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Huns on Sunday

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1 win in 7 against the Glasgow bigots. 3 goals for 16 against. Simply not good enough. As a club we are still shit scared of them.

Said much the same in my Facebook rant yesterday:


Still raging. Yes it's been a good season, yes we have played some great football but look at the stats. 3 points against Rangers and Celtic out of a possible 18 (and those 3 points could have gone either way that day) is a disgrace. Ok Celtic have been on a different level but we seem to let both these teams change our game plan. This is why we are not serious challengers. A very poor Rangers team have now beaten us twice, we NEED to stop letting the name scare us. #rangersdied Rant over!!!!


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St johnstone game is massive now. Absolute must win.


Someone said jack was arguing with O'Connor just before the goal, anyone know why?


I'm still having trouble come to terms with that result. Still in shock.


Jack and O'Connor were at each other just before the first goal, but the TV cameras didn't seem catch it (I went back to the recording when I got home to try and see what kicked it off).  There was a bit of shouting then they squared up to each other.  Taylor and Hayes got between them and split them up, but they were still having a go at each other.  No idea what started it, but I thought it knocked the concentration of Taylor and O'Connor afterwards.

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Everyone knows Rangers fans have a fair wedge of scum amongst them due to the culture of the club.


This fixtures is bad occasion - got worse over the years.  Know a fair few Reds who don't go due to the moronic behaviour on both sides.


Seen toilets at Ibrox getting smashed about a few times as well by visiting Dons.  In years gone past.


This fixture is bile - pure bile.  Hate-filled moronic songs on both sides from both sets of fans whether about Ibrox disaster, Durrant or 1690 or whatever pure utter moronic garbage.


I stopped going to Hun games for years,mainly because the shite we were singing was cringeworthy,and I hated the general atmosphere.Could never get my head around why we allowed ourselves to stoop to the Simmie/ibrox songs etc,but well,well,thats where we were at.Unlike the huns,I think(hope) it was a phase the N/E went through,and weve come out of that garbage.

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I just watched the lowlights of the game yesterday as I wanted to remind myself of the build up to the goals we lost and boy it's not pretty. Can Ash Taylor actually hit a ball straight, he always seems to curve his passes, its like he has banana feet, there was one he made in the first half, where he passed the ball and it curved and it went straight to a hun and Taylor put in a bad tackle to win it back getting himself a booking, terrible goals to lose.


Overall I still think we have made great strides this season, but some major work is going to be required in the summer to keep us up where we are as we need to sort out central defence and need an alternative to Rooney up front. What stuck in my throat yesterday was Kenny Miller getting two goals. The guy is 37 years old and looked more mobile and willing than Rooney.


We need a few more players with the desire and passion of Shinnie if we really want to compete in the bigger games, the guy is a class act, but finding more like him wont be easy.

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I stopped going to Hun games for years,mainly because the shite we were singing was cringeworthy,and I hated the general atmosphere.Could never get my head around why we allowed ourselves to stoop to the Simmie/ibrox songs etc,but well,well,thats where we were at.Unlike the huns,I think(hope) it was a phase the N/E went through,and weve come out of that garbage.


Know a lot of folk that hate the Rangers game.  They dont go due to shite being sung.


They are a scummy club but this fixture brings out the worst in us and them.

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Just me that's been to countless Rangers games home, away and neautral over the years and never heard us sing about the Ibrox disaster? I saw a pished youth at Ibrox sing it solo before promptly being told to wise up so I'm not counting that.


Aye the Simmie song got sung and as stupid as it is is it really as bad as their sectarian bile? Nae IMO my opinion.


I haven't watched the highlights yet and probably never will. Right now I can't see myself watching football ever again. I hope that feeling fades.. or maybe I don't.

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driving through aberdeen on the way home and i saw a fat hun cunt abuse kids! wearing aberdeen tops.


that was until some lads decked the fat fucker. drinking beer with his beer gut hanging out was the typical hun cunt image. But to abuse little kids is a fucking joke. Thats why the hatred is there.


If those guys post on here, can you own up please.


I'd personally like to thank you.


Wasn't my kids but you did a great thing!





Thanks Manc and 1903 :)

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