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Jayden Stockley

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Whilst Rooney was being played out wide yesterday (we all know he does fuck all on the wing), I think LA Don has touched on it in another thread.  Stockley and it would also appear to be PeePaw, make a difference coming off the bench.  I'm not sure they have it in them to do it for the full 90.  How we get the best out of Rooney at the mo is beyond me though.

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He demonstrated quite clearly what he was signed for yesterday - to give us a Plan B when Plan A is not working.  Not sure he should be viewed as a Rooney replacement or anything similar, that's not really his purpose.



Rooney is a born goalscorer. Stockley isn't in my view but certainly worth the odd start and definitely worth having as an impact substitute.

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I'm not so sure about that, I don't think we can really say for certain unless he is actually given a run of starts.  I think he's defo a player fwiw.  Bar the sitter at mordor his finishing has not only been excellent but quite varied too.  We've had 30 yard lobs  to poachers goals like yesterday and a lot of them have been important goals as well.  I think he might surprise you if given the opportunity in other words.

One thing I would add is that Stockley doesn't score yesterday if Rooney isn't causing Addison so much stress.  It was as good as an assist almost. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Made the effort to watch him today. His link play is good, real pain in the ass for defenders, and shows good skill sometimes. Don't recall any scoring chances though other than from a cut back that he fired in and Rooney got a touch for the keeper to make a save. Thought he had a good game.


Rooney is struggling. Another game another overhead kick....

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I thought he was a donkey but he has played well over the last few weeks with some nice touches. Shame he is not a more prolific striker though as Rooney is way off form at the moment and it would be good to have an option there. Hopefully Rooney will start getting the rub of the grass again soon though.

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Made the effort to watch him today. His link play is good, real pain in the ass for defenders, and shows good skill sometimes. Don't recall any scoring chances though other than from a cut back that he fired in and Rooney got a touch for the keeper to make a save. Thought he had a good game.


Rooney is struggling. Another game another overhead kick....


Rooney is determined to score with an overhead kick, dropping him would probably do him good as we know he still has goals in him, but him and Stockley are not a partnership.

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Don't think Rooney and Stockley work as a pairing, should be one or the other.


Probably not a popular opinion based on the posts recently but I'd take an "out of form" Rooney who's still outscoring Stockley every day of the week. For me Stockley is better as an impact sub when we need to change things up anyway.

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Don't think Rooney and Stockley work as a pairing, should be one or the other.


Probably not a popular opinion based on the posts recently but I'd take an "out of form" Rooney who's still outscoring Stockley every day of the week. For me Stockley is better as an impact sub when we need to change things up anyway.


Feel dirty agreeing with someone who is missing the semi final to attend a Huns wedding but have to agree. For all his effort Stockley did not manage a shot on target today while the off form Rooney still made the keeper make a couple of saves. Stockley just does not look like a natural goal scorer which is a draw back for a player who's main job is to score goals.

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Why not give Storey a run out if it isn't really working for Rooney?  I've seen fuck all of him really to even make a judgement on him but I definitely think Stockley is best coming off the bench.


I don't think Storey is very good at football, which is the main drawback. The fact that it seems that we went for May in January suggests McInnes is aware of Rooney's performances of late. I think we'll be getting a striker in the summer without doubt. Like many of our players recently (McLean, Jack, McGinn etc), he's being played through his poor run of form rather than benched due to lack of good alternatives. I just don't think McInnes (or me) thinks Storey is good enough or clever enough to perform 90 minutes for us. I think he's a great sub, because he is 100mph and scares defenders ala Josh Magennis, but he doesn't seem to link up with our other players due to his head-down and charge approach to the game.


In all honesty, I don't think we've improved on Magennis or Vernon in the second striker role. Stockley has shown flashes of decent play, but even at the weekend he barely won a header (poor service admittedly). I think he may turn into a half decent player, just has to use his attributes a bit better.


I think we'll persevere with Rooney to be honest. Force him back to form. Not sure it will happen, and I'd be inclined to rest him if it doesn't happen in the next game and give him something to prove against der Hun next month.


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I think stockley is miles better than Rooney given the chance permanently.


His lay offs are superb but I must admit, I am disappointed he hasn't scored more.


I'd stick with him and give the lad all the support he needs.


Good guy too.


Allez Le Stocke du Jayden


Why don't we stick with Rooney and give him the all the support he needs? Afterall, this is a player who has proven his attributes over a period of seasons for us and is just in a bad run of form.


Stockley has proven nothing for us, yet.  He's not very good in the air and doesn't have a great touch, also doesn't seem to have that striker instinct of heading for the box after he's linked the play.  He wasn't even close to being in the right position for scoring on Saturday but Rooney, despite being off form, was getting himself in there. 

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In a 16 team league you'd have games/runs where you can blood youngsters for extended time plus try to develop a partnership of Rooney/Stockley. In our current set up every game counts since we rely on games vs the old firm for extra dosh so need top 6 and rely on Europe and cup runs for money. Every game matters is exciting but it comes at a cost.


If we cared about Scottish football and development we'd have a reserve league again and a 16 team league. I get that a 16 team league would have 'meaningless' games at the end of the season but that's where you develop youngsters and partnerships.

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