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Dons vs Dundee

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They've got a game against the huns this week, will be interesting to see if that actually happens. At least with this game being away for them, they can't cancel it 🤣 

They're unbeaten against us this season, primarily due to the two previous postponements but they did narrowly beat us last month. Home form is better than our away for so we should be looking to get a result here. I think a win means we avoid automatic relegation?

Anyway, i'm a bit out of the loop with the team / "highlights" at the moment so i've no idea how we should be looking to set up. Hopefully we don't have a repeat of Leven's set up last time round. 

4 yr olds birthday party...
1-1 - Miovski

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Two games against Dundee have both been poor this season and cannot see Saturday being any different. We are not an easy team to watch at the moment but we just need to get the results that get us safe for the season. Would expect the team to be broadly similar to Saturday if everyone is fit. Would like to see us try Ryan Duncan instead of Hoillet on left just to try something different. Duk did not do anything when he came on at Livingston to make me think he would be any better than Hoillet. 


Train then pub


Pub then train

1-0 Miovski


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In - If I must.

    Hoping a win will be enough to get us over the line depending on other results?.That'll be me out for the rest of this sorry season if so

Prediction - 2 - 2. Pain to continue a bit more...

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Not much chatter, would be nice to get a win obviously, but with rangers playing Ross county, as well as motherwell playing hibs, we’d be 10 clear of 2nd bottom going into the split and closer to those above us. 
3-1 us, bojan McGrath and clarkson 

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1 hour ago, manc_don said:

Really hope the last Dundee game was a blip for Leven. He speaks so much sense so I’d be surprised if it wasn’t. Just don’t want a repeat of said blip! 

I was impressed with Dundee in that game, tactically. They played two high pressing midfielders and sylla picking off our attacks in front of their defence. Something we'll struggle to get round with our setup. Hoping that Miovski does something good, basically.

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Just back. That was absolutely honking. Again. It seems that we're just not very good at football. The conditions were terrible as they have been for some months now, and I'm wondering if the first thing that Thelin will ask when he turns up is why we aren't playing summer football. Both teams were shite today in opposing halves. 

We controlled the first half without creating any chances, and they did similar in the second. There were no redeeming features about us today, with every player being fairly pish, and the subs bringing more of the same. Duk playing for bookings in the first half was quite something, to not capitalise on any of the three players he got booked being on a booking was impressive. He just didn't seem to want to do the difficult, meaningful stuff once he got past a player or when in a good position. He then shut down at halftime. He was far from our worst performer. Thankfully we've only got three more at pittodrie to endure.

Edited by RicoS321
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4 minutes ago, RicoS321 said:

Thankfully we've only got three more at pittodrie to endure.

If we’re lucky we might only get 2 home games - even though that would mean 18 home / 20 away. I wouldn’t really care tbh. With the teams in the bottom 6 we are due Livi and Motherwell at home, Ross Co, St Johnstone and Hibs away.

I thought we were alright first half but the reluctance to take a shot on is so frustrating. We got into some really good positions but we’re toothless. 

Get this season in the bin.


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Aye,just in.That was indeed honking.First half was OK,second half we didnt seem to know what to do.Dundee showed better intent,unlucky not get 3 points.By the time we'd stopped knocking the ball about at the back,we often made the same pass we could have made before we knocked it about,....which gave time to Dundee get organised.Both Shinnies fouls stupid.Duk was a frustrating outlet,sometimes good,often over complicating,but a bit of assistance from others might have helped

  Dundee were useful going forward,luckily their shooting was Rugby style.Another point I suppose

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I think saying it was honking is being far too kind. It was abysmal. Two very poor teams with us being the slightly more shit one. Thought only McKenzie got pass marks today. Cannot see me attending any of the post split fixtures. 

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On the basis that I have paid for next week's ticket, barring some kind of fucking miracle with us beating the tattie munchers, next Saturday will be my last game of the season

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There seems to be an unwritten rule about criticising Peter Leven, like he's the young goat herder that is putting out the village fires in the absence of a properly established fire brigade.

