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Is not achieving a top six place excusable?

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Can jimmy calderwood be vindicated for not achieving a top six finish after getting us to the semi's of the League cup, the last thirty two of the UEFA cup and getting us to the Semi's of the Scottish cup using such a small squad which has been plagued by injury. Surely after all of these games, something has to give and it appears to be our league position. With perpetual cup games on the go, it must be difficult to raise the enthusiasm of the players for a game aginst st. mirren on a freezing cold easter weekend?


Or is it the case that we SHOULD be in the top six, the players need to get their act together and should be giving thier all no matter who the game is against. As a fan base have we have been let down by the board for selling on most of the players who created the opportunity to play on a larger stage again and should hang their heads in shame for not building on last seasons (relative) success by not building UP the team instead of systematically dismantling it. 


Surely only by winning the Scottish Cup can this season be salvaged, otherwise its a complete failure?

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Last year we were 3rd but nowhere in the cups (which some rightly criticised JC for), this year looks like being the opposite.


I'll take a cup final and qualifying for Europe again over a top 6 finish.  A cup win would be a big achievement, but if its against the huns then it'll be a huge challenge.


Its very disappointing if we don't finish in the top 6 but the trips to Europe and potential cup final will have made it up for me personally.


Next season a good league run and a good cup run(s) would be nice, but we'll need a bigger squad with more depth.  Up until Saturday, we seemed to be playing better after having been knocked out of Europe.

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I'll take a cup final and qualifying for Europe again over a top 6 finish.  A cup win would be a big achievement, but if its against the huns then it'll be a huge challenge.


Its very disappointing if we don't finish in the top 6 but the trips to Europe and potential cup final will have made it up for me personally.



Same for me

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I don't think finishing outside the top six is inexcusable, just highly disappointing. The SPL has been quite poor this season and we just don't seem to find any consistency against rubbish teams. Yes we've had numerous cup runs and depleted and injury plagued squad, but we should still be beating the likes of st mirren. The players should be proffessional enough to be able to handle this. Our season will be salvaged should we regain european status via winning or being in the final (depending on who we face).


We've had some incredible highs this season and some incredible lows, but this is what makes a football fan, I just hope the board release a decent amount of cash so we can actually fill the positions that have been our achillies heel all season...where to start!

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I don't think finishing outside the top six is inexcusable, just highly disappointing. The SPL has been quite poor this season and we just don't seem to find any consistency against rubbish teams. Yes we've had numerous cup runs and depleted and injury plagued squad, but we should still be beating the likes of st mirren. The players should be proffessional enough to be able to handle this. Our season will be salvaged should we regain european status via winning or being in the final (depending on who we face).


We've had some incredible highs this season and some incredible lows, but this is what makes a football fan, I just hope the board release a decent amount of cash so we can actually fill the positions that have been our achillies heel all season...where to start!


And if we get knocked out by QoS? will that reflection change?  Surely if that happens the season is a failure from a footballing sense and a man mangement sense of which has been orchestrated by very poor leadership from our board of directors all the way down to how the players we have left have been handled by calderwood.


Much seems to hinge on one game this coming month, because it seems the players have given up on the league. This team has the possibility to completely implode again, such as they did against united at tyncastle.  I think this has gone on past being inconsistent.

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If we lose to QOS, I will deem this as a complete failure purely because they are not a better team than we are. I don't disagree that our board has to stump some of the blame, but its not like we're rolling in it. Yes we've had our most successful financial season ever, but we've got a huge debt that needs paying. But lets not get involved in a sack the board debate. As I said, I will deem it a failure with some incredible highs over the course of the season, but a failure none the less. We didn't even win the UEFA cup  ;)

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Why not have a sack the board debate?


Every cunt and their brother is willing to have a sack the manager debate.


A cup final to round off the season will not so much salvage the season, I think all things considered it has been the most memorable and exciting season I have had following AFC for, well a fucking long time (ever even) but more it will keep it going. Exiting the cup would just bring it to a premature and pretty disappointing end.

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I don't think being in the bottom six is the end of the world. For a start I've always said the split is stupid and I don't agree with it. But last year we were third, pushing for second, having been knocked out both cups at the first time of asking. This year we have a small squad, quite a few injuries, lost some players in January, got to the semi finals of both cups and played 8 games in Europe. Of course of squad is capable of playing better than we have at times, but none of them except maybe Jackie Mac are experienced in playing so many games or travelling in Europe then coming back and having to travel to Kilmarnock a few days later. It's been a learning curve for a lot of them.


