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KennyFuckinPowers last won the day on November 21 2021

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About KennyFuckinPowers

  • Birthday February 13

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  1. I'll probably come in for some stick, nothing I am not used too but I'll bump the gums again for big Duncan Ferguson! There are many reasons for this, and some reasons against it ( I'll get on to them further in the post ) Reasons FOR - Someone you'd want to play for, no nonsense, aggressive and Players would leave everything out on the pitch in each and every single game, the lack of fight we show, and have done for years, is something he simply wouldn't allow, been far too many insipid cowardly performances for some time and I think his no nonsense attitude is something glaringly lacking from modern Football. His work with Youth as well, he's been directly involved in the likes of Calvert-Lewin, Coleman, Gordon, Kenny, Holgate, Davies etc...progression to the 1st Team Squad, all who have played a good number of games as I am sure you're aware. People he's worked under, okay for various reasons it's not gone well, but he's learning from the likes of Ancelotti, Moyes, Benitez etc... too, that has got to count for something when he does eventually go off on his own into Management. Reasons AGAINST - Granted, people may say we couldn't afford him, he's also inexperienced as the main man for any length of time and he may not want to work up here, his Family are all settled in Liverpool. All I know is, he 100% wants to be a Manager, I think this would be a fantastic opportunity for him to come up here and cut his managerial teeth, there is realistic opportunities to qualify for Europe, progress ( hopefully win ) in both Domestic Cup Competitions and get as close to, preferably challenge, Celtic & Rangers with much lesser resources. I genuinely feel we should at least present it to him. Please no to the likes of Jack Ross & Neil Lennon etc.....
  2. Indeed, a rather underwhelming end to it all really.
  3. Copy and pasting this from the Hedges thread, which I just replied too, apologies. Hedges to Blackburn will be completed tomorrow for 225k apparently. According to Scott Burns, we're interested in some boy called Jacob Davenport on loan for the rest of the Season ( From Blackburn funnily enough ) and McGrath is alive again, McGrath himself having a change of heart and is now keen on moving here. Wonder if we'll use the Hedges money to get McGrath in tomorrow instead of waiting til the end of the Season? Also signing a Striker from England on a permanent and not a loan, which is much needed for me, Ramirez can't be expected to carry the can for the whole Season.
  4. 225k and will be finalised tomorrow apparently. According to Scott Burns, we'll be getting some boy called Jacob Davenport on loan for the rest of the Season ( From Blackburn ) and McGrath is alive again, McGrath himself having a change of heart and is now keen on moving here. Wonder if we'll use the Hedges money to get McGrath in tomorrow instead of waiting til the end of the Season? Also have a Striker incoming, permanent and not a loan, which if true, is much needed.
  5. Not a lover of Bob Dylan truth be told, which I always get strange looks for considering I am Springsteen daft. But I like this sort of stuff from him.
  6. 3 Wins on the bounce and all of a sudden we are in a much better position in the League, a point off 4th I believe? For what it's worth, I thought we absolutely deserved 3 points today, they offered the square root of fuck all for the most, slightly more adventurous 2nd Half, but on the whole, they were limp and inept. Us on the other hand, barring some poor decision making again in the final 3rd, could have scored a couple more comfortably. How Shaun Rooney is a Professional Football Player, I'll never know, guy is literally a poundland version of Ross Tokely. Big JET, some turnaround from him, if that fella upped his work rate by about 20%, he would have been at a higher level more consistently throughout his career, just not his style though, and when he's on that sort of form, then who gives a fuck? I think he's a key part of the 11 as it stands. A game Marely Watkins will want to forget in a hurry, such a talented boy, just wasn't his day. Anyway, things hopefully turned for us now, get this consistency going and claw back Hearts, it's not unachievable.
  7. Midnight Mass For the love of fuck, do not believe the hype with this, I'm 5 episodes in and it's up there with some of the biggest pish I've ever seen.
