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42 minutes ago, RicoS321 said:

It was when haardon first replied though. They've obviously downgraded because he was so quick to say take it. Bologna are known for watching this site.

Well in that case.


Aberdeen fc have just received an increase bid from Man Utd for £8million.

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2 hours ago, HaarDon said:

I dont want rid of him woking but that price is too good an offer for a team sitting in the middle of the league.

A club record near £5mill?

Bloody right I'd take it.

We will miss him ofc.


2 hours ago, RicoS321 said:

I'd like to see us run sustainably as a club and have as little reliance on Cormack and others as possible. The last couple of seasons has seen us take a fair hit, and if we can rectify that quickly, I think it's in the best interest of the club. Ramsay's value isn't likely to go up significantly (from now) playing in the spfl, and I think doig at Hibs provides a decent example of the opposite happening. £4.8M would have been huge (albeit, looks a lot more like £4M), and not likely to come around again. It sets a benchmark for future sales too, especially if he does well. Ramsay could be the start of something bigger (or not), we've not really established a baseline for selling players. If we start getting a lot of players through like him, I think we would begin to question selling quickly. 

I can see what you are saying boys but as a fan it's shit.  When I watch my team I want to see the best players on the park, I couldn't really care less what the balance sheet looks like.  Part of our Data Man's pitch to the fans about Glass was that he had helped Atlanta make millions when they sold one of their top players.  That might be great if you are the chairman but fans want entertainment and the chance to compete.  Replacing Ramsay with some second rate right back from Rotherham won't make it any better viewing for us just because Cormack has £5M more in his pocket.  I would rather try to hold on to him until we have a gun at our head and really have to sell.   

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23 minutes ago, wokinginashearerwonderland said:


I can see what you are saying boys but as a fan it's shit.  When I watch my team I want to see the best players on the park, I couldn't really care less what the balance sheet looks like.  Part of our Data Man's pitch to the fans about Glass was that he had helped Atlanta make millions when they sold one of their top players.  That might be great if you are the chairman but fans want entertainment and the chance to compete.  Replacing Ramsay with some second rate right back from Rotherham won't make it any better viewing for us just because Cormack has £5M more in his pocket.  I would rather try to hold on to him until we have a gun at our head and really have to sell.   

The problem for me with that is that's exactly what the Huns say about the balance sheet when they spend miles outwith their means. I don't see a difference. Cormack providing short term funding, or capital infrastructure investment is one thing, but he should be refunded when we make that back. To be fair, he's shown with McKenna that he wouldn't just accept the first big offer if it doesn't suit the team. 

I think that if Ramsay doesn't go now, it'll be in the summer. I'm not sure it'll make significant difference to our fortunes holding onto him for another six months over having someone like Ojo at fullback. He's still very much in development.

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I am going off the point a bit here but what the huns #1 did before in not paying their creditors and evading taxes was totally out of order but I don’t have a problem with what the huns #2 are doing just now. If someone wants to bankroll a club then good luck them. You wouldn’t have seen Blackburn, Man City, Chelsea and rest do anything if it wasn’t for that. 
We have had it with Milne, the Donald’s, Cormack and Crotty and I guess without that investment we might be £10m in debt. However clubs who sell their best players are inevitably worse off in the end.

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51 minutes ago, wokinginashearerwonderland said:

I am going off the point a bit here but what the huns #1 did before in not paying their creditors and evading taxes was totally out of order but I don’t have a problem with what the huns #2 are doing just now. If someone wants to bankroll a club then good luck them. You wouldn’t have seen Blackburn, Man City, Chelsea and rest do anything if it wasn’t for that. 
We have had it with Milne, the Donald’s, Cormack and Crotty and I guess without that investment we might be £10m in debt. However clubs who sell their best players are inevitably worse off in the end.

But Huns 1 did pay their creditors. Until they didn't. It's the exact same business model, save for the side letters. I don't think global football has benefited from the rise of Man city, Chelsea etc. I'd be interested to see how much money Milne lost on AFC, similarly the Donalds. As far as I'm aware, Milne still has a substantial shareholding including preferential shares attached to the sale of pittodrie, but it's been a few years since I've looked at the accounts. It's the dons that ran at a loss for years, not Milne. Cormack slightly different in that respect if he is to believed, with loans from his family or some shite for Hernandez. 

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  • 2 months later...
40 minutes ago, BigAl said:

Liverpool ❓

Mmmm, I wonder.

I was hoping he'd maybe go abroad and see how he gets on. Maybe Barcelona...

Wouldn't surprise me if Liverpool went for him though, it's definitely the level he should be attempting to get to in his career. In my opinion he's not going to develop here unfortunately, he's probably too good for a season in the SPFL. To get the best out of his career, he probably needs an interim move abroad somewhere or lower EPL or a Norwich type going for promotion. Obviously a lot could go wrong either way, but I think he's going very far in the game. Hopefully he'll get the right move to make it happen (with a massive sell on).

