and push on for second and a strong cup performance.



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Stockley, but I'm guessing he was injured today?


Red TV had him as their guest but never actually mentioned why he was out.  Injury seems the most likely reason, although, from the sound of his hipster drawl, it might have been because he had a mad one last night down Shoreditch with the lads from the Mighty Boosh.



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