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Saturday 26th October 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Dundee Utd

This club is fucking dead and rotten.


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I want to go back to the opening day of the season where i spent most of the st johnstone game panicking everytime the ball went anywhere near mawene. But seemingly my peers did not share my opinion that he was a fucking liability.


Ive not seen him play since but I believe I clocked a couple of people on here voicing concerne about him. Now im here listening to the halftime report and mawenes name crops up for both kilmarnock goals.


Does anyone here actually think he is a goo defender?

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I want to go back to the opening day of the season where i spent most of the st johnstone game panicking everytime the ball went anywhere near mawene. But seemingly my peers did not share my opinion that he was a fucking liability.


Ive not seen him play since but I believe I clocked a couple of people on here voicing concerne about him. Now im here listening to the halftime report and mawenes name crops up for both kilmarnock goals.


Does anyone here actually think he is a goo defender?


Purely from the radio, sounded like there was some horrendous shit going on out wide, too much room on the wings. Where an organised, professional team may be expected to have full backs in situ.


For much the same reasons as many had severe reservations about McGhee, I have the same problems wi Brown.


There is not one cunt at AFC immune to criticism for the current predicament, fanny about with a nice looking artists impressions of a stadium, there'll be nae cunt wanting to go to it at this rate and a very much shiter team playing in it.

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I want to go back to the opening day of the season where i spent most of the st johnstone game panicking everytime the ball went anywhere near mawene. But seemingly my peers did not share my opinion that he was a fucking liability.


Ive not seen him play since but I believe I clocked a couple of people on here voicing concerne about him. Now im here listening to the halftime report and mawenes name crops up for both kilmarnock goals.


Does anyone here actually think he is a goo defender?



No but he is a shit hot striker :)

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From redTV sounded like we were all over them... but it's a bit like the commentary in Escape to Victory  :-\


I was listening to Northsound, must've been the same! Despite that it sounds like we did dominate them and make a few chances. Have to say it looks like Tam had got one right (sunshine and dugs arses spring to mind!), too many goals coming from amateur hour in the centre of defence.


Kow, ultimately the common feature of the gradual decline has been Milne. I don't necessarily disagree with the idea that a club should be self supporting financially but when it is a succession of ball busting costly mistakes you've made, get your fucking cheque book out to sort it, and not just when you have to make a change, maybe, just maybe keep a team together or bring a couple of inspiring players in. Something, anything to get behind and get people's imagination stirred out of this fucking hellish stupefying apathy we all seem affected by.

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Kow, ultimately to common feature of the gradual decline has been Milne. I don't necessarily disagree with the idea that a club should be self supporting financially but when it is a succession of ball busting costly mistakes you've made, get your fucking cheque book out to sort it, and not just when you have to make a change, maybe, just maybe keep a team together or bring a couple of inspiring players in. Something, anything to get behind and get people's imagination stirred out of this fucking hellish stupefying apathy we all seem affected by.


Agreed on all points.

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The sad bit is when folk turn round and say your team is Shite. i always reply with, aye but im used tae it or what's new?  I shouldn't have to say that Crap about a team I love and am proud to be a fan of. When they win a game i get genuinely excited like its a bloody one off that will never happen again. Something is definitely rotten at our club and it ain't just the pies! Who or what it is i don't know. I am beginning to think jimmy did a fantastic job of papering over the cracks. His sacking still bothers me. not that he went but the way they went about it.

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The sad bit is when folk turn round and say your team is Shite. i always reply with, aye but im used tae it or what's new?  I shouldn't have to say that Crap about a team I love and am proud to be a fan of. When they win a game i get genuinely excited like its a bloody one off that will never happen again. Something is definitely rotten at our club and it ain't just the pies! Who or what it is i don't know. I am beginning to think jimmy did a fantastic job of papering over the cracks. His sacking still bothers me. not that he went but the way they went about it.


and yet those who said this at the time are still considered to be cunts for it.

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In fairness calderwood was given some money to spend on transfer fee's, the club had a bigger wage budget due to higher attendances and a better tv deal, the global recession hadn't started yet and in general the football on the park across the spl was of a higher standard (not by much i grant you). 

