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Friday 14th June 2024

Euro 2024 - 🇩🇪 Germany v 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Scotland - kick-off 8pm


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Everything posted by tom_widdows

  1. Remember the last time this happened Me and a mate left the pub earlyish and stood by the entrance to the carpark watchign the queue get bigger and bigger. They then opened every turnstile fo the shed, fairplay and jerry kerr and yet NO ONE left the queue so me, my mate and about 20 others just casally wandered in and got the best seats on offer in the fairplay. The queue had practically reached clepington road by this point but everyone seemed to assume that it was 'organised'. Either that or 4000 people all wanted in the shed. Of course this led to about 2500 people being packed into the 2000 capacity shed whilst there were plenty of empty seats to be had in the other stands. Just like Martin Freeman said - 'Im british...I know how to queue!'
  2. Bizarre season so far We've been shocking and yet we are only 2 points off Kilmarnock who have apparenlty been having a great season so far? we also have the best 'Away' defensive record.
  3. Did the Glasgow one last year and intending to do it again this year. Woudnt prefer to do that aberdeen one what with the lap of pittodrie but shall just have to make do with running the glasgow waterfront with Liz McColgan and kenny Dalgleish again. Santa suit doesnt hold up to well though. id almost destroyed mine the week before at the motherwell match and by the time id finished the run the trouser and jacket seems had disintigrated so the only thing holding it together was the number pinned to my chest. Central glasgow is cold enought but I cant say id fancy aberdeen beachfront at the end of november.
  4. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/r/rangers/7662554.stm Oh for fuck sake this is really pathetic. ill lay a bet the entire rangers board said 'aye go on martin, great idea.........<whisper> fuck sake is it possible for someone to be that fucking dense <whisper>
  5. what the hell does him being a minister have to do with anything?
  6. Close to finishing Quintine jardine's latest - Aftershock As usual after a slow start and middle its getting good towards the end. Jardin is ok but I dont find his main character Bob Skinner as compelling as Rebus. Probably because hes an ACC and everyone loves him as opposed to rebus the Drunken DI who gets the job done his own way and usually against his superiors wishes. Disappointed that Rankin wont be writing any more Rebus books. Have read them all and his other books just dont 'have it' Soon as ive finished this one its back to searching out a cheap copy of 'Flesh House' (Macbride) or maybe even Brookmyre's latest ' A snowball in hell' Recently read a couple of James Patterson's too. Nice and easy
  7. so what are the odds on the mention of a toaster?
  8. See these officials do they have to ..lets say do CPD like most professionals? or perhaps retake the tests each year like Pilots? or is it a case of pass once and then away ya go?
  9. Lovell Hat trick more like But ya never know he could injure himself in training. But then again Falkirk probably train on nice flat grassy surfaces whereas it would appear the dons train on the the film locations for watership down and saving private ryan
  10. well we are about 15mins from propping up the league St Mirren 1-0 Rangers
  11. A few weeks back when we beat motherwell some muppet called up Traynor bitching and moaning about how the football on offer was appauling and he'd rather the dons played well and lost rather than playing shit and winning. Well I hope hes a happy bunny
  12. fucking typical lazy schadenfreude journalism for the muppets of society to lap up One of the most scary things I ever heard was that in some households this type of journalism is the only source of reading material available. Are these journos born scum or is it drilled into them at Uni?
  13. well my predictor has just gone tits up...AGAIN!!! that magical £5,000 is destined to never line my pocket
  14. Oh that linesman was a joke and his opposite number wasnt much better. From my vantage point yon killie boy was barging his way into the box with severin barging back. The killie boys gets a shot in which goes wide. The ref was looking right at it from about 15yards way and waved for a goal kick. Then suddenly he changes his mind and goes to the linesman who had already missed several fouls that happened right infront of him and the ball going out for throw ins 50% of the time and had a worse view of the decision than him. Suddenly its a penalty??
  15. Fucking hell where do y ustart with this goalkeeper. he reminds me of Richard Kiel in the bond films. Big and lumbering but you do wonder how the hell he every gets hold of anything. The first goal I stood with utter amazement (much like he did) as I watched the Killie striker bearing down on him, closer, closer, closer and finally just slots it in. Bossu did get a touch though which ill give him credit for but he just stood and watched. If im fair i am a shit goalie (ask Inter ma lamb or anyone I went to school with) but I do have my moments and I just dont understand why it didnt occur to him to close down the killie player and smother the ball. When it went in he didnt even look pissed off. The second goal he made the decision to come for the cross then changed his mind. the ball takes a couple of deflections but ends up just inside the 6yard box and almost out for a corner. Does he come out and blast it away? does he come out and smother the ball? After all hes just stood there and has a head start? NO he stands there and with our defence posted missing the killie player comes in and blasts it under him. Again he just didnt look bothered. The penalty? well im bemused why that was given so ill let him off with that The 4th? As with the 1st he didnt come out to narrow the angle and worse he didnt deck the dons defender (diamond?) who let the ball once again bounce over his head and straight to the killie striker.
  16. Only times ive been in modern packed terracing was at Telford Uniteds ground for a local derby with Shrewbury Town There was a strict capacity regulation and there were actually spaces marked on the terracing that coincided with your ticket. Luckily I got there early as the stand only had a capacity of 1150. Soon as it sold out they closed the turnstiles with a few hundred people locked out (at the time they were rebuilding and only the two end terraces were complete (hows that for a bizarre way to construct a new stadium?) As the report said Hillsborough happened when Leppings lane became overcrowded and if what ive heard is true was this not down to them deciding to open up one of the exit gates whcih let people without tickets pile in? Only time ive seen a stand over its capacity was the shed at tannadice a few seasons back when United in their wisdom didnt keep count and just kept taking the money. People ended up sitting on the stairs whilst there were lots of empty seats in the Main/ Jerry kerr. My only rule for standing is that all short arse whiny bastards must get there early and go down the front of the stand. Fed up of people at concerts asking if i could maybe crouch down so they can see despite me being stood in the same spot for about 1hr before the gig started. Perhaps bring in those min. height signs you get at fairgrounds
  17. 8 ) Paul kane at Ibrox 1994 [video removed by administrators due to copyright material - sorry mate! RedTV got on my case]
  18. I can only presume that said evidence will also see Craigan banned for punching wright in the stomach just before the said alleged headbutt
  19. not that im biased but the tv replays seem to show Craigan punching Wright in the ribs just before the supposed 'headbutt'
  20. takes me back to Eugine dadi decking that dundee player
  21. That was the BBC 'SPL as it happens' text coverage. Cant find it on the BBC website now said we had used the classic 'dope a rope' I will go out on a limb and say yesterday was the first premier match I can recall seeing in which I didnt think the opposition would score. there were some 'hearts in mouths' moments after the goal when it appeared motherwell were one on one but out of nowhere one of our defenders woudl appear and stick the boot in. Can anyone recall the 4th official sticking up the injury time board? He seemed to be dossing around with it for ages only to then use it for a well substitute. Back to the old days of playing 'guess how long the ref will allow for us to be shafted''
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