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Hibs V Aberdeen

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Our match on Saturday will be difficult. Although we have won the last two encounters Hibs will test us.  Shinnie will be missed for the two upcoming games but will give others a chance. Being optimistic I always back the Dons to win every match.


Hibs 1 Aberdeen 3.

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1-1 (GMS)


Can't see us getting all three points in this one. Whilst we may have blown them away earlier in the season at Pittodrie, Lennon normally has them fired up for their bigger games and this is certainly a big game for them and one they simply can't lose to us if they have any aspirations to finish above us this season. Remember that Lennon was spouting off about them being the second best team in the country not that long ago. Suspect a draw is best we'll do with GMS to continue his love affair of scoring against them. Worried about the goalkeeping situation, the defence, and the loss of Shinnie for the game. Total it up and it's a lot of worries. Draw might not be the worst outcome given all of that.

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1-1 (GMS)


Can't see us getting all three points in this one. Whilst we may have blown them away earlier in the season at Pittodrie, Lennon normally has them fired up for their bigger games and this is certainly a big game for them and one they simply can't lose to us if they have any aspirations to finish above us this season. Remember that Lennon was spouting off about them being the second best team in the country not that long ago. Suspect a draw is best we'll do with GMS to continue his love affair of scoring against them. Worried about the goalkeeping situation, the defence, and the loss of Shinnie for the game. Total it up and it's a lot of worries. Draw might not be the worst outcome given all of that.



McInnes oot.

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I reckon we’ll get another result.


Unfortunately Hibs seem to be the only top 6 team we set up to go out and beat. They set up to attack us, but we come out the traps at them. Unsurprisingly we keep getting results due to this.


3-1. To carry on the high scoring. McGinn being back has stepped up our attack significantly. Once May is fit it could be taps aff’


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No Shinnie is our biggest problem for this game. Hibs' midfield is the equal of anyone in the league bar the Dhims, not sure if Ball or Nwakali will get the nod to start but neither are anywhere as good as the guys they will come up against.


I'm hoping that attack proves the best form of defence because I think we will need to score at least twice to get anything out of the game.

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I see according to BBC online gossip

Aberdeen captain Graeme Shinnie is appealing for more leniency from referees after picking up his 13th yellow card of the season at the weekend. (Daily Express, print edition)


Do you think that (assuming this isn't misquoted pap) he's just gone a guaranteed himself a yellow in every game he ever plays for the Dons from now on?


Now if Scott Brown had said that..............................





Maybe online

Don't know

0-1 Aberdeen Logan


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Shinnie being out will be a big miss in this game. In previous 2 games we have bossed the Hibs midfield which has given us the platform to win the games. Shinnie has been a big part of this. Not sure Ball or Nwakali will be able to produce the same results. Do not think a draw would be that bad a result. At the back would like to see Kari replace O'Connor who was pretty poor on Sunday. Would also consider putting Rogers back in. Suspect Deek will do neither.




Away end


1-1 McGinn

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May available for this one at last.    :thumbsup:  Were scoring plenty goals as it is,but you get the feeling May alongside McGinn Christie and GMS ,would be more on the same wavelength.Them in full flow is a tasty prospect


  Good to see a full house for this,should be good,COYR

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May available for this one at last.    :thumbsup:  Were scoring plenty goals as it is,but you get the feeling May alongside McGinn Christie and GMS ,would be more on the same wavelength.Them in full flow is a tasty prospect


  Good to see a full house for this,should be good,COYR


It was both May and Rooney last time round. I think May did a lot of excellent work against the HIV cunts in the last game, completely upsetting their midfield and defence with his harrying. His positional awareness is very good (night and day compared to Nicky obviously) and he gets his body in front of the man. That said, he's looked (and that game included) average at best on the ball and in front of goal so hopefully we'll see that improve. The jury is very much out on him, and definitely him and Rooney as a partnership, which I never see working. I don't think May will start, but hopefully a good run out from the bench is in order, with a goal for his confidence.


Out etc.


Rooney, May 0-2

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Glad to read mays back for this, if only to offer something a bit different. Can see this one being a really tough one as others have said. Having mcginn will be a big boost though so hopefully have enough to see it through. GMS is due his hibs goal  :thumbsup:


2-1 dons, mcginn and gms

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Fuck off, 2-0 now. Another game where it appears the managers tactics have fucked us. Looked like a 5-5-0 to start the game and the same defensive shite. We cannot sit back and absorb pressure, we’re not good enough defensively to play this way. When have these tactics worked?


We could get fucking roasted here.

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