Additionally I think the league has been a lot closer this season than it has been for a while, a few teams are playing a bit better than they have been in the past too (namely Motherwell and United) and as a result we've probably lost a few more games that we maybe won before.


But it's not the end of the world. It doesn't matter to me if we just miss top 6 because we had a great European run other teams would love to have the chance of and given a new generation of fans the chance to experience a Pittodrie European night. At least we've made some progress and aren't sitting 12th and only saved from relegation by a first division team having an inadequate ground. :thumbsup:

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My personal view on this season is that it has been a good season and been said before with incredible highs and lows, certaintly highs that some of us (including me) havnt experienced before.  In saying that, its by no means over with still much to play for.


Next season has the potential to be just as interesting, if the team realises it potential and gets past QoS, which is by no means a fore gone conclusion. But it is important Jimmy gets proper financial backing to build the squad. I suppose one way to look at it is if he has managed to compete in all of these competions with next to fek all resources, hopefully we should do EVEN BETTER with a bit of cash released in the close season.  Im not looking for a sack the board debate. I cerrtaintly realise that we ve a large debt and the cash released in the close season will hardly be massive sums.  But as Miller said after the Copenhagen game, a board of directors will always find a bit of cash if relegation looms, maybe its time some of thee people were challenged in a different, positive way?

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I'm with Funster, Sneckie and Sharpie on this one, I wouldn't change a single thing about this season and I would stick to that even if we are knocked out of the cup by QofS. The highs of getting past Dnipro, the trip to Madrid, thumping Copenhagen at Pittodrie, taking the lead twice against Bayern, knocking Celtic out of the cup, the Allianz arena and hell, even taking the lead at Ibrox is something I've never been at Ibrox to see us do. All of those highs more than make up for the heap of poor performances that there have undoubtedley been.


I would suggest that many an SPL supporter will have been envious of what Aberdeen fans have had to enjoy this season, take a look at United for example, yes they took us to the fucking cleaners in the CIS Semi but at the end of the season they might not even have European football to show for what has been one of their best seasons in years and we could yet still be re-living everything we have this season again next year.

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My position will not change on this if we lose to QOS. As i've said, we've had a season with tremendous highs and lows. Our team has excelled more than we ever realistically thought they would. I'm just saying that I don't want us to lose to QOS because I don't see is making the top 6. You see, to re-live what we have done this season, and I really want to, we have to qualify for Europe. The only viable option I see is doing so through the Cup. I wouldn't swap the season for any other SPL side's season because as i've said, we excelled on all trophy fronts. The squad has been shown up and its up to the relevant people to identify it and take the club forward.


So, cup final and bottom six would be acceptable to me.

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Does anybody think that Jimmy kinda sacrificed the league, as he said at the start of the season that it has been too long since the Dons had a decent cup run and knowing that his squad would be hard pushed come this time of the season that he knew something would have to give.  Meaning that we are going all out for a return into Europe through the Scottish Cup and a nice bit of silverware to play for?

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Yes, With all we achieved in europe and two cup semis it's been a good season. It is disappointing to be bottom 6 but I don't think we can fight in four competitions without 1 of them falling away. Anyone else think that a cup final/win is what it would take to get the sack jimmy brigade to back off?

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I dont think that he so much sacrificed the league, to be honest I wouldn't have thought that such an extended European run was part of the thinking at the start of the season.


I would suggest that finishing in the Top 6 is actually of huge importance at this stage of the season. That sounds like I'm contradicting myself in terms of my previous post but I still won't class it a failure if we finish in the bottom half just a disappointment because of the reasons listed below. I would much rather that (should we get past QofS in the Semi) we were playing games against United, Motherwell and the Old Firm who all have something to play for in our games in the run-up to the cup final.


There is no doubt that there would be a great atmosphere at these games, we're playing against better opposition than if we were in the bottom half and it will keep the players minds sharp for a potential cup final.


It's all very well saying that the players would be playing for their places in the cup final team even if we do finish in the bottom half but it would be harder to play against a St Mirren or Killie going through the motions themselves infront of 3,000 Love St or 6,500 at Todders.


And there is also the small opportunity of fucking up the Huns in the league and then gubbing them at Hampden, now that, my friends, would be sweet.

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Have a wee think about the usual thread that appears on here as the season draws to a close. Last year the 'highlights' were:


Beating Hearts at Tynecastle

Beating the huns at Pittodrie

....er, I have forgotten the others...


