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Farts - Dons - Sunday

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Referee is....Willie Gollum!


Hopefully, the team have shaken off the disappointment of the weekend and get their act together again for a game that would effectively seal second spot.  Hearts are miserable this season and fortunate to be in the top six imo.  We really have nothing to fear there, but we just need to make sure we're focused and score a goal or two.


Was surprised this game wasn't on TV, but then noticed the media's darling's are away to a real team on the same day...



Dying on a flight back from some place for a stag

curled up on the sofa


2-1 Dons, Rooney and Consi

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Need to get back on track and stop leaking goals. 8 in last 4 matches. If we were to lose on Sunday and the Tribute Act beat Thistle I would not bet on us getting 2nd.




Away end

Straight home sadly

2-0 Rooney and McLean

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Not looking forward to this one. We should easily beat them but they always give us a game. I'll never forget how awful we were when we played them the season they got relegated with all the young kids in the team and Gary Locke as manager.


I just hope we play well.

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Still 1 nil the Jags,be good to finish off second spot,and get bit of momentum going before the final...


They zombie chunts scored a 94th minute winner!  :o  Puts a bit more pressure on us and I really hope we can nail the diet huns today.

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Listen, we cannot deny it, if we lose today, which obviously is possible, but unlikely, given that Hearts are shite, we entertain Celtic next whilst the Zombies have Hearts at home. We could be going to Ibroke with only 3 points between us it's literally unacceptable and indefensible should the worse happen.


I appreciate I am being a negative cunt, but it's not exactly impossible, is it.


Today is a cup final in itself, we absolutely must win, anything less is not good enough.

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Pawlett starts,no Jack(not on bench either,injured?)













Pawlett          Subs - Aexander,Oconnor,Christie,Storey,Stockley,Ross,Wright

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Just move neither, it's a big city.


Anyway, McInnes reverting to type and taking O'Connor on for Pawlett and going to a back 3. Sounded like Pawlett was playing quite well, but that's been the story of his dons career under McInnes. Hopefully we see it out.

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