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Fit yih dein for the rangers game min?

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Going or nae going: nae going

Before the game: at work

Where will you be sitting: at work

After the game: sitting at the bar in a hotel in Preston

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Thankfully someone wanted a shift swap from night to day so im now going  ;D


Going or nae going: Going

Before the game: Driving in

Where will you be sitting: Smellable range of the Huns in Lower RDS

After the game: Work then out in aberdeen if we win at night

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Going or nae going: nae going :hammer:

Before the game: Working :hammer:

Where will you be sitting: In the rec room gettin a whole half hour of the game :hammer:

After the game: Back to work :hammer:


scratch that! just had a call and iv been bumped for the trip, il get the huns game after all!! YAAASSS HEID FIRST INTO THE CUNTS CANNA FUCKIN WAIT!!

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hello all, i'm new to this, but i need help from anyone in edinburgh who can tell me where i can watch the game in an aberdeen friendly pub. dont fancy having to watch it surrounded by huns. cheers in advance.


Should be a fair few folk in the globe for this one mate.


Its on Niddry street which is between the Royal Mile (at the Bank hotel/Radisson SAS hotel) and the Cowgate.





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