This season it will be:


Mackies goal in Dnipro

6000 Dandies in Madrid

4-0 against Copenhagen (FOUR fucking goals)

Matching Bayern Munich

7000 Dandies at a cup semi

Bounce at Parkhead as we cuffed Timothy

16000 Dandies at a cup semi at Hampden

(Who knows what other highlights to come in the cup)


I'm inclined to think this season has been pretty good.


However, if you want to benchmark this season on the basis of good, steady progress with a level of consistent performances and a sense that we are growing as a team then it's probably been a step backwards.





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At the start of the season im sure we all answered the hopes for the season post either here or on hat.  I for one said that i wanted a good run (group stages) of europe but more importantly a cup final.  No disrespect to qots but i reckon that my big wish is in the bag.  Its been a hell of a season full of highs and lows and whilst work prevented me from a euro away game i did at least make the copenhagen game. 



I'm inclined to think this season has been pretty good.


However, if you want to benchmark this season on the basis of good, steady progress with a level of consistent performances and a sense that we are growing as a team then it's probably been a step backwards.






I can see where you are coming from ajja and we are certainly inconsistent but in terms of growing as a team im not so sure.  I think the squad will have learnt a lot from the rigours of playing in europe and the knackering effect it clearly has. Add to this the cup runs we must have played at least 15 games more than we had this time last season. These were all very meaningfull games too and i think the benefit from this will be seen toward the end of the season and certainly next.  If we had a five more players in the squad i think we would have been a lot more consistent. 

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I can see where you are coming from ajja and we are certainly inconsistent but in terms of growing as a team im not so sure.  I think the squad will have learnt a lot from the rigours of playing in europe and the knackering effect it clearly has. Add to this the cup runs we must have played at least 15 games more than we had this time last season. These were all very meaningfull games too and i think the benefit from this will be seen toward the end of the season and certainly next.  If we had a five more players in the squad i think we would have been a lot more consistent. 


You are right about the learning from this seasons exploits, unfortunately a lot of the key players who have learned as a group are likely to disappear (Clark, Hart, Nicholson, Miller, Lovell etc) and so the overall growth of the team will be lost to an extent.

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One word sums up the season for me inconsistant

I think the celtic cup games and the 3 euro ties (dprino, copenhagen and bayern home) were highs

but for the most part we have been poor which in my opinion is down to a combination of average players and bad management

I personnaly think calderwood is a clown and the above 5 games have saved his job/season

The most annoying thing for me is to go to a home match with my sons and find out we are playing with a lone striker or players all over the place position wise..

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This seasons good feeling has been deflated by too many 45 minute performances where not putting away chances has killed us, the not winning run after xmas possibly cost us the chance to get home corwds on the up again.


Hey we are a demanding bunch tho!


To balance the shite times remember that we lost Anderson, Hart and Clark - Anderson going screwed us for 2 months at start of season - arguably until 5 weeks ago and after our 25th pairing do we get a settled back 4. Hart - Mayburys done just as good, Clark - dont know what you've got til its gone. Yes - eating my hat still.


Overall - Europe has been nothing short of magical, furthermore our cup success is amazing - save United playing folk hfor requiem.


Someone on livechat on Saturday put it brilliantly - we are most of the time chameleons - we are either as good or as shit as the team we play against this year


Harsh but true - our squad needs a bit more depth and not what was available in January, league position wise if we do get top 6 then happy days -  if not - I have many more fond memories of this year than SPL shite when I know we can still improve after some changes.


Tango - some folk hate you and you are undeniably a slavering git but you have done us good.

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Have a wee think about the usual thread that appears on here as the season draws to a close. Last year the 'highlights' were:


Beating Hearts at Tynecastle

Beating the huns at Pittodrie

....er, I have forgotten the others...


This season it will be:


Mackies goal in Dnipro

6000 Dandies in Madrid

4-0 against Copenhagen (FOUR fucking goals)

Matching Bayern Munich

7000 Dandies at a cup semi

Bounce at Parkhead as we cuffed Timothy

16000 Dandies at a cup semi at Hampden

(Who knows what other highlights to come in the cup)


I'm inclined to think this season has been pretty good.


However, if you want to benchmark this season on the basis of good, steady progress with a level of consistent performances and a sense that we are growing as a team then it's probably been a step backwards.






You missed off the free pies at the Copenhagen game...

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You are right about the learning from this seasons exploits, unfortunately a lot of the key players who have learned as a group are likely to disappear (Clark, Hart, Nicholson, Miller, Lovell etc) and so the overall growth of the team will be lost to an extent.


Yeah that is the shitter of the season not the league form.  Im still hopefull we might keep miller and nicholson.  I a cup final leading to europe next season might be eonough to get them to re-sign

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