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Dnipro v Aberdeen

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Dons arrive in Ukraine

The Aberdeen squad arrived safely in Dnipropetrovsk this evening ahead of their UEFA Cup tie on Thursday night. The match has generated high interest in the city with a large press contingent at the airport to greet the team. The team bus then received a police escort to the hotel, which is situated 20 minutes from the airport.


The squad had a light meal before heading to bed. It is two hours ahead of BST in Ukraine and the squad will have a light walk in the morning before training at the stadium tomorrow evening. There will also be a press conference prior to the training session.


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Aberdeen defender Jackie McNamara has failed a fitness test ahead of Thursday's Uefa Cup second leg tie against Dnipro in Ukraine.


Goalkeeper Derek Soutar, who cracked a bone in a toe during training, has not travelled with the Dons squad.


Defender Dan Smith and striker Sone Aluko have also remained in Scotland.


Forwards Darren Mackie, Jamie Smith and Steve Lovell have travelled but are doubtful for the tie

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depends what aberdeen team turns up if we can do it or not.

think we can sneak it, and i dont believe this side are anything special but then i bet hibs fans were feeling the same way two years ago when they went over with a nil nil.

dnipro might be completely different side at home. the one thing we've got going for us though is that we are a fast side so hopefully be able to hit them on the counter when one of langfields quick punts up the park actually works!!

i'm hopeful though even started thinking bout the draw for group stages which is a bit premature!!!

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Dnipro aren't exactly Real Madrid.


I don't even think they're on the same level as the Tims.


We can beat them on our day, and a score draw is very possible.




Bloody hell, now i've seen everything! A reasonably positive post fae kelt!  :o;)


Shall we send the Ambulance around min?

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Guest harchester-red

I'm more of a regular poster on pieandbovril.com so because I'm a lazy bastard I'll just post on here what I did on there  ;D


What a fucking trip.


The early flights were a bit of a grind and as always wearing a kilt for three days takes its toll 


We didn't have accomodation when we got there but we managed to get a room at Hotel Dnipropetresck(sp) where the bulk of Aberdeen fans were staying and we had an amazing bounce in the hotel bar on Wednesday night 


The day of the game consisted of pissing about at the square drinking many cans of 20p Stella  oh and I pulled this amazing Ukrainian bird called Kerina  the women over in Ukraine are unreal!


As for the game, well as Milners said, an amazing bounce when the goal went in, sheer joy and disbelief. