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Dons vs County

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Given how we've been lately, genuinely have no idea how this is going to play out. County aren't on great form (despite beating the dhims in the cup) so in theory, given we should have out preferred midfield, we should have enough to get a result. Currently closer to them than the huns, which is a bit embarrassing in itself. 

Devlin being injured doesn't really change much, he's a waste of space and needs booted out the door. Does mean Ash cements his place a bit more, which isn't ideal, but I wonder if we also see Ronald get another chance?  Really hope Cosgrove starts to show some interest. If we're going to have any luck in shifting him, he needs to get some form.

1-1, Cosgrove

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County looked extremely poor side last time we played them and while we are clearly not playing as well we should still have enough to win this. Then again I thought the same for last 3. Ferguson’s suspension probably means Ojo playing which isn’t ideal. Would like to see us try McLennan in beside Hedges as a replacement for Wright. Between the two of them they should be able to create enough chances for Cosgrove. Home game so at least the stream will be covered by the season ticket. 





2-0 Hedges and Cosgrove (pen)

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County have been terrible recently, Kettlewell is completely out of his depth. I'm surprised they've not sacked him yet as McGregor is usually quick on the trigger. The result against Celtic saved him in the meantime. 

We should win easily.

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What a difference a few weeks make.Some of the finest fitba weve seen in years.Shows how much we relied on a few players to make it work,Hence why am a wee bit surprised at the venom towards mcInnes in some places in such a short period of time.Wright is out for 4 weeks,and Watkins unlikely to be back before his loan expires.If we can stumble along til end January,and make enquiries about extending Watkins loan,or finding a similar player,would be interested to see if we can find some of the early season form.

    Not to excuse mcInnes for the drivel weve been watching recently.We must be able to get better out of what weve got regardless.

  An optimistic County 1 Dons 5. COYR 

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Ross County are really terrible just now. They put a couple of weegies in charge and are now reaping what was sown with that daft decision. 

Kettlewell was fawning over the huns last week, that should be a sacking offence in the far north.

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Glad to get the win, that’s for sure. And a couple of goals for Main cannot hurt us. Agree on the Hernandez concern/questions but today was all about the win, not developing young talent. If 2-0 becomes 2-1 it’s a different game, plus from what I’m reading 2-0 may have flattered us as they had chances.

Only saw the first half but from what I see we look like the team from last year again. Biggest difference this season has been Scott Wright and having a true #10 who causes central attacking problems. He’s our Christie, even Maddison now, and he clearly has an impact. Without him we’re back to that huge hole in the attack middle of the park below the forward at times, and it’s relatively easy for opponents to defend. Hope he’s fit sooner than later!

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Some hit from Curtis for the second Some finish from Curtis for the secondsome.

We needed a win and got it.

Not sad to see Sam left out. Curtis shouldn't be anywhere near the club, but I honestly don't think he is any worse than Sam and I actually think his workrate is better than Sam.

Hopefully we can kick on now that monkey us off our back.

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12 hours ago, tup1 said:

Cosgrove was nowhere near fit and as a result we were garbage recently.

A fit Main is a far better option, reputation means nothing.

Agreed, don't think Cosgrove was ready to come back, way off the pace. When he was banging in the goals at the beginning of last season his work rate was noticeably high as was his awareness. His form dipped when we moved to Westhill, almost like he was doing too much too soon in training, like the infamous "burnout" attributed to younger players by pundits. With that in mind, you bring him back in slowly and allow him to build up an understanding with the new formation and players around him. McInnes didn't do that.

Main did well yesterday, but he has zero game intelligence, regularly making shite runs, getting caught offside and giving away ridiculous fouls. Cosgrove gives away stupid fouls when he's knackered or frustrated, Main just does it as a matter of course. What was really annoying yesterday was that McInnes finally decided to play the correct players in the correct positions and do that for almost the entire second half (I only listened to the first on the radio so couldn't say). He hasn't done that for Cosgrove once since he returned, constantly switching Hedges and Hayes, Kennedy and Leigh or McLennan throughout the game giving the returning striker no chance of finding his feet in a new setup and building confidence. If we're bringing Cosgrove in when fit, we need to retain a shape for a good hour or more, with Hedges and Kennedy or McGinn alongside with McLennan and Hayes wide. I guarantee he won't though, it's almost like he wants to make it as hard as possible for his players. He needs to give Cosgrove the same opportunity as he did Main yesterday. It worked well for Main, it's fairly simple stuff.

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Main was doing well last season when he replaced Cosgrove.

The problem with Cosgrove is that we seem to revert to an awful style of football when he's there. When Watkins was in the team, we played the ball to feet in the forward areas, and this allowed Hedges and Wright in particular to shine.

We seem to go agricultural with Cosgrove. Add in the fact that he was about 70% fit and you get the kind of terrible football we played recently. I'd just go with Main for now and see if we can sell Cosgrove in January.

The guy who did the 'race for 3rd' interview on Red TV after the game, Shinie I think, should get the bullet for that kind of chat.

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47 minutes ago, tup1 said:

Main was doing well last season when he replaced Cosgrove.

I disagree, I thought he was painful to watch. He's just not a footballer, his reading of the game is atrocious, he's like a shit Josh Magennis. Head down and charge. Not what you want to pay to watch.

51 minutes ago, tup1 said:

The problem with Cosgrove is that we seem to revert to an awful style of football when he's there. When Watkins was in the team, we played the ball to feet in the forward areas, and this allowed Hedges and Wright in particular to shine.

We seem to go agricultural with Cosgrove. Add in the fact that he was about 70% fit and you get the kind of terrible football we played recently. I'd just go with Main for now and see if we can sell Cosgrove in January.

I don't think it has anything to do with Cosgrove though, it's entirely the way McInnes fucks about with the team. Since Cosgrove came back, Wright has been injured, and/or Hedges had been shifted out wide, the obvious covid issues ruining our midfield and Hayes missing. Despite that, when we had a nearly full selection to pick from against St Mirren, he cunts about with the positions like we're a Dutch team from the Cruyff era. All of that leads to lack of forward movement and players in each others way, so the defence have to hit it long after five minutes of passing it between them. As soon as Cosgrove is dropped, and his confidence ruined, he gives Curtis Main the opportunity with the exact team and system (Kennedy in place of Wright) that got us playing well in the first place and he scores two goals, including an excellent finish. But Curtis Main isn't making amazing runs or using his deft touch to draw defenders in, it's the fucking obvious tactic of playing Johnny Hayes down the wing, McLennan on the other side and giving Hedges (and Kennedy, sort of) freedom to roam high up the park - none of which was offered to Cosgrove.

The problem we've got is that Cosgrove is going nowhere in January on this form and McInnes is setting up the team to play against his better attributes, meaning we're missing the best of a talented young player (again) who has the potential to make us significantly more watchable than Curtis Main ever could.

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