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Saturday 26th October 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Dundee Utd

Should the Supporters Clubs be meeting to talk about the current situation?

El Padre™

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Is this a rational way to move towards some fan action against our current predicament? Should all the SC's be getting together to discuss the way forward in regards to airing our disgust at the clubs handling of recent events? It seems to me that as well as there not being enough dialogue between club and fans, there really isn't enough dialogue between the fans themselves outwith these kind of internet forums.


What do we do about this? I've never felt so disgusted, so disillusioned and so depressed about AFC in my life. If someone doesn't step up and do something about this then AFC are finished as an SPL club. There was a time, as previously discussed elsewhere when we the fans would have taken to the streets to show the club how we felt. Now there seems to be nothing, at all.



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Guest donindundonald

Internet message boards are the scourge of direct action.


Many who would stand outside protesting will be happier venting their anger on here (and the other boards).


Quite convenient for McGoo when he wants to say he doesn't hear any dissenting voices!


I'm not having a go at anyone (cos I'm one of them) who comes on message boards to express their opinion, but it is a fact that sittting in the house is easier than standing out in the cold.


It'll need a tidal wave of dissening voices at the weekend for the board to take the action a lot of people want.


I dont mean just boo-ing the players, because I do believe we have some half decent players in the squad.


I mean a clear and concise message from the majority of fans that the people we have managing of our club are not up to the job by ANY measure of competency.

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Hellish situation, what's being suggested a banner campaign?, calling for MMG's head after next game?  This would be shot down as the vocal minority ( see JMG ). I think the board have to be approached, but are they interested in hearing what anyone has to say?? and also, who speaks for all supporters groups?

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I have opened the globes email account to find the minutes of the meeting I mentioned.


Notes on the Pittodrie meeting of Supporters’ Group representatives

20th November 2010


Ten different groups were represented at the meeting, hosted by Chris Gavin, also attended in part by Malcolm Panton and John Morgan.

Key points arising were:

1.  It was suggested that the website should have a front page direct link to the Supporters Clubs section as it is difficult to find.  This is the first page fans see when they visit the webpage and is used to highlight special offers and important news.

Action – This will be implemented as soon as possible. We are also in the process of upgrading our “e-tickets” section of the website and more changes should be visible soon.

2.  The recent inclusion of Supporters Clubs contact details in the Redmatchday programme has proved popular. The details will continue to be published regularly but not in every issue of the programme so that people do not become too used to seeing them and end up not noticing them.

It was proposed that there could be an individual feature on a different Supporters Club in each programme. Upper Deeside Supporters club noted that they have a 30th anniversary coming up and would appreciate some recognition. Malcolm Panton is following this up.

Action – Clubs wishing to feature in the programme should get in touch with Malcolm Panton by e-mail at Redmatchday@afc.co.uk 

Chris Gavin can also be contacted to attend any club events/meetings at chris.gavin@afc.co.uk

3. It was questioned why some fans have been stopped from entering the ground with flags/display material.

This should not have happened as the admission of the RedArmy 12 banner is specifically permitted and forms part of the match day briefing. If the problem should arise again, the steward should be asked to contact John Morgan for clarification.

Direct contact should be also made with John Morgan about any other proposed displays – john.morgan@afc.co.uk

4.  There was some discussion about attendees at the next meeting with suggestions that Willie Miller, Stewart Milne or a player could attend.

Action – CG will invite the Chairman to the next meeting. Supporters groups should also get in touch before the next meeting with issues they wish to discuss so an appropriate member of staff can be there to advise.  They should e-mail Chris Gavin or supporters@afc.co.uk or telephone 01224 631903.

5. The summer football survey results were also discussed and opportunities for further surveys to gather supporters’ opinions will be sought. The results of this particular survey have been passed to Neil Doncaster at the SPL who was pleased to see them, particularly as they fitted with some of the work he has been doing in this area..

It was suggested that it would be worthwhile seeking to help referees by exploring the possibilities of exploring a possible cross-border exchange system to broaden the experience of referees both in Scotland and elsewhere. This would entail bringing referees from outwith Scottish borders to handle some of our domestic matches whilst referees from Scotland could handle matches elsewhere.

Note: The current issues surrounding the refereeing of Scottish matches may go part way to addressing this suggestion should the SFA decide to bring in referees from elsewhere. If this goes ahead there may be some indication if it is a worthwhile exercise.

6.  The recent Scotland game held at Pittodrie was discussed and it was agreed that a better atmosphere was generated as the RDS Upper was closed and supporters were more grouped together. It was agreed that it would be a favourable move to try this for a one off cup game if it were against a “smaller” team, creating atmosphere and saving on costs for the club. It would of course be necessary to give season ticket holders who use the autocup scheme some priority in choosing seats elsewhere in the stadium. One Supporters Group also suggested turning the Merkland Stand into a singing section for a one off cup game.

