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Panda last won the day on July 23

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  1. Be interesting to see if the team that starts tomorrow is the one likely to start v St Johnstone. Am I right in thinking Nilsen is suspended v St Johnstone following on from SK Brann (He picked up two yellow cards in the first 10 mins v Bodo/Glimt in his final game there. We stupidly signed him on the 11th - he could have served his suspension with Brann on the 13th). So Thelin might want to test his likely midfield combo for that one, which means we could have another Jensen or McGrath experiment there (or Jack Milne?). I would guess Nilsen will start just to get him more acquainted with the team but will be an early substitution. Angus MacDonald also suspended, but of course is injured anyway. Sokler will do well to start again. Unless a move for Miovski is imminent, you want to get 90 minutes in his legs ahead of the opening day of the season when - if he's still here - he should start.
  2. Legally Aberdeen can't say much about it, hence the lack of communication.
  3. Call yourself a football fan? Surely everyone has a favourite Ghanaian team?
  4. If true, he's 19, so probably someone to sit in our U20s for a couple of seasons before being loaned to Montrose, then released.
  5. I like that you're learning from me. Under my tutelage I feel you can be a big part of this forum this season.
  6. Played with a bit more intensity in the second half and rattled Airdrie to get those two goals. It's good we're aggressive in the middle of the park, but Shinnie and Nilsen both booked tonight. It's going to become a problem later in the season, and maybe in this competition if we go into a big quarter or semi-final without them. Going forward I like how our players are good at finding space. We could have scored more, we're a bit rusty still up top, but that sharpness will come. Defensively still a worry. Airdrie knock it about well but we shouldn't be hanging on like that at home against them. Based on our current squad, our strongest XI is the one that started the second half. But another winger a must, and I still think another centre half and deep midfielder would give us more depth.
  7. I was gonna say after the East Kilbride game I thought Clarkson would be in for a very good season. Having Shinnie and Nilsen offers him more freedom. I think he'll be in for a very good season.
  8. sHinniE's lEgS hUv gOn. We'rE a bEttEr teAm wItHouT hIM. Sit yourselves down for another week.
  9. The "we need to give Thelin time" brigade probably the same ones booing at half-time there. Despite the score line I've actually enjoyed the first half. On the ball we've been okay. Still finding our feet but we've been patient - interesting to see us keeping our full-backs alongside the centre-halves so our back four can knock it about until there are options. We're not wasting the ball. When we've gone forward we've looked good. We've missed a few sitters - McKenzie and Sokler in particular should have scored. The concern is defensively we still look soft. Their goal was coming - too often they're hitting the byline, flashing in a cross, then their movement ties us in knots. We're not as bad as the score suggests. Fans could do their part here and cut the booing.
  10. Commentators (Stephen Craigan, oh goody) being surprised Airdrie are dominating possession. But I suspect Thelin is comfortable letting a possession-hungry team have the ball. We saw plenty of times while keeping an eye on Elfsborg that they often had 20-30% possession in games. Be interesting if it continues tonight how the crowd react if there's no early goals.
  11. Agreed. Has clearly told Miovski that Sokler will be his number one choice this season if Bojan is leaving, and that he needs the games in pre-season to make sure he's sharp. That Miovski appears to have taken that like a champ is a measure of the man. Duk could learn a thing or two. Let me know which airport. I'll keep a constant watch.
  12. Morris being a starter is really concerning.
  13. You owe me £100. Be grateful I'm not demanding more.
  14. I wouldn't be surprised to see Shinnie dropped with Nilsen starting, presuming Thelin is planning to continue trying folk out at DM. Maybe Pape makes the long awaited appearance as a winger. One thing for sure, none of us will correctly predict the starting XI.
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