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These people really need shot for these crimes..



He shagged a 15 year old when he was in his 30s. It's really pretty horrible and disgusting but I think these sorts of thing should be kept in proportion. It's not like 15 year old's can't make rationale decisions.

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BBC broadcaster Stuart Hall has admitted 14 charges of indecently assaulting girls including one aged nine.

The 83-year-old of Wilmslow, Cheshire, pleaded guilty at Preston Crown Court to the offences, involving 13 victims, which occurred between 1967 and 1985.

Three charges of indecent assault and one of rape will lie on the court file.

His lawyer said Hall apologised to his victims and added: "He is all too aware that his disgrace is complete."

He has been bailed until sentencing on 17 June. 

A BBC spokesperson said: "The BBC is appalled by the disgraceful actions of Stuart Hall and we would like to express our sympathy to his victims.  We will continue to work with the police to assist them in this and any other inquiries they are making."

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Not paedo just raping young men  ::)


Deputy House of Commons Speaker Nigel Evans has been arrested on suspicion of rape and sexual assault, Conservative sources say.

The Conservative MP, 55, is being questioned about alleged attacks on two men in their 20s, the BBC understands.

Police said a 55-year-old man was arrested on Saturday morning and was being interviewed by officers.

The alleged offences took place between July 2009 and March 2013 in Pendleton, Lancashire, police added.

It is understood detectives were continuing to question him through the evening.

Prime Minister David Cameron has been made aware of the arrest, it is understood.

In a statement, Lancashire Police, who have not named the man, said: "A 55-year-old man from Pendleton in Lancashire has today, Saturday, 4th May 2013, been arrested by Lancashire Constabulary on suspicion of rape and sexual assault. 



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  • 3 months later...
TV presenter Rolf Harris has been charged with nine counts of indecent assault and four of making indecent images of children, police have said. Mr Harris was first arrested in March by officers investigating historical allegations of child sexual abuse.

Six offences relate to the indecent assault of a girl aged 15-16 between 1980 and 1981 and three relate to a girl aged 14 in 1986.

The indecent images of children were alleged to have been made last year.

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