I blame the demise of calderwood on milne for not backing him financially after the copenhagen game.  If we had strengthened then with a couple of players rather than punting clark and hart for meagre fee's i think we would have continued to improve under that regime.  The club went into decline after we went out of europe after steady progression previously.  Going out of cups 3 years running to lower league opposition put pay to JC and that was that.  I found it harsh that he was sacked after getting us into europe but i wasn't gutted he was leaving, at the time i was still fucking raging with him for sucking up kyle laffertys ass after the game he screwed us at ibrox.  "charlies come off saying he's no touched him and charlies an honest player but..... ya know..... big kyle he's an honest player too"  Whatever can be said about JC i still find it interesting that no-ones offered him more than 6 month contracts ever since. 

Scottish football is totally fucked.  The problems we face are all down to the shocking financial climate that the league has developed.  Milne has made many mistakes but the biggest i feel is that as chairmen of one of the biggest clubs in scotland he has not rallied the chairmen of utd, hearts, hibs, motherwell etc etc to stand up to the old firm.  They are the biggest problem with our game.  Two giant parasites that are..... no actually have sucked all the life out of scottish football.  The laying down to their demands of 11-1 voting when the spl was formed was the first step to the road to oblivion.  Its been 26 years since we won the league and no one outside the O/F has won it since.  Its no wonder folk are turning away in droves, the product is piss poor, the best you have to aim for is 3rd and even if you manage that you're probably going to get horsed out of europe in august anyway. 

There are of course other factors like the saturation coverage of the epl which has helped the decline of interest in going to games but this has added to the effect rather than causing it.  Scottish football needs to start afresh.  Scrap the 3 ruling bodies  and start again.  A good league to take inspiration from would be the bundesliga imo

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There is no doubt the club is in a bit of a state but some of the comment on the current team is a little OTT in my opinion.  Broon said it would take him what 3-4 windows to get the team he wants, and while that may be a cop out on his, and the boards behalf, we're probably not far from an reasonable SPL side (although some way from challenging for European places I would think)


Games I've seen this season:

StJ, home, both sides could have played all month and not scored.  Immediate reaction was we looked a lot more solid, less likely to get hammered and probably see most games decided by a goal.

St Mirren, away, probably the worst performance of the season, totally out played by a good Buddies side.

Celtic at home, never any chance of the kind of humiliation we suffered in recent seasons and with a bit of luck could have got a point.

Hearts, away, terrible result against a hearts team that really didn't look that much better than us except where it counts, up front.

Rangers, away, off the back of two wins, which I missed, best performance at Ibrox in years. Numerous scoring chances and deserved a lot better than a two goal defeat. 

Hibs, away, never looked like scoring, never looked like conceding. 

Killie, home, good performance, again deserved to win, this time defensive mistakes cost us dear.


3 reasonable performances - StJ, Rangers, Killie

2 poor performances - Hibs and Hearts

1 Terrible performance - St Mirren.

2 games I haven't seen we won - ICT and Dundee


Bit of luck and some ability up front and we could have won 3 of those.


Could have, would have, should have.


Lets see where we are in January. 

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Let's see where we are in January ??

Bottom of the league staring relegation in the face comes to mind!

And some of the comments have been spot on in my opinion , Since when as Dons fans do we accept mediocre as acceptable performances.


This stupid stadium crap annoys me most of all stop hoarding the money for that and pump it into the team pronto !! Or as said before there will be no one left to go to this stadium to watch us play Forfar or Partick


Stuart Milne destroyed my club t-shirts are about to go into circulation soon  >:D >:D

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Milne is convinced that a club should be self-sustaining and I'm sure he has been quoted as saying that Eddie Thompson got nowhere with Dundee United by throwing money at the team.


The problem is that neither of those routes are right in my eyes.  Thompson did largely get nowhere throwing money into the pot but their fan base is shite compared to ours and I got sick of reading about the amount of players we wanted that ended up at United.  Given those type of resources and our fanbase I'm convinced we'd have made it work.


I've always said it and I'll say it again.  To be successful in Scottish football you only have to stop worrying about the OF and beat the other 9 teams.  That won't take millions, that won't bankrupt your club, that won't be that much of an impossible mission.  That is, if your multi-millionaire chairman were to give a bit of pocket change here and there when required.


Owning a football club is very much like owning a car.  You're never going to get your money back on the amount you've spent on it.  You're going to have to pump money into it whether it's running well or not.  It's all about the journey when you're sitting in the drivers seat and if you're going to worry about the pennies then you're better off selling it off to someone else and walking.


