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Dundee - Dons - Friday

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With all this fucking shite going on I'd completely forgotten we had a game on Friday.  fuck knows who's taking charge of the team and fuck knows who's going to play.  I'm guessing it'll be Sheerin taking charge?  What a complete mess.




I may get up for this one

work around the farm

2-0 Dundee.

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Tribute Act have played a blinder. Completely fucked the club and morale of fans. As Manc says no idea now how team will set up or even who will be in charge. To top it off it's going to be freezing and I hate Friday night football. Dundee seem to be getting their shit together so this will not be an easy game. Looks like May will be out so assume Rooney up front.


In if its on

Work then sprint for Train.

Away End

Sprint back to station

0-2 no Dons scorer



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With all this fucking shite going on I'd completely forgotten we had a game on Friday.  fuck knows who's taking charge of the team and fuck knows who's going to play.  I'm guessing it'll be Sheerin taking charge?  What a complete mess.




I may get up for this one

work around the farm

2-0 Dundee.


You'll be job hunting anyway lol.


How's all that going Manc.


4-0 dons n a show of defiance.


Unless of course Dundee are reported to buy our stadium which will really fuck us up.





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Interesting one. Dundee playing okay at the moment. Hopefully we'll turn them over with a bit more freedom now that the players are certain that their manager won't be there. Need our more experienced players like Shinnie to drag us through this one. Be interesting to see if there is any tinkering with the line up. I don't think Ross or Harvie did quite enough to start, so I'd see a similar line up to last weekend with Christie coming back in for May.


Out, watching on TV etc etc.

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Don’t see Any significant changes -



Logan - Arnie - McK - considine

McLean - Shinnie

Stewart - Christie - Wright



1-1, Rooney


Sounded like GMS and May won’t make it, at worst on the bench. Don’t see intern managers in their first game starting Harvie or Ross.

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Maybe Frank Ross didn't do enough to start, but not many others did enough to keep their place, so give the loon a chance, he might not be good enough, but we have enough first team players in the same boat, so why not oor loons?


We have been all over the shop the past few games and just need three points tomorrow by whatever means necessary.


A hard game it will be and thought Dundee were unlucky up here at the start of the season, didn't expect them to struggle like they have.


0-1 - Nicky Maynard.

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Maybe Frank Ross didn't do enough to start, but not many others did enough to keep their place, so give the loon a chance, he might not be good enough, but we have enough first team players in the same boat, so why not oor loons?


Aye, it's a fair point. My thought was that if Ross was coming in that it would be for Wright anyway. With that in mind, I was hoping Wright might get a few starts while GMS is injured to get him hitting a bit of form. Happy for that to be Ross instead, but I thought he was more of a central player.

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4 out of the last 5 goals we've lost have been from Considine's side.  Surely time he's given a rest.  Give the boy Harvie a start - if it doesn't work...well, it wasn't working with the experienced defender there, no difference. It may also mean we have some form of attack from left back as well.

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Ignore my last post, since DM is staying now I hope he does start Harvie. We desperately need Shinnie in midfield and our left side is obviously weak. What’s happened to Arnie? I assumed he was a sub at Killie because of the turf but then to miss a rangers game? Two games in a week to much for the old guy? Our defense seemed to have been fixed but it’s been the return of Considine that has  seen us ship goals - def Arnie in the middle and try Harvie.


2-1 us, Rooney and Stewart.

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Hasn't Ross come on before and played on the right with Wright on the left.


Nope, he came on and played in the centre. We were 4 goals up at the time I think, possibly the Motherwell game but maybe Stranraer.


Harvie is a right back isn't he? Hence why I wasn't suggesting he start at left back. He should see more game time as cover for both Logan and Considine/Shinnie though.

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Nope, he came on and played in the centre. We were 4 goals up at the time I think, possibly the Motherwell game but maybe Stranraer.


Harvie is a right back isn't he? Hence why I wasn't suggesting he start at left back. He should see more game time as cover for both Logan and Considine/Shinnie though.


My understanding Harvie is a left back but I could be wrong...

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You'll be job hunting anyway lol.


How's all that going Manc.


4-0 dons n a show of defiance.


Unless of course Dundee are reported to buy our stadium which will really fuck us up.




Stuff arrived today so may go out for a bike ride in the morning.  Do you know if the game is on Sky Sports over here? If so, will be waking up early to catch it now.

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