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Aberdeen vs Celtic

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Unnecessary change has fucked the whole team.


My Tim mate thinks mcinnes was caught by surprise at how they've lined up (3 at the back) which has meant that Tierney et al are higher up the pitch. This leaves us chasing shadows, not sure why he didn't change it up when it was immediately obvious it wasn't working...seriously need to think hard about who comes on. But we need to press, like the leith junkies did. It's not fucking rocket science.

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They are playing well no doubt but as I said they just look faster and stronger all over the pitch.


Playing Rooney hasn't helped he's been about as much use as a trapdoor in a canoe. An extra body in midfield would maybe have helped.


And Rogic is just running amok

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Playing Rooney was a bizarre choice given that to have any chance we had to dominate the midfield.


However I suppose we just have to accept that Celtic have used their vast monetary advantage well. Their players just seem to be better all round athletes. Faster, more strength, more stamina. And more skilful.  :(

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