Note:  The problem is the number of Season Ticket holders in the Merkland Stand, many of which are in the autocup scheme that is run by the club. Also there is an obligation and commitment to having a family stand within the ground. Closing the RDS Upper would be a little easier as there are less Season Ticket holders there. It was suggested that at the start of the season when selling the Season Tickets that we could mention the possibility of being moved for one off games. This will be investigated and discussed within the club, particularly with ticket office manager, Peter Roy, who would have to administer such an experiment.


I presume item 4 was pushed to one side.

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That seemed completely removed from the current situation. They should seriously consider closing the rds upper for the rest of the season, because lets face it, we're not going to have worry about fans finding seats elsewhere.


Problem with that will be that we have sold season tickets for the upper RDS.

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Is this a rational way to move towards some fan action against our current predicament? Should all the SC's be getting together to discuss the way forward in regards to airing our disgust at the clubs handling of recent events? It seems to me that as well as there not being enough dialogue between club and fans, there really isn't enough dialogue between the fans themselves outwith these kind of internet forums.


What do we do about this? I've never felt so disgusted, so disillusioned and so depressed about AFC in my life. If someone doesn't step up and do something about this then AFC are finished as an SPL club. There was a time, as previously discussed elsewhere when we the fans would have taken to the streets to show the club how we felt. Now there seems to be nothing, at all.




I agree with you, there has to be something positive action coming from the fans. It's obviously hard for us to go to any meetings which are outwith matchdays at Pittodrie, what with us being weegie fakers and all that but why don't you get a meeting of the supporters clubs down here? Not sure if you've heard but we've registered the football team as a Supporters Club, so that's us, you guys in the Glasgow Reds, the Glasgow & West club, I think there's still a Lenzie club as well as Stirling and possibly Falkirk too (if they still have a club). Even getting a few folk together a night during the week in a boozer (this bit is important), come up with a few ideas and possibly pass them on to other supporters clubs to see where they stand?

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I agree with you, there has to be something positive action coming from the fans. It's obviously hard for us to go to any meetings which are outwith matchdays at Pittodrie, what with us being weegie fakers and all that but why don't you get a meeting of the supporters clubs down here? Not sure if you've heard but we've registered the football team as a Supporters Club, so that's us, you guys in the Glasgow Reds, the Glasgow & West club, I think there's still a Lenzie club as well as Stirling and possibly Falkirk too (if they still have a club). Even getting a few folk together a night during the week in a boozer (this bit is important), come up with a few ideas and possibly pass them on to other supporters clubs to see where they stand?


I'm not much of an organiser but I'd certainly attend if we could get something sorted out, I'd also include the edinburgh and fife based clubs if we could. It might just result in a drunken fight but I'm game for that too.  :thumbsup:

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I concur with the original post and have done so for a considerable amount of time.  For all of my thoughts on the subject, see everything I said in my previous topic: http://www.donstalk.co.uk/messageboard/index.php?topic=13324.0


Shame it takes a record defeat to stir up the senses, shows the extreme apathy we have in our support...

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I concur with the original post and have done so for a considerable amount of time.  For all of my thoughts on the subject, see everything I said in my previous topic: http://www.donstalk.co.uk/messageboard/index.php?topic=13324.0


Shame it takes a record defeat to stir up the senses, shows the extreme apathy we have in our support...


So why don't you do something about it then? I've already (half) volunteered my services, why don't you? You keep talking about it...

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Supporters Clubs have a loud voice in the make-up of our support, but they do not represent the full spectrum of the make-up of the support.  It would be interesting to know what percentage of supporters at home games aren't affiliated to clubs - I would guess it is quite easily well over 50%.


Two years ago, when I ran GUASC, I made an effort to re-form the Association of Aberdeen Supporters Clubs.  Some were interested, some weren't, some were downright hostile - for example the Glasgow and West Club were more interested in pointing out my club's flaws than they were about uniting.  So, the idea fell flat on its face.  So BB you'll see that I have tried in the past to generate a forward-thinking movement and it did not gain momentum.  There seems to be even less desire in this instance.  Any movement against the hierarchy of the club needs to be large, well-supported, sustained and above all, effective and just.  Point is, the support is divided, perhaps beyond repair.  I wish everyone thought the same way as me, but the fact is that they don't.  The fire just isn't there and it is tragic.

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So you gave up....?


Surely when you want to form an association, you start with everybody who wants to be part of it and move on from there. You're never gonna get universal support from the off.


I very much doubt our support will be divided forever. It wasn't that long ago we were all pulling together.

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