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'Well vs. Dons

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Yet another must win game where we desperately need to try and find 3 points. The team seems to be devoid of any confidence whatsoever, so they really need to wake up and get their shit into gear or we will be going down. Seems mental to even be typing that, but I think it's fair given the severity of the situation. Who do we see as stepping up here? We got absolutely bullied in the middle of the park by Dundee, do we ditch Barron? Obviously we drew 3-3 with them recently, which was a clusterfuck of a game and seems to have revitalised them a wee bit. Lost two games on the bounce after that but then won two as well. They are the third highest scoring team in the league so given our defence, i'm not overly optimistic.

2-0 well, no dons scorer.

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Not optimistic at all. I look at Wednesdays team and the bench, there isn’t a single change I’d make that I think makes us better apart from maybe clarkson for Barron, but it’s really just like for like. We only have two going on three battlers in our team, shinnie and devlin, and maybe Phillips, although as much as I appreciate Phillips effort, haven’t seen much else.

saying all of this, if the team that beat killie shows up we’re totally capable of a win.

2-0 to Motherwell.

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Only sliver of confidence I have about tomorrow is that as bad as we have been this season we have still taken 7 goals off Motherwell this season so they are not that great either. As Orlando says above looking at squad I can’t see how we get a stronger team on the field than on Wednesday. I am not convinced by Phillips at all. Plenty of effort but can’t see anything beyond that. Problem is who do we bring in to replace him. I would keep Barron in instead of Clarkson as although he didn’t have a good game on Wednesday (nobody did) he has been playing better of late. 

oot - work again


local game if I get finished


2-2 Phillips double to prove me wrong

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Aye, I'd probably stick with the same lineup and hope that Barron of the Killie game turns up. It's essential that the triangle of three in that midfield perform together. The biggest problem we've got, which isn't unusual when in a rut and late in the season, is that we've got absolutely nothing on the bench to change it up when we're struggling. Duk is a lost cause until summer anyway, and Sokler hasn't really shown anything beyond one good game against the Hun. We've got no exciting young winger, or a big lad to change tactics.

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2 hours ago, RicoS321 said:

Aye, I'd probably stick with the same lineup and hope that Barron of the Killie game turns up. It's essential that the triangle of three in that midfield perform together. The biggest problem we've got, which isn't unusual when in a rut and late in the season, is that we've got absolutely nothing on the bench to change it up when we're struggling. Duk is a lost cause until summer anyway, and Sokler hasn't really shown anything beyond one good game against the Hun. We've got no exciting young winger, or a big lad to change tactics.

What you said at the end I mentioned yesterday too. We don’t have a plan B, big unit up top, like a cosgrove, even Curtis main to mix it up, make defenders nervous and back off etc. Long ball doesn’t really suit us unless it’s into space as we lose the physical battle. I thought gueye was going to be that guy, turns out he may just be the Uber driver for that guy.

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22 hours ago, RicoS321 said:

Aye, I'd probably stick with the same lineup and hope that Barron of the Killie game turns up. It's essential that the triangle of three in that midfield perform together. The biggest problem we've got, which isn't unusual when in a rut and late in the season, is that we've got absolutely nothing on the bench to change it up when we're struggling. Duk is a lost cause until summer anyway, and Sokler hasn't really shown anything beyond one good game against the Hun. We've got no exciting young winger, or a big lad to change tactics.

In just feel that sokler needs more time. What he does have is presence and work rate. He will steal the ball back or hold it up. I'd like to see us try to play with two up top and sokler might just get us up the pitch.

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   Not sure Leven has it in him,or the respect from the players,to get them fired up enough for this.Might have to rely on player pride,responsibilty. Contest between 2 unpredictable sides,though recent record theres not too bad


Prediction - 2 - 2  Hoilett,Miovski

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1 hour ago, tlg1903 said:

Cowan is always saying on the radio Motherwell are the team you want to play when you're a desperate for a result. 🤞


Fairly sure all the teams we've got to play are looking to us as an opportunity to pick up 3 points (6 if you're County, Livi, possibly Dundee).  

Edited by dons8321
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Good first half although we faded a little after the Motherwell goal. Hate var despite us benefitting, just ruins games, and another long delay. Amazing, when we pass the ball we’re not a bad side. Need the same start to the second where we clearly want it more.

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Turned on in 27 minutes, perfectly timed for missing the first goal. Thought we looked decent on the ball at times, with Miovski looking sharp. That bicycle kick was some hit. Clarkson also looking up for it. We look frail, as always, at the back. Didn't see what happened to Devlin, but Milne doing okay (although another fullback who can't take a throw-in). Just like midweek, another absolutely nonsense VAR decision. A minor nudge and a brush on the arm. You can't help but think that they have given the foul in the full knowledge of what happened the other night and didn't think they could ignore it. 

Edit: Hoilett seemed to let the game go by him in the last fifteen. Not sure how he started, but hopefully he'll get involved.

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Good victory. Probably our strongest lineup at the moment. Nothing special, but just played like a team, and worked hard all over. Should be a good confidence booster I'm time for the international break and the new manager coming in (not convinced it'll happen that quickly). Thought McKenzie had another good game, Hoilett very much brings the best out of him. 

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Only saw the first half but clear intent to pass. Don’t care if it went sideways or backwards, we kept the ball and can’t lose goals when we have the ball. Most of our long ball shit this year has resulted in loss of possession and having to defend, losing goals, and losing games.

we have 8 games against bottom 6 teams, should be 8 winnable. Good confidence booster today, both with win and shutout, with this kind of performance and attitude we can be a half decent team (not good, just not as shit as we’ve seen when we are long ball.)

thought the hoilett booking was a bit odd. 40 seconds in and yellow for a dive. Didn’t see the replay but didn’t think it was that bad. Also sets the ref up to hold the letter of the law for an entire game, hard to do.

Edited by OrlandoDon
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6 minutes ago, Slim said:

Liked Mackenzie giving it back to Shinnie in equal measures after Shinnie’s shit pass out of play.

Aye, I'd like to think Shinnie apologised after. He seemed to be suggesting MacKenzie should have stayed wide, perhaps to waste time, but it was still a shite pass from Shinnie.

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Came perilously close to being burned as a witch by my fellow companions, after predicting at half time that we would concede a penalty in the final minute of added on time for a suspect VAR handball decision.

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19 minutes ago, Kowalski said:

Motherwell were shafted by VAR yesterday, we’d be furious if that was us. 

Very pleasing to see Roos have a good game though. 

This is exactly why VAR needs to get to fuck. Someone gets shafted by VAR every week. For once it wasn’t us but that means it will probably be us next week.

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