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Darren Mackie is out to end his five-month goal drought to become the Dons' Euro hero for the second time tonight.


The striker's only goal this season came in the 1-1 draw against Dnipro in Ukraine in October 4 to secure qualification in the UEFA Cup group stages. With the tie level at 2-2, the Dons need to win or draw 3-3 to progress.


And Mackie, who declared himself fully fit after missing the weekend defeat to Hibs with a groin strain, believes he is the man to get the goals to dump the Germans.


He said: "It has been a long time since I last scored and I aim to change that tonight. "I feel 100% fit and ready to have a real go at Bayern. "Both myself and Lee Miller did well against defenders like Lucio and Demichelis in the 2-2 draw at Pittodrie as we really got stuck in. "Bayern certainly did not like that and we aim to get in among them again."


Hmm, where's that itchy chin smiley?!

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I may just be going insane, but I feel bizarrely confident. Just can't help feeling that Bayern are going to take us too lightly.


Our entire league campaign so far has been nothing but a smokescreen for tonight!!!!


8)  Mon the Dons!  8)









That's the spirit,  If nothing else works, then a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through.




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Noticed that in the sun he was being criticised as not fullfilling his role as a striker. I.e squandering the best opportunity when the game was still in our hands. I agreed with them. Thought I have not seen the replay of THAT offside decision yet.


miller was offside, mackie was not, but miller (almost) touched the ball so was invovled in play.  Offside.

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Another typical Mackie performance. 100% effort 0% ability. Another one on one missed. Quicker we get shot of this useless cunt the better. Sadly have a horrible feeling he will be main goal threat next season.


God help us.


same as when derek young is mentioned everyone says he gives 100%

For fucksake my granny would give 100% does not mean she is a good footballer

useless cunt sums him up for me also..



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I would give 100%. I would also be better than Darren Mackie.


I would give 100%


1% would be better finishing than Dazza, but I'd need to get their first!


I always remember the slagging Billy Stark used to get, but he was ALWAYS there if the ball missed the last defender/striker to knock it in, and scored plenty. That's what we're missing now, not ineffective forwards, but the next Billy Stark.

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Aberdeen manager Jimmy Calderwood has backed Darren Mackie to rediscover his killer instinct, writes Andy Groundwater.


The striker has failed to net since scoring against Dnipro in the UEFA Cup last September.


But Calderwood insists Mackie, who is set to start against Kilmarnock tomorrow, has what it takes to succeed.


Calderwood said: "We are in a vicious circle just now where we are shipping too many goals and not taking our chances.


"Darren has not played many games due to injury. "He is a very important player for us, and we saw that in the Bayern game at Pittodrie last week.


"He has been our top scorer for the last couple of years, and will improve."


Zander Diamond and Karim Touzani both have hamstring injuries, but are expected to be fit.


Jamie Smith, Derek Young, Richie Byrne and Jackie McNamara are all out.


Jimmy's at it now.

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