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One Derek McInnes

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First off , Tansey's challenge was ungainly and ill-advised , to say the least. But it was just as much a foul on him by the hun (can't remember who) as it was a foul on the hun. A sort of messy tangle of feet and legs near the ball.


That is a ridiculously partisan view of that pen. It was an atrociously stupid challenge by a player so far off the pace it was embarrassing (don't remember if he played again?). It was a pen all day long.


Anyway, onto Rocket's point. I disagree. We've got the remnants of a decent squad as well as a few that should be on their way. Lewis, Devlin, McKenna, Considine, Logan, Shinnie, Ferguson, Wright, GMS and McGinn on his day (still) are good players with Anderson, Campbell, maybe Ross (I don't think he'll make it) and others from the youngsters to supplement. Lowe looks decent, Wilson it remains to be seen. The rest are filler that could be replaced, but there isn't a squad in the league bar Celtic who don't have that filler (they do, just at a different level).


We're significantly fitter, more professional and more consistent than we've been in years and behind the scenes we've progressed in terms of training methods, soon to be training infrastructure, contract renewal, player sales, fan engagement (sort of), marketing etc. etc. The club are night and day from when McInnes joined. We can argue/agree on McInnes' failings, but anyone who couldn't make something of the squad and environment if McInnes were to leave tomorrow wouldn't be fit to be dons' manager. If the club could take more lead on player recruitment (better scouting) and introduce a strategy for youth development and introduction then we'd be only looking at McInnes' cautious tactics and failure to appropriately motivate his team in bigger games. But then that would be ironing out every single error in our manager, which is probably a little unrealistic. 


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When McInnes goes - and it's obviously when, not if - there will be more shit hitting the fan.


The timescale of when he departs is unknown but whenever it is, consider what AFC will be left with? He garners loyalty from this squad, unsurprisingly as he recruited the vast majority. They like him.


Remember the 2 x defeats v. Rangers when all the pundits reckoned he was offski? The poor little lambs were lost and produced the worst two consecutive performances in AFC history.



You probably weren't around when Tommy Pearson was manager when consecutive bad performances were the norm.  For instance we  draw 0-0 with East Fife (then a poor 2nd division side) in the 1st round of the Scottish Cup and then lost 1-0 in the replay 4 days later.  Though it did have a happy ending 'cos it led to the manager resigning and we got Eddie Turnbull.

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You probably weren't around when Tommy Pearson was manager when consecutive bad performances were the norm.  For instance we  draw 0-0 with East Fife (then a poor 2nd division side) in the 1st round of the Scottish Cup and then lost 1-0 in the replay 4 days later.  Though it did have a happy ending 'cos it led to the manager resigning and we got Eddie Turnbull.


No that was before my time! I'm only 56  :laughing:


I just HATED those two games more than words can say. I've seen a LOT of shit in the last 50+ years - more so since Milne took charge - but the way McInnes's teams capitulated not just once but twice in half a week would still be giving me nightmares if it actually mattered, which it doesn't any more because winning isn't in the plan. The fact it was against them, with their disgusting support means that it will always be a horror show in my mind.

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Anyway, onto Rocket's point. I disagree. We've got the remnants of a decent squad as well as a few that should be on their way.


It's ok to disagree. Time will tell. My position is that McInnes is finished. His best is behind him and his best was never good enough for AFC, although I accept that he has at least embraced sports science and made the club "more professional" in its processes, not that we shouldn't ignore that only a fucking imbecile would not when the technology, resources and methodology is already readily available.

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I remember the Pearson era.  Also every other joker we've had in place with few exceptions.  DM is nowhere near the level of shit we've had.  For sheer incompetence however it's hard to beat the 7 losses in a row in 2010 including 9-0 to the Tims and 5-0 to Hearts. Covered two management teams but really just one to blame.  McInnes perceived lack of winning mentality is the reason we still have him.  I think a new manager would be interesting but I accept it's a fair chance he wouldn't be any better than DM.  Gamble away I say, maybe we'll fluke it. It's not the end of the world if we don't: we survived post McGee.


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When McInnes goes maybe sooner than later if things dont pick up. The main problem will still be at the club...Stewart Milne. Until he leaves, AFC will never come close to fulfilling its potential infact quite the opposite as most of his 20 year criminal reign as chairmain has put the club in decline both in terms of attendances and challenging on the field.


Out of curiosity I had a look up past attendances for comparisons.Surprised to see McInnes' has bettered a lot of Fergies averages.  :o



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