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Friday 14th June 2024

Euro 2024 - 🇩🇪 Germany v 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Scotland - kick-off 8pm


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Everything posted by tlg1903

  1. Mulgrew - class........ nuff said! Kerr - doing just fine as far as im concerned. He's not nor pretends to be a flair player. Mcdonald - thought he was shite in the first half on sat but came onto a game in the second. Jury's out on this boy. Others? dunno not seen anything of them
  2. im quite pleased about this as im going to the loopalu festival in ullapool. Was gutted when i saw it clashed with the utd game. Now i can go to the pub and watch it
  3. The bee gee's (1 down 2 to go) - You win again
  4. Joy division -love will tear us apart
  5. oh ffs clearly not. Just thought it appropriate given the advert ran for about 12 billion years and every time i hear it i remeber how much i wanted to smack the twat in the advert
  6. was the only gum related song i could think of
  7. Agreed, miller is a pain in the arse but is usually caught out when up against someone he cant outpace.
  8. 10 points and a warm smug feeling
  9. Alright now by free? ten points if you can spot the link
  10. scotland v norway on sat 11th
  11. Exactly! If we take this lad then i'll be pretty content with the squad we have. A natural winger would be nice but im still hopefull jeffrey will stand up and be counted this year
  12. Sounds like he could be a player. I bet we dont sign him
  13. Shit i remember that. you put a post along the lines of "casuals do your job". Kicked up loads of fuss that did, i remember the free the shady 1 campaign that followed
  14. Would move faster than shearer as well, clearly pace isnt everything
  15. mckinnon i can understand but kano was a decent midfielder
  16. Not heard it for years but a couple of days on steve lamaq's show on 6 music he played david bowie's "the laughing gnome" for his national anthem track Obviously given my username this tickled (no pun intended) me something rotten! Actually it was quite a funny story for the national anthem (basically he chooses a news story from the day and people text in with relevant track suggestions). What happened was a woman went outside to find one of her garden gnomes was MIA. 7 months later she went outside to find said gnome sitting on her doorstep with a photo album full of pictures of said gnome in loads of famous places from around the world. Clearly amelie inspired but made me laugh
  17. For a dirty jutie bastard he's alright but your probably right
  18. Just got a text from an arab mate saying he's heard a few rumours that anderson might be coming back on loan. I've asked where he heard this from but not heard back yet. good chance its bollocks but hey i cant help but get a little excited at the thought
  19. Burkinshaw was a fucking tit as well though. The guy did absolutely nothing at the club
  20. Thats it isnt it! I would be happy playing 4 at the back if we had a right back but if duff or foster is put in that position is shitey bum time!
  21. the game will be won and lost by our back line. Minkerwell will go their usual 3 up front and if we can cope with it i would fancy us to at least get a draw. Their defence looked anything but clever on sat so if calderwood moves smith to the middle of the park instead of on the wing i would fancy him to give them a torrid time. Diamond has got to play on sat end of!
  22. Fuck getting another winger when we blatently need a right back first and foremost!
  23. Celtic: Brown Dundee Utd: Dods Falkirk: dunno Hamilton:dunno Hearts: kingston Hibs: Fletcher Inverness CT: Cowie Kilmarnock: dunno Motherwell: porter Rangers: cuellar St Mirren: Dunno
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