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Sex and drugs and sausage rolls


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You're not allowed to post any interesting life experiences on here or folk stuck on rigs in Muslim shitholes get upset and ruin the thread.  It's best all round if you stick to posting about what type of animal's scrotum they're serving there for lunch or what type of soooooped up Scoobiez you drives looool bro.  :rofl:


So what's everyone driving/eating for lunch these days?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just had a look over there.  By Christ it doesn't get any better does it?  I think I lost 10 IQ points just browsing the forum.


Only 10  ???

There are obviously a few posters o'er there that you completely ignored.

One in particular has a name that matchs his posts, and is backed up by a couple of others.

Having said that there are a right few posters that i'd love to entice over here

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