However, let's not forget he's one of the Cormack Park coaches that has helped create this shambles of a season. His fingerprints are all over the match box, even if he didn't light them (I'll stop now).

And under his interim management - it's not something we've only just began doing, but I'm noticing it so much now - out attacking strategy appears to be to get to the edge of the box, then someone lobs it in and hope it falls for someone. So often over the last few weeks we have this wee school ground style stramashes in the box. It's embarrassing to watch us.

See the whole "I hope Leven is part of the new coaching set up, he deserves it". I would clear out every single one of them. How the hell do we have a team of talented players performing this badly week after week?


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  • 1 month later...
On 14/04/2024 at 00:12, Panda said:

There seems to be an unwritten rule about criticising Peter Leven, like he's the young goat herder that is putting out the village fires in the absence of a properly established fire brigade.

However, let's not forget he's one of the Cormack Park coaches that has helped create this shambles of a season. His fingerprints are all over the match box, even if he didn't light them (I'll stop now).

And under his interim management - it's not something we've only just began doing, but I'm noticing it so much now - out attacking strategy appears to be to get to the edge of the box, then someone lobs it in and hope it falls for someone. So often over the last few weeks we have this wee school ground style stramashes in the box. It's embarrassing to watch us.

See the whole "I hope Leven is part of the new coaching set up, he deserves it". I would clear out every single one of them. How the hell do we have a team of talented players performing this badly week after week?


One month on and I'm far more impressed than I was when I wrote that. Playing better than I expected, although I do think some of the results have been better than the performances. 

I do wonder though how it'll be with Leven still at the club when Thelin comes in. If the players don't respond to Thelin straight away, do murmurs start in the dressing room that things were better under Leven etc?

Goodwin came in with a scorched earth approach and got rid of anyone and anything that Glass had touched. I would hope Thelin doesn't do that. But in a weird way Leven's recent "success" has put a bit of pressure on him.

That is, of course, if Leven doesn't get offered a manager's job in summer. Be some fairly big jobs available. Inverness maybe, although the rumours are Barry Robson for that one. Raith Rovers if Ian Murray is enticed by Hibs, and they could be a Premiership team. St Johnstone if they come to the conclusion the Craig Levein experiment hasn't worked. Even his old club Kilmarnock should Hibs go for Del (unlikely, as he doesn't fit their Brazil 1970 ethos).


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2 minutes ago, Panda said:

One month on and I'm far more impressed than I was when I wrote that. Playing better than I expected, although I do think some of the results have been better than the performances. 

I do wonder though how it'll be with Leven still at the club when Thelin comes in. If the players don't respond to Thelin straight away, do murmurs start in the dressing room that things were better under Leven etc?

Goodwin came in with a scorched earth approach and got rid of anyone and anything that Glass had touched. I would hope Thelin doesn't do that. But in a weird way Leven's recent "success" has put a bit of pressure on him.

That is, of course, if Leven doesn't get offered a manager's job in summer. Be some fairly big jobs available. Inverness maybe, although the rumours are Barry Robson for that one. Raith Rovers if Ian Murray is enticed by Hibs, and they could be a Premiership team. St Johnstone if they come to the conclusion the Craig Levein experiment hasn't worked. Even his old club Kilmarnock should Hibs go for Del (unlikely, as he doesn't fit their Brazil 1970 ethos).


It’s quite a situation really. In the last month we’ve ditched the long ball/direct style and have shown we’ve got some capable players who can play football. Now we bring in a guy with a known approach of a direct style.

said before, a good coach plays a style that suits the players, curious to see what JT can do!


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Whilst it's put him under a wee bit of pressure, we still needed to remain in the division. I'm glad we've had the opportunity for some of the players to flourish at the end of a miserable season. Watching the nix this season sounds very similar to how Thelin will play. Allow the opposition plenty of possession and low percentage shots, draw them in and smash them on the counter. Not sure if we have the defenders to play the ball out from the back, but I am really intrigued to see how this pans out. I hope he doesn't throw everything out, because we've clearly found something that works. Maybe this is the style we play against the lesser teams and adopt his traditional style for the like's of the cheeks (weegie and edinburgh).

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