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The last game of the season

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Huge meh for this one. Very pleased to see the back of this season. Bring on the summer. Glad to have seen the emergence of a couple of youngsters that wouldn’t have had a look in under mciness. Just hope they push on and develop.





3-0 Huns, no dons goal scorer.

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Tee time booked for 2.20pm

Doubt I will even check my phone until off course around 6pm.

Just make it end please.

Edited: Just realised that this a 12:30 kick off meaning I might have to torture myself and watch the first hour or so ?

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I would say Ferguson missed that open goal deliberately to preserve his beloved huns clean sheet record.

In the same week that Alex Ferguson admitted helping the huns to win the league. And We Are The People became the Euro anthem.


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Score line flattered the 9 year old club on the day they lifted their first ever trophy.

First half we looked less assured at the back with Lewis in goal than we have in recent weeks. He chucks it in for the first, McLennan should probably foul the mink before he gets into the box for the second. Bit more composure, better cross and Fergie scores from Hayes. McLennan plays it to the back post to Kamberi, he probably scores. That, despite the fact we sat in and played on the break and looked awful. Glass makes changes at half time (why did he wait till half time?) we adapt our style employ a high press and should have had 2 penalties. Both were “stonewall”. Hornby and Ferguson, fucking useless…

Good save by the rapist  from Hedges. 

Still not convinced by Stephen Glass is Class but given the personal at his disposal it was alright regardless of the score line. 

Right back, a centre back, a poacher and  a forward who can hold the ball up but as has been said they all need to be 1st choice game changers. 

See that Louis Moult has been released by Preston following major knee surgery. Would have been McInnes’ No.1 target. 

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That was the worst season in the history of Scottish football.

We are freefalling back to the Ebbe Skovdahl type football of the early part of this century. Absolute shit players who don't try and can't score a goal to save themselves. Four, five, six and next season probably seven and eight goal defeats to the 'Old Firm' coming up. 

There is no point to Scottish football. Even Jack Ross was saying yesterday 3rd place is the target, and it's unrealistic to expect to finish any higher. AFC have exactly the same mentality. What a bunch of losers.

Celtic were absolute garbage the whole season and still easily finished above us.



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32 minutes ago, tup1 said:

That was the worst season in the history of Scottish football.

We are freefalling back to the Ebbe Skovdahl type football of the early part of this century. Absolute shit players who don't try and can't score a goal to save themselves. Four, five, six and next season probably seven and eight goal defeats to the 'Old Firm' coming up. 

There is no point to Scottish football. Even Jack Ross was saying yesterday 3rd place is the target, and it's unrealistic to expect to finish any higher. AFC have exactly the same mentality. What a bunch of losers.

Celtic were absolute garbage the whole season and still easily finished above us.



May go down as Celtics worst season EVER.


Lennon and the board should be ashamed they fucked up so bad.

It's bad enough being a don and watching those chunts win the league, but as a Celtic fan, it must be horrendous.

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4 hours ago, tup1 said:

That was the worst season in the history of Scottish football.

We are freefalling back to the Ebbe Skovdahl type football of the early part of this century. Absolute shit players who don't try and can't score a goal to save themselves. Four, five, six and next season probably seven and eight goal defeats to the 'Old Firm' coming up. 

There is no point to Scottish football. Even Jack Ross was saying yesterday 3rd place is the target, and it's unrealistic to expect to finish any higher. AFC have exactly the same mentality. What a bunch of losers.

Celtic were absolute garbage the whole season and still easily finished above us.



Celtic finished on a higher points total than anyone outside the scum ever has. There's nothing loser-ish about the mentality at all, that's shite. You can afford to buy a team that can get to 80+ points or you can't. We could probably just about afford one, but it would require zero recruitment errors. Would you call your neighbour a loser cause they couldn't afford a Ferrari? When every single league in the world is bought, why would you expect AFC or Hibs to manage to overcome that? Are the various Portuguese, Italian, German, Belgian teams who don't win their leagues losers too? 

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We don’t even bother trying to win the league and nor do Hibs by the admission of their own manager.

What is the point of entering a competition which you’ve already decided you can’t win before it starts?

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53 minutes ago, tup1 said:

We don’t even bother trying to win the league and nor do Hibs by the admission of their own manager.

What is the point of entering a competition which you’ve already decided you can’t win before it starts?

They do try, they're just realistic about their chances. 

Would you prefer that they pretended they could win the league before every season? Would that make it more acceptable? Or are you someone that thinks there is a significant correlation between believing you can win the league and actually winning it?

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I would prefer that yes. I'd like to hear other teams saying they could win the league and actually put up a challenge.

36 years of a duopoly which included the liquidation of one of the two and we are still counting.

Now we are at the stage where teams don't even bother trying to challenge. 

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3 hours ago, tup1 said:

I would prefer that yes. I'd like to hear other teams saying they could win the league and actually put up a challenge.

That's not the question I asked. We're not at the stage where teams don't even bother trying to challenge, that's the point. We're at the stage where teams don't pretend to you, the supporter, that they're going to challenge. There's a logical difference. There is no correlation between a team that says they are going to win the league and them winning it. None. Just as there was no correlation between St Mirren saying that they were going to finish fourth and finishing fourth. Jack Ross cannot win the league, neither can Stephen Glass, or any of the players that play for either team. It will take tens of millions of pounds of investment as shown by the dirty scum. We don't exist in some fairy tale where all it takes is some shouty melt that will get £2K per week players to romp to victory with good old fashioned grit. If you're suggesting that we spend tens of millions of pounds then do that, or suggest a way that we can change the politics of our game to challenge the duopoly, but don't spout some disingenuous pish about "not challenging" as if it's as simple as trying hard.

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2 hours ago, tup1 said:

I'm sorry but that's just waffle.

My point stands.

You didn't make a point. That's the point. Do you think the dons should:

a) spend tens of millions over multiple seasons chasing the league

b) work with other clubs to force a complete overhaul of the game and its financial distribution.

c) neither of the above, just "believing" is enough to win the league.

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It's not just the Dons. Your attitude is why mediocrity is fully acceptable in Scottish football.

I'm saying if the Dons and a number of other teams think they can't win the league from the off, which is what they seem to think, then they shouldn't even bother their arses entering.

Because what exactly is the point of that? It's not a competition, it doesn't fit the definition.

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