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One Derek McInnes

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Kiri... I mean if he is poached, I'd be happy for him to stay but the problem is that he is only likely to remain if he is less successful. Like our players any decent offer (from a decent team that is) will see him off. Get the system and the personnel in place to keep the club in good nick and get a manager/coach in to look after the first team fitba, if it's McInnes that's fine with me.

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Not sure why anyone would think like that Ernie. 


Most sensible supporters would admit that second in the league is the best we could hope for unless someone invests a massive amount of cash into the club.  We're there already so why change?


You can look at it that way but Rangers spent way more money than us and we finished above them, and only 9 points behind Celtic. Couple of seasons ago pre Rogers there was talk of us winning the league. Do we really need a massive amount of cash or simply 4-5 strong players to add?

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Guest kiriakovisthenewstrachan

You can look at it that way but Rangers spent way more money than us and we finished above them, and only 9 points behind Celtic. Couple of seasons ago pre Rogers there was talk of us winning the league. Do we really need a massive amount of cash or simply 4-5 strong players to add?


You are right about being closer pre Rogers. Celic are now about £50m better off though and are operating in a different world to us.


Operating in the freebie and loan market we would realistically need to sign 15 players to end up finding another 4 or 5 gems. Celic have a far better strike rate because they can afford to buy proven quality.


A club like the dons also usually get so close before the top clubs start nicking one or two of your star men then you are back to square one.


Hope that doesn't sound too defeatist, just being realistic.


It's a far less even playing field than it was when we were challenging for the league in the 80s.

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When McInnes goes - and it's obviously when, not if - there will be more shit hitting the fan.


The timescale of when he departs is unknown but whenever it is, consider what AFC will be left with? He garners loyalty from this squad, unsurprisingly as he recruited the vast majority. They like him.


Remember the 2 x defeats v. Rangers when all the pundits reckoned he was offski? The poor little lambs were lost and produced the worst two consecutive performances in AFC history.


If he was to go this season, we would be left in a worse place, certainly in the short term and until the new manager got rid of all the McInnes duds. The youth might get a chance and they'll be hungry to prove the exited manager was wrong but without experienced men holding it together, the journeymen footballers will go backwards from their already not good enough standards.


The manager is a loser and he's filled his squad with losers. They're mostly wage thief's, not winners. It's going to be a poor poor season as it is, with zero attacking threats and a gross squad imbalance. It will take more than half a season and many millions to fix it and until McInnes gets binned/walks, it's only going to get worse.

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When McInnes goes maybe sooner than later if things dont pick up. The main problem will still be at the club...Stewart Milne. Until he leaves, AFC will never come close to fulfilling its potential infact quite the opposite as most of his 20 year criminal reign as chairmain has put the club in decline both in terms of attendances and challenging on the field.

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Bullshit.  Not even close.


Yes you're right. They weren't as bad as I remembered. They had nothing to do with the manager and his will he/won't he situation. The fact he was considering it - for more than a couple of days - had nothing to do with the performance that wasn't as fucking horrific as you say. We deserved to get something out of those games, against such a shit football team that they couldn't even finish above us, despite helping themselves to a 12 point swing in two horrible days within half a week.

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Bullshit.  Not even close.


Surely Rocket is allowed some sort of poetic licence here? They were fucking atrocious by any standard, but not SP or MM bad. However, if you compare peak Mcghee with the poorest McGhee performance then the difference between those performances would be comparable to peak McInnes and those hun performances - they were fucking atrocious.


The only problem that I have is that he wasn't "considering" anything as no offer had been made and so there was nothing to consider. McInnes had already made his intention to stay clear (as announced by Milne in the prior weeks), we just had to hear it twice to be certain due to a huge media campaign by the impartial BBC who attempted to railroad our manager into resigning. In the end, we got over it and finished above them in the league. I don't think we'll be saying the same this season unfortunately.

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There's a key word getting missed here.


Yes we've had very many horrific performances over very many years but I can't remember 2 x CONSECUTIVELY abject performances ever.


Strange that. That we would produce our two worst back-to-back games against the team that did not finish 2nd despite the gift of six points to our closest challengers. Just a bad half week at the office? Just a coincidence? All started by that spastic Tansey's idiotic challenge at the Broomloan end.

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Yes you're right. They weren't as bad as I remembered. They had nothing to do with the manager and his will he/won't he situation. The fact he was considering it - for more than a couple of days - had nothing to do with the performance that wasn't as fucking horrific as you say. We deserved to get something out of those games, against such a shit football team that they couldn't even finish above us, despite helping themselves to a 12 point swing in two horrible days within half a week.


The two games against the huns weren't even the worst consecutive performances last season , let alone in AFC's history.  The 2-nil defeat at Tynecastle followed by the cup-semi capitulation to Motherwell were worse performances in my opinion


At least in that game at Ibrox we actually made plenty good chances and could point to a ridiculously biased ref going above and beyond the call of duty for the huns.



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The two games against the huns weren't even the worst consecutive performances last season , let alone in AFC's history.  The 2-nil defeat at Tynecastle followed by the cup-semi capitulation to Motherwell were worse performances in my opinion


At least in that game at Ibrox we actually made plenty good chances and could point tout to a ridiculously biased ref going above and beyond the call of duty for the huns.


