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League Cup Semi Final v Utd

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No need to wait until they chuck the numbered balls in a bowl on Saturday

We all know the outcome already


AFC v Victim FC

Sports Direct FC v Arabs



Been saying the same this morning.


Not sure if anyone here heard it last night, but Chick Young, upon announcing the Jutes had won, said something along the lines of "Rangers, Celtic, Aberdeen and Dundee United... the natural order of Scottish Football is back"


hahaha... what?

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Heard that Bobby.

Also heard Liam McLeod ( I think it was anyway) positively frothing at the mouth about the prospect of a Howkers v Sports Direct VI draw and managing to ask Guidetti about the possibility in about six different ways.


Kind of hoping the draw is as I forecast and that it is an AFC v Arabs final just to piss the fuckers off big time.

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Heard that Bobby.

Also heard Liam McLeod ( I think it was anyway) positively frothing at the mouth about the prospect of a Howler v Sports Direct VI draw and managing to ask Guidetti about the possibility in about six different ways.


Kind of hoping the draw is as I forecast and that it is an AFC v Arabs final just to piss the fuckers off big time.


Would imagine the police would be very jumpy about a semi final featuring any of the three against the huns, but United is by far and away the least volatile out of the possibilities.


Even if we got them and beat them, you know what sort of crap would be in the media in the run up and afterwards. Who misses that shite? i certainly don't.

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The Huns are not going to make the final regardless of who they play. I REALLY want a pop at the cunts, we could give them a right shoeing! Like no lube, no reach around and then urinated on afterwards kinda shoeing.


Whilst I don't think we're at our best right now, I find it hard to not agree with what you're saying. We will face them again, regardless of what happens. I'd like to think we have enough to actually beat them. Fucking bring it.

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That odious little cunt Chick young said before the draw yesterday a potential old firm semi was a 'shot in the arm' for Scottish football.

Was delighted that Richard Gordon immediately took him to task about it saying it was nonsense and Dons, Utd, Hibs, killie fans etc couldn't care less about an old firm game.

the pointless little fuckwits claimed it would bring interest back to our game from a worldwide audience.  :dunno:

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