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huns vs Dons

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Not expecting much here. They seem to be playing well and given it's down there, well, the usual refereeing performance will exist. We shouldn't have anything to fear and I'd hope the players (and interim coach) should take a lot of heart from the tims game. Dug in and got something from a game that 24 hours prior, we would have written off completely. We'll need a fair amount of luck, which probably won't be afforded to us, but set up correctly, and who knows.

Our record down there for late is a bit all over the shop. We last got a positive result in September last year, so not that long ago and gave us the great entertainment of Wright being sent off. 

I'd hope we set up the same as yesterday, no reason why not as they'll be looking to have plenty of possession and pressure.


2-1 them, Barron

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Would expect us to line up same as Saturday but would maybe drop Phillips and start Clarkson in more forward like he was in second half. Fully expect us to lose. Not going as I wouldn’t give these cunts the steam of my piss never mind £35. 



local game


2-0 no dons scorer. 

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I'm going to this one. My mate has bought two random Germans he met on holiday tickets and posted them to me so I can meet them before the game. Kinda feel I should offer my condolences as I hand the tickets over. They're Bayern Munich fans so who knows what they'll make of us.

It looks increasingly like it'll be Neil Warnock in charge next week so it's just a case of whether he wants to be in the dugout that early or not. 

I expect that every little thing Warnock does will be amplified, good or bad. Not sure I can be arsed with the circus but here we go.

As for the game - Rangers aren't that good and we're not that bad. Not impossible to get something. But I have no idea how it's going to go.

Edited by Panda
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Wasnt aware of Peter Leven before Saturday if I'm honest,but he showed more managerial clout than weve seen most of the season.So along with Warnocks limited input,fairly confident we'll work out a good way to play this game.Not overly confident of a win,but of a decent showing at the least


Prediction 2 - 2 Miovski brace

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Aberdeen manager Neil Warnock tells BBC Scotland: "I have seen games here but it is just great to have the opportunity at a big club like Aberdeen. It is good for me to get my teeth stuck into the job and I'm really looking forward to it. I am going to learn about my players tonight - you don't get a tougher game than Ibrox. 

"When you look at the top two teams you are always going to have a challenge when you look at the wage bills, but I do not think I have ever got a promotion by being the most expensive team in the league. Things are possible in football but you need a little bit of luck. You need one or two decisions to go your way and you need players that are willing to die for the cause. I think we have got a genuine bunch of lads and if we can give it a go that is all I ask tonight. 

"It does not get much bigger than here. You look at the city, the pitch, the atmosphere, the crowd and the hostility. I love all that. We know they have got some good players but I think we have got a few too. 

"I think attitude is important. It is no good having ability if you don't have the right attitude. I think I can make better players out of some of them. We have got a lot of ability, it is just knowing when to do certain things and when not to do them. It is just a bit of experience really.

"I think you have just got to wait and see. You can plan everything in the world but if the whistle goes and your lads aren't ready for it then it goes out the window. We are just looking forward to getting out there and putting our best foot forward. 

"I get asked so many things, I haven't even won a game yet. Let's not get carried away. I will be doing my best and you can ask me that question [about my long-term future] at the end of the season - I don't want to work until I'm 100 though."

Wise words. COYR!!!

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Mmm, seven minutes and the feel good factor is well and truly fucked.

It's noy like we didn't know they'd come flying out of the traps.

P.S Roos needs replaced. One for our new recruitment guy

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It was an ugly watch but delighted to be even. Neil hasn't realised that bojan isn't a ball winning striker as we launch it up. 

We're being bullied all over the pitch. Clarkson is being thrown about like an empty kagool in the wind.

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Jesus, that was a poor half from the Dons, but who gives a fuck when you've got Bojan up front. What a striker. Better than any Hun out there tonight. 

They've looked good, better than the Tims. Terrible goalkeeping for the goal, his hands are in fists to try and palm it out, just all wrong. We've given them far too much time and space, a bit like the first half on Saturday. Hopefully we'll have the same attitude in the second half here as we did then. It'll be interesting to see how they react and if the Dons come out more fired up.

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Ah well. Better team won. Bit harsh to blame Roos for the second, it was a fair strike from their midfielder, unchallenged too. Not sure he had the time to control the parry. Absolutely ludicrous that the ref was asked to check the red, who the fuck was VAR? Fair play to Robertson for sticking to his guns, completely put under pressure by the incompetent Huns on VAR, just no fucking need. I wouldn't have complained if one of ours had been sent off for that, it was reckless and at speed. 

Anyway, McKenzie was very good tonight, Gartenmann too, and of course Miovski. Thought Phillips did alright when he came on, the rest didn't get into it. 

Not embarrassing, but not much we can read into it either. 

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It was ultimately a nothing game. 1 more point against the old firm than I expected, now the real work begins.

sounds like Roos at fault again. He’s a good shot stopper but he’s really poor off his line with high balls and crosses, and prone to mistakes. Punches too much instead of catching and will punch / palm infront of goal and give teams second chances. Definitely think a new keeper needed.

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4 minutes ago, OrlandoDon said:

It was ultimately a nothing game. 1 more point against the old firm than I expected, now the real work begins.

sounds like Roos at fault again. He’s a good shot stopper but he’s really poor off his line with high balls and crosses, and prone to mistakes. Punches too much instead of catching and will punch / palm infront of goal and give teams second chances. Definitely think a new keeper needed.

It's a shame, he's gone downhill quicker than Joe Lewis. For me the second was unlucky, he reacted to a good swerving shot, but the first goal was completely his fault, and he had at least one other punch that went straight through the box. Coupled with the pathetic attempt at a punch against the Tims where he nearly got lobbed, it's not looking good for him. It looks like nerves to be honest. He's lost all confidence, it's horrible to watch. I'm assuming doohan is absolutely gash.

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