You blame the ref for Ibrox? I look closer to home.


You (and Bobby) have added three further fixtures which were embarrassingly incompetent. Yet I'm not allowed the opinion that I can't remember two worse back to back games?


It was the reasons for those particularly shocking performances that is where the real meat is to be found and the ref at Ibrox is a lame excuse, one which a truth-denier might engage. Pittodrie 4 days later was unbelievable, like they didn't want to win, just a fucking piss weak display.

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You blame the ref for Ibrox? I look closer to home.


You (and Bobby) have added three further fixtures which were embarrassingly incompetent. Yet I'm not allowed the opinion that I can't remember two worse back to back games?


It was the reasons for those particularly shocking performances that is where the real meat is to be found and the ref at Ibrox is a lame excuse, one which a truth-denier might engage. Pittodrie 4 days later was unbelievable, like they didn't want to win, just a fucking piss weak display.


The ref at Ibrox had a massive influence on the result.  I'm not saying he was the only reason we lost , because we started the game so poorly we'd have had an uphill battle even with a reasonably fair ref. We'll never know, but the dice were loaded against us from the off.


You are allowed an opinion. Same as the sort of knob-ends who bang on about not being able to say anything against Muslims still manage to freely spout their views about Muslims. But others are allowed to rubbish your opinion, or , as in this case, pick you up on comments that I dispute.


And for what it's worth , I wouldn't argue with you about the second game against the huns , which was a worse performance from us ,in my view

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The ref at Ibrox had a massive influence on the result.  I'm not saying he was the only reason we lost , because we started the game so poorly we'd have had an uphill battle even with a reasonably fair ref. We'll never know, but the dice were loaded against us from the off.


What happened in that first game like? I remember Tansey giving away a blatant pen, but I don't remember much else (Stewart having an atrocious game rings a bell).

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What happened in that first game like? I remember Tansey giving away a blatant pen, but I don't remember much else (Stewart having an atrocious game rings a bell).


Off the top of my head , Andrew Dallas was the ref.


First off , Tansey's challenge was ungainly and ill-advised , to say the least. But it was just as much a foul on him by the hun (can't remember who) as it was a foul on the hun. A sort of messy tangle of feet and legs near the ball.


Just before half-time GMS was through on goal , goal-side of Tavernier (I think) who couldn't risk putting in a tackle as he'd have had to go through GMS. Instead though , and whether it was deliberate or not , by Tavernier , he clipped GMS foot just as GMS was shooting , although he managed to get a sclaffy shot off, so Dallas was able to bottle out of awarding a pen and sending Tavernier off for denying a clear goal-scoring chance.


Apart from those two specific game-changers the main problem with the ref that night was that he applied different standards to us for run of the mill challenges.  We weren't allowed to compete as our lot were booked for challenges that the huns either got off with altogether , or escaped without any booking.


I don't actually like criticising refs too much , because , having done it myself at a very low level, I can appreciate how difficult it is ....and must be even more so at the level of a Rangers-Aberdeen game !....but that cvnt was shocking that night

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The ref at Ibrox had a massive influence on the result.  I'm not saying he was the only reason we lost , because we started the game so poorly we'd have had an uphill battle even with a reasonably fair ref. We'll never know, but the dice were loaded against us from the off.


And for what it's worth , I wouldn't argue with you about the second game against the huns , which was a worse performance from us ,in my view


This sounds like victimhood, the same kind that the Old Firm roll out incessantly over every single year this century and before. I do not agree that the ref had a "massive influence on the result". It was McInnes and Tansey that cost us. They deserved to win. We were fucking shite that night.


And it appears that we agree about how fucking shite we were at Pittodrie and yes, whilst it was quite obviously a worse performance than 3/4 days earlier, it was still two unforgivable consecutive back to back gutless displays against our closest challengers, the type of which can cost a team its whole season... although we of course won the coveted Second place trophy so everything's all right then.



You are allowed an opinion. Same as the sort of knob-ends who bang on about not being able to say anything against Muslims still manage to freely spout their views about Muslims. But others are allowed to rubbish your opinion, or , as in this case, pick you up on comments that I dispute.


I'm allowed an opinion? Thank you very much.


By jumping in with stuff like "bullshit, not even close", you're not attempting to present an opinion nor were you trying to tackle what you didn't like about mine. You now elaborate with it woz the ref's fault, something I vehemently dispute and now that you present two other shambolic consecutive performances (and I called the Motherwell capitulation the day before it happened), it appears that like so many Aberdeen supporters, you may be in denial about the principal problem at our club - at least on the "football side of the business" - the boy Orion nailing the real issue affecting our fortunes, being Milne.


When I resurrect a thread that had been dormant for over a month and a half to express an opinion that I expected most to find unpalatable, I would have thought it might have been something to discuss, not to dispute without qualification. When McInnes goes, we're going to be in further shit because of the shit he's caused us and is causing us. You might disagree with that but picking up on those two abject performances to counter with other fucking shite performances under McInnes seems to be NOT wanting to discuss anything.

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When McInnes goes, we're going to be in further shit because of the shit he's caused us and is causing us. You might disagree with that but picking up on those two abject performances to counter with other fucking shite performances under McInnes seems to be NOT wanting to discuss anything.


So we're shit now and going to be worse when McInnes goes. Does that mean we should keep him?

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