  8. I was very underwhelmed to start with, but he's grown on me, clearly just someone that needed the game time to get up to speed, and to an extent I agree regarding the supply from said Players, he'd thrive on that. But he's already built a strong relationship with young Ramsay, I think even MacKenzie has assisted 1-2? Once those boys continue their development, Ramirez will thrive even more. But, we have Marley Watkins now, Hedges as well, those two should be contributing more in the final 3rd, maybe a bit early to be critical of Watkins, given he's only just back and is also needing matches, but he's creative, Hedges is supposed to be too. We have on paper, a pretty good squad in my opinion, one that is not performing to it's capability, I am sure there are multiple factors for this, but we really need to pull our finger out, and sharpish.
  9. There's absolutely no doubt it'd help, obviously not at the other end of the Pitch, but defensively, absolutely. We've still to see the best from Bates and Gallagher in my opinion, the 2 of them performing will massively help, I think Ross McCrorie deserves a ridiculous amount of credit, that boy has been shifted around a fair bit, under McInnes too, he just gets on with it, always throws himself at everything and dusts himself down and carries on. He looks really comfortable in the back 3, even on the left side of that.
  10. Multiple factors for yesterday's shit show. Granted Madden was a disgrace, Ojo did what anyone else in that situation would have done, Madden couldn't wait to even the card situation, Butcher was correctly sent off, but those pikey bastards made such a meal of it Madden was probably looking for any opportunity to even it out. The game itself however, come on man, yet again we were strolling it, other than Fuchs chance after 48 seconds, they were up there with one of the worse team I've seen, only slightly better than a very shit Motherwell, yet they still managed to beat us, why? Because for some strange reason, our decision making in the final 3rd is unforgivable. Ryan Hedges always tried too hard, always tries to carry the can alone, numerous times yesterday he had ample opportunities to put in a ball, or a cut back etc.. yet he continued to drive into traffic and it petered out to fuck all, he was up there with the worse performers yesterday, yet on another day, could have had an amazing game had he made the right choices. Watkins was as quiet as I have seen him, Ramirez also. Granted they lacked service, but Gurr tried, he played well I thought, yet he's been getting some weird criticism, he also made some poor decisions, but also put in a few good crosses, had a flash half volley wide and was a willing runner all game, naturally he tired, but I think the stick he got was unwarranted. We are definitely better on the eye under Glass, we keep the ball well and we knock it about with confidence, it's literally just that individual choice when it matters the most, and other than young Ramsay, they seem to be getting it very wrong. But on the flip side, we're losing far too many points against proper guff teams, Motherwell, Ross County, United yesterday etc...these teams are literally pish, they offer nothing, yet bizarrely, are scoring when they do eventually venture forward! It's fucking infuriating. I was very much willing to give him the Season, especially after that good trio of performances vs Hibs/Hearts/Rangers, but then Motherwell and Dundee United later, we're back to square one and those results seem insignificant. Is it because of the Injury situation? Because we've had an almost fully fit squad at some point this season and we were still losing. I really don't know what to think. I really like him ( Glass ) I like his passion and he talks a good game, but they don't put points on the board, what are we supposed to do?
  11. The Hermit Of Treig 74yo Mike Smith has lived off the land for the last 40 years! No electricity, Gas etc.... It's available to watch on iPlayer just now and I highly recommend it. Personally find him admirable, but at this stage, I'd feel a lot better if he moved back into civilization and was closer to Emergency Services, he's a 2 hour walk from the nearest Road! https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0011hp3
  12. Unfortunately it's all being done through a training School, Rico. The next part of the process was contacting them once my Provisional PCV came through, they in turn book the Theory/Hazard. I have emailed the woman in charge, hopefully hear back from her ASAP. Cheers anyway.
  13. I have begun the process of applying to become a Bus Driver, I have had and passed the Medical, they took my Driving License off me on the same day they did the Medical, and said I now need to wait for a Provisional PCV License, however, my Driving License came back through the Post today, there's nothing different about it whatsoever, is there a separate License for Buses/HGV Drivers or would it just get added to my normal License? I am supposed to book the Theory/Hazard/CPC Test when the Provisional PCV License arrives, this is where I am getting slightly confused. Also, would love to hear from you regarding the Job itself, what's it like and are you happy in doing it? I appreciate HGV & Bus Driving will be completely different, just curious about your feelings towards it.
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