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Have to say, I made comments throughout the game how shite the atmosphere was at pittodrie today. Surely they don't make THAT much difference do they?!?! It was terribly flat. All I could hear was the huns sing. Bear in mind though, I was watching it on tv.  >:D


Think at lot has got to do with the positioning of the TV mikes. Have to say heard numerous blasts of their bigoted bile being spouted out >:D


Pre match, you could hear the hooters from the Dick Donald, but during the game never really heard them.


Has the club said anything official about alledged fall out ?

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Sounds like there was some disagreement between the Ultras and the Club so they decided not to display.  A few folk didn't go to the game but there was no boycott or walkout as far as I'm aware.  Don't know if there are any R.U.'s on here to comment?


A shame, as they add a lot to the atmosphere.  I know some folk like a dig at them but their displays can be rather good, and cost a lot of effort and expense.


I'm all for anything that adds to the atmosphere, and it wasn't too great on Sunday.



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Sounds like there was some disagreement between the Ultras and the Club so they decided not to display.  A few folk didn't go to the game but there was no boycott or walkout as far as I'm aware.  Don't know if there are any R.U.'s on here to comment?


A shame, as they add a lot to the atmosphere.  I know some folk like a dig at them but their displays can be rather good, and cost a lot of effort and expense.


I'm all for anything that adds to the atmosphere, and it wasn't too great on Sunday.





Chick Young on the radio said he was approached by someone outside the ground who explained that people were boycotting the game and had returned their tickets.


Chick indicated he'd be happy to bring the incident to everyone's attention on the radio.


Didn't actually hear why though. ???

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Chick Young on the radio said he was approached by someone outside the ground who explained that people were boycotting the game and had returned their tickets.


Chick indicated he'd be happy to bring the incident to everyone's attention on the radio.


Didn't actually hear why though. ???


Because he's a sensationalist little fuck pig with no more reason to be on the planet than a fucking sheep's tagnut?


Oh, wait, you meant . . . .


Perhaps one of the ultras could enlighten us . . . . and let the guasc know if they have our flag?



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I aint going to say too much as i don't want to cause any trouble or friction but i just don't like them and their Morals, they say they want to make todders a better place but by boycotting the biggest match of our league season just shows them up attention seeking people that only do things to get on tv.

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:lolabove: :lolabove: :lolabove:


What if I told you they did great chips, and you get a huge portion?  :wave:




With some of your fn posts minijc, who is the attenion seeker? Grow up!


You can C&P text from the 20 pager on AFC-C or the RU board as posted by mezzanine.


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All I could hear was the huns sing. Bear in mind though, I was watching it on tv.  >:D


Surely Pittodrie can decide where the microphones are placed in the stadium. I would've thought, in the interest of showing up how good an atmosphere Pittodrie CAN be, that the mics should be positioned on the Upper RDS and on the South Stand from Sections S to Y. Why position these mics above what is (Old Firm aside) always a sparsely-populated away crowd.

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Surely Pittodrie can decide where the microphones are placed in the stadium. I would've thought, in the interest of showing up how good an atmosphere Pittodrie CAN be, that the mics should be positioned on the Upper RDS and on the South Stand from Sections S to Y. Why position these mics above what is (Old Firm aside) always a sparsely-populated away crowd.


AFC have absolutely no say whatsoever where the mics are to be placed, unfortunately.


They are placed around the field of play and up in the gantry for crowd noise, so at an OF match they will be pointing at the OF fans so they are generally the only people you'll hear. Despite this, the atmosphere at the rangers game was rank anyway so it wouldn't have picked up much if it was pointed at the RDS.


Oh, and many of the mics are boom mikes; they're connected via cable to a hub. Just isn't viable to have them stretched all the way up to the RDS Upper so people on the telly can hear some fans sing.


Much easier and simpler to have them placed where the cameras and commentry team are, which is in the South Stand gantry.


But no, AFC have no say where the mics go

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