Years, no make that decades, of penny pinching have brought the club to so many new lows that fans (those that still remain that is) are no longer surprised by them.  Yet we're no better off financially for this cost cutting.  I used to genuinely fear relegation but now I think it's now just the next logical step.  Sadly I doubt there's enough interest left in the Red Army to go hound the board at the doors of Pittodrie should this happen.


I'm sure Milne will blame the current state of affairs on the financial crisis but it's hardly affected Aberdeen city and I'm sure the cunt is still shifting houses like hot cakes.  The end of his tunnel is now the new stadium, yet we've no idea where the money will come from to fund this nor do any of us believe there will be a team there worth fielding.  It's all smoke and mirrors.


If Milne sees selling Pittodrie to clear the debt as some sort of achievement then he's a bigger muppet than I ever thought.  Especially when the new stadium is double or triple what our debt currently stands at.

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In fairness calderwood was given some money to spend on transfer fee's, the club had a bigger wage budget due to higher attendances and a better tv deal, the global recession hadn't started yet and in general the football on the park across the spl was of a higher standard (not by much i grant you). 

I blame the demise of calderwood on milne for not backing him financially after the copenhagen game.  If we had strengthened then with a couple of players rather than punting clark and hart for meagre fee's i think we would have continued to improve under that regime.  The club went into decline after we went out of europe after steady progression previously.  Going out of cups 3 years running to lower league opposition put pay to JC and that was that.  I found it harsh that he was sacked after getting us into europe but i wasn't gutted he was leaving, at the time i was still fucking raging with him for sucking up kyle laffertys ass after the game he screwed us at ibrox.  "charlies come off saying he's no touched him and charlies an honest player but..... ya know..... big kyle he's an honest player too"  Whatever can be said about JC i still find it interesting that no-ones offered him more than 6 month contracts ever since. 

Scottish football is totally fucked.  The problems we face are all down to the shocking financial climate that the league has developed.  Milne has made many mistakes but the biggest i feel is that as chairmen of one of the biggest clubs in scotland he has not rallied the chairmen of utd, hearts, hibs, motherwell etc etc to stand up to the old firm.  They are the biggest problem with our game.  Two giant parasites that are..... no actually have sucked all the life out of scottish football.  The laying down to their demands of 11-1 voting when the spl was formed was the first step to the road to oblivion.  Its been 26 years since we won the league and no one outside the O/F has won it since.  Its no wonder folk are turning away in droves, the product is piss poor, the best you have to aim for is 3rd and even if you manage that you're probably going to get horsed out of europe in august anyway. 

There are of course other factors like the saturation coverage of the epl which has helped the decline of interest in going to games but this has added to the effect rather than causing it.  Scottish football needs to start afresh.  Scrap the 3 ruling bodies  and start again.  A good league to take inspiration from would be the bundesliga imo


Excellent post TLG.

I still get seriously pissed off thinking back to Miller's interview in the minutes after the Copenhagen victory where he repeatedly stated that progress into the last 32 was such an achievement that the purse strings would be loosened to allow some quality to be brought in. Know I'm getting on and that, but can someone tell me where I missed it please ?

Next Saturday we're at Murderwell, haven't missed a visit there for years, but seriously doubt whether I'll bother next Saturday. Enthusiasm at an all time low after well over forty years of following them through thick and thin

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No having this "it's the OF's fault". We sided with the OF over Setanta and were right. The OF don't help any cunt in Scottish fitba, true but we should be looking after and towards ourselves first and fucking foremost before throwing shite at those bastards.


Get our own house in order first, if we're still struggling when we've taken care of our own business properly then get in about them, but we clearly aren't doing that.


Our biggest problem remains money. The whole league's problem is money, or the lack of it because of trying to keep up wi that pair added to how just fucking shortsighted the game has been in not investing in youth coaching and scouting.


Our own particular mismanagement over the years has been quite astoundingly fucking rotten and the squad JC had could have been the basis for investing in. But no.


What we'll do is cough up hundreds of thousands on paying out contracts on managers, rather than backing ones that show any sign of competence.


Pissed the fuck off.



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The club is dying and it is very, very rotten.


Given that the reason for it's stink, it's incompetence and it's inevitable failure is a continuing constant given the continuing constant, surely it's obvious now what the constant actually is.


Which begs the question - why were you all so vociferous against critics of the continuing constant before?


Or are you so fucking thick, you need it spelled out again?


Great thread and respect to the OP. Nails it totally.

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