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Killie v Dons

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Just noticed there's not a thread for this game...


I winna be there, a week and a bit to go of this trip.


I just hope we haven't used up all our goal allocation for this month. And i hate / love the fact that DM has won every match against the Ayrshire huns.


I'm being totally irrational here in having the fear but i'm worried that we've scored too much, we've won too much and they are without a manager..... of course we'll fucking hammer them!  ;)



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  Id like to see the same midfield/attack as Wed,Shinnie at l/b, Consi at CH.Curious to see if that midfield gives us the extra movement and invention that we often lack


  But,reckon he may drop Christie for Shinnie .



  Still see a comfortable win.3-1 Dons (Rooney,Hayes 2)

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Thanks for sorting redz,  was away to do that this morning. I can understand your fear, but we have a good team. Play to our strengths like we did midweek and we'll be fine. I presume it'll be a relatively straight swap for Christie / Shinnie. Interesting to see if he does that though as we did seem to pose a real threat against Motherwell.

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I'm being totally irrational here in having the fear but i'm worried that we've scored too much, we've won too much and they are without a manager..... of course we'll fucking hammer them!  ;)




Lee 'Elbows' McCulloch is their interim manager and I do not want to lose to that rancid lot with that manky, classless bastard in charge.



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Lee 'Elbows' McCulloch is their interim manager and I do not want to lose to that rancid lot with that manky, classless bastard in charge.




Absolutely, what I didn't get was BTMin Aberdeen saying we should be wanting to beat him more rather than mcgoo. Wrong imo, I want to beat both those cunts, and that is what both of them are. Didnt he get a draw the last time he took charge temporarily or am I making that up? Anyway, I hope to be saying GIRFUY to my killie mate at 5pm tomorrow.

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So my boycott of Rugby Park ended this season and attended our 4-0 ( going on 8 earlier this season) so given this is my shortest journey to a game it will come as no great surprise that I'm in tomorrow. Having the cunt McCulloch in charge for them just adds a bit of spice to it for me and let's hope we do these Hun loving cunts good and proper.



Walking the dog

Away end

Ten minute drive home

1-3 ( McGinn, Rooney & McLean)



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Absolutely, what I didn't get was BTMin Aberdeen saying we should be wanting to beat him more rather than mcgoo. Wrong imo, I want to beat both those cunts, and that is what both of them are. Didnt he get a draw the last time he took charge temporarily or am I making that up? Anyway, I hope to be saying GIRFUY to my killie mate at 5pm tomorrow.


I have heard some silly things said on btm, i remember one guy thought cammy smith would be a like for like replacement for flood. ???::)


Looking forward to this one, Mculloch will have them well motivated as he's a proper dye in the wool hun so he obviously detests us.  They will likely try and get physical so lets hope the team get's through this without injury.    Killie player to get a red card could be a prudent bet perhaps.

It's hard not to think that if we score first we will win comfortably and if it's an early goal another hiding could be on the cards.  Team selection is going to be interesting, it would be very hard to drop jack, mclean or christie after Wednesday.  Dare i say it but would the most prudent choice be give to Considine a wee rest and stick Shinnie to LB?

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I reckon Christie will be back on the bench for this one. DM will revert to type.


I don't like criticising when he's doing such a good job but obviously i'm going to...


He already knows what his midfield 3 of Jack, Shinzaa and McLean can do, we saw what Jack, Christie and McLean could do on Wed, we're playing a poor team tomorrow so lets see what Jack, Shinzaa and Christie can do this week, then next week drop Jack for McLean.


I don't see the point in taking in the likes of Christie if he's just going to be back up from the bench... we've got O'Connor there for that.

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I reckon Christie will be back on the bench for this one. DM will revert to type.


I don't like criticising when he's doing such a good job but obviously i'm going to...


He already knows what his midfield 3 of Jack, Shinzaa and McLean can do, we saw what Jack, Christie and McLean could do on Wed, we're playing a poor team tomorrow so lets see what Jack, Shinzaa and Christie can do this week, then next week drop Jack for McLean.


I don't see the point in taking in the likes of Christie if he's just going to be back up from the bench... we've got O'Connor there for that.


I would like to think that as Christie is not going to be here long term DM will just put Shinnie back in with Christie dropping to the bench. As long as Dons remain focused then we should have more than enough to see off Killie. We have been far better than them in games this season. Be nice to stick one over McCulloch as well.


Oot unless I change my mind now.



Park with Bairn

3-0 Rooney McGinn and McLean.

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Excellent chat as usual guys, thank fuck for that! I'm away to calm down, an intense few mins at the end! Made even sweeter seeing gordon Smith greet like he is. Fuck off you hun  :wave:


Special mention to DM, superb subs and I think it would have been harsh to drop Christie after midweek. Subs made a massive difference. Mcinnes did what he needed to do and it worked! Superb.



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Both McGinn & Hayes out of sorts today, Stockley doing more in 15mns than the ineffective Rooney did in 90mns, becoming a habit that.

This team really never knows when they are beat though, with 10mns to go, i would have bit your hand off for a point.

      Thought Dallas had a shocker, completely out his depth.

My m.o.t.m would have been Considine or Taylor.

Hard fought 3 points, all good. :thumbsup:

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