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Transfer Window 2015

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So i see according to the daily Hun, we've been linked with Paul Quinn from county.  Can't say I know enough about him to even make a judgement, but since it's in the Hun, i'll presume it's shite  :thumbsup:


Hardly a name to set the pulse racing.

Normally plays right back not left back.

However in Derek I trust so let's see how it plays out.

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Can't read the contents of your link mate as refuse to subscribe to p&j.

In short, what's it saying ?


I just clicked on the link  ???


Aberdeen manager Derek McInnes is eager to strengthen his squad with two new signings during the January transfer window, despite his side’s stunning seven-game winning sequence.


The Dons are sitting top of the Scottish Premiership after an excellent set of results over the Christmas period but McInnes is refusing to rest on his laurels.


The Aberdeen manager may look south of the border to freshen up his squad for the second half of the season.


He said: “We keep an eye on things in the Scottish market but our chief scout Russ Richardson is based in England. He watches five or six games a week, first-team ones and academy games.


“It’s important to be looking as much as you can because we have a lot going for us as a club. We have a strong support and coming here is an opportunity to be successful, we hope.


“We have a lot in our favour and sometimes the profile of the SPFL can be good for young players.


“Guys like Shay Logan, Ash Taylor and Scott Brown have found that. In any recruitment you have to look at all different areas.”


McInnes says his side’s fine form won’t hinder his chances of persuading the Dons board to back any recruitment drive.


He added: “I don’t think it’s harder to ask the board because of the position we’re in.


“As happy as we are, we were not agitating for the window to open, you normally find that it’s the last week of the window things move.


“Nothing much happens in the first few weeks. As happy as we are with the squad, it would still be nice to bring in one or two.


“Last season we brought in Shay Logan and Adam Rooney at this time of the season and that helped us at the right time.


“We wouldn’t be against that again but they would have to be the right signings who can help us move forward.


“January isn’t always the best time to get players but if there is someone we think would help us then we’ll ask.


“The chairman has always been very supportive.”

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So I bumped into Russel Latapy in my local the other night.  Really nice chap and was quite happy to talk football (though I'm not sure his missus was so happy).  I chanced my arm and asked him if Shinnie really was interested in coming to Aberdeen.  He said he was though maybe not quite enough.  Reading between the lines he's waiting to see what other offers he gets before making his mind up.  Interestingly he reckoned he's a better LB than Andrew Robertson. 

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So I bumped into Russel Latapy in my local the other night.  Really nice chap and was quite happy to talk football (though I'm not sure his missus was so happy).  I chanced my arm and asked him if Shinnie really was interested in coming to Aberdeen.  He said he was though maybe not quite enough.  Reading between the lines he's waiting to see what other offers he gets before making his mind up.  Interestingly he reckoned he's a better LB than Andrew Robertson.


So essentially seeing what kind of offers he gets from down south?  I thought Birmingham was supposed to be in the bag?  We'll wait and see I guess, just don't want us to be putting all our eggs in one basket (something that doesn't happen under DM).

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The club is far bigger than Shinnie.

If we want him, make him an offer with time limit.

If he doesn't take it, then withdraw it and move on leaving Shinnie to lie in the bed he has made. We should not be held to ransom for a player like Shinnie.

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So i see according to the daily Hun, we've been linked with Paul Quinn from county.  Can't say I know enough about him to even make a judgement, but since it's in the Hun, i'll presume it's shite  :thumbsup:


Quinn has signed contract extension at The Staggies until end of the season

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Quinn has signed contract extension at The Staggies until end of the season


From reading comments from county fans, it sounded like he made plenty of errors. Bullet. Dodged.


So does that leave just Jack and Goodwillie as the only current first teamers not be signed up until 2017?

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