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SPL Young Player of the Month is....aka The Ryan Fraser Thread

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Thoroughly deserved, well done loon  :thumbsup:


Hope he keeps up his positive style of play for years to come, and that it doesn't get kicked or coached out of him.




From reading an interview (I think on the Scotsman website) he sounds like he won't let any of it affect him.  In fact he seemed to take enjoyment from the fact he was annoying the defenders, and so he should!  :thumbsup:

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Probably one of the few players I don't have fears of losing. He definitely sounds like he knows he's got plenty of development to do, with us.


Long term deal please AFC!



I hope we're already working on a new deal for him. I'd have no hesitations in offering him a 4 or 5 year deal tbh be honest.

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Cheers, Manc. Good read. One of the few players I don't want to punch in the face. Speaking of players I want to punch in the face this bit made me laugh:


Darren Mackie was actually very good with me. He taught me a lot, not just about football but life in general


:lolabove: :lolabove: I wish I could enrol in the Darren Mackie School of Life! Wonder if we'd do much reading?

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I hope we're already working on a new deal for him. I'd have no hesitations in offering him a 4 or 5 year deal tbh be honest.


That's what Utd seem to do.


Sign them up on long term deal and sell them for decent amounts.  It's about time we got in on the act.

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That's what Utd seem to do.


Sign them up on long term deal and sell them for decent amounts.  It's about time we got in on the act.


Indeed. Hibs used this method to pay for their non public park level training facilities did they not?

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To be fair, we've been pretty good at getting money for our youngsters lately.



we've only been getting what we're entitled to by law because of players' age. we haven't actually sold any of our youngsters apart from fyvie as far as i can mind, and we took about the same fee as they'd have had to pay in yoof compensation for training costs anyway.



and speaking of fyvie, he was making all the right noises at that age too. less talky, more signy contracty.

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