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57 minutes ago, wokinginashearerwonderland said:

Where you getting that from BigAl, is there a rumour doing the rounds? 
Their right back looks locked in for the next 10-15 years, probably the hardest position to get into in that team. And he’s a scouser so unlikely to want away.

Well Done Applause GIF by Liverpool FC


Been reported in press they are looking at Ramsey as back up.



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10 hours ago, Jute said:

Got someone I do business with in Liverpool that sent me the message at the weekend that there was a rumour doing the rounds last week about young players they were looking at and Calvin's name was included.

As Jute has shown the story then appears to have broken in the press, firstly The Mail On Sunday I think and then others. 

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That would be a terrible move for Ramsay in my opinion.  He wouldn't have a hope in hell of breaking through into that team and could end up lost to the game.  A bit like when Danny Wilson signed for them from Rangers, it did more harm to his career by moving. Patterson has shown how difficult it is to get a game in the premier league with Everton.  I hope for his sake and ours that he moves to somewhere like McKenna did at Notts Forest first then on to bigger and better things.  It would likely make it much more lucrative for us as well, then he could move on to Man Utd for £40M 18 months later!

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2 hours ago, The D.O.C.1903 said:

It's BS nothing but BS! 

Quite possibly is nothing more than paper talk. 

I would say he needs at least another year of first team football here before considering a move away myself. Not good enough defensively yet or consistent enough. Think both of those will come with game time he will get staying at Aberdeen. 

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On 19/04/2022 at 11:28, Jute said:

Quite possibly is nothing more than paper talk. 

I would say he needs at least another year of first team football here before considering a move away myself. Not good enough defensively yet or consistent enough. Think both of those will come with game time he will get staying at Aberdeen. 

Normally I would agree but in this case I'm not so sure. I mean, Liverpool are genuinely one of the top 3 clubs in the world right now and probably will be for a while yet.  You could argue that just training regularly with that squad, manager and coaching staff could  improve him more as a player than slugging it out in the Scottish top flight for another year.  


Regardless though I don't think there can be any argument that if Liverpool come calling CR would turn down the move to establish himself in the Aberdeen team. Paterson is a fair point but he was signed by benitez whom was binned within a fortnight for lampard.  Klopp has a far better record at developing talented youth than any of Patersons managers so far and tends to be a fairly small squad manager.  As a result anyone he brings in usually gets some game time given the number of games Liverpool play so I would have a bit more optimism at CR getting a fair crack at the whip at anfield. 

Edited by tlg1903
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1 hour ago, tlg1903 said:

Normally I would agree but in this case I'm not so sure. I mean, Liverpool are genuinely one of the top 3 clubs in the world right now and probably will be for a while yet.  You could argue that just training regularly with that squad, manager and coaching staff could  improve him more as a player than slugging it out in the Scottish top flight for another year.  


Regardless though I don't think there can be any argument that if Liverpool come calling CR would turn down the move to establish himself in the Aberdeen team. Paterson is a fair point but he was signed by benitez whom was binned within a fortnight for lampard.  Klopp has a far better record at developing talented youth than any of Patersons managers so far and tends to be a fairly small squad manager.  As a result anyone he brings in usually gets some game time given the number of games Liverpool play so I would have a bit more optimism at CR getting a fair crack at the whip at anfield. 

I'd be inclined to compare Ramsay to Gilmour here rather than Paterson. Playing with the Liverpool squad/reserves/u21 or whatever is all arguably a higher level than playing with us, and it's a very stable and highly successful club. Even having Robertson there helps him. No way he declines to stay with us if the offer comes in.

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1 hour ago, LA-Don said:

I'd be inclined to compare Ramsay to Gilmour here rather than Paterson. Playing with the Liverpool squad/reserves/u21 or whatever is all arguably a higher level than playing with us, and it's a very stable and highly successful club. Even having Robertson there helps him. No way he declines to stay with us if the offer comes in.

Aye, no danger robbo wouldn't take him under his wing a wee bit. 

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42 minutes ago, Jute said:

That will increase his transfer fee in the summer.

Aye, that thought did occur to me.

Would be really helpful if in the remaining four league games we have if Ramsay could have his best ever four games for us whilst he is on the radar of so many (apparently). 

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3 hours ago, BigAl said:

Personally more than a little bit surprised but Calvin is the winner of Sports Writers Association Young Player of the Year.

Well done loon 👍

It's clearly based on potential rather than performance that's for sure. 

I'm not surprised that the writers have chosen him, I can see why. He's a beautiful player to watch, his gait, plays with his head up, great vision, great with both feet and always has time on the ball. They're likely imagining the player that he could be rather than the one he currently is. I'm guessing that he won't get player's player as they'll see the unfinished article who probably wasn't that difficult to play against. I remember his future teammate Andy Robertson getting schooled at pittodrie by an ageing Robson who likely told him he was shite. Probably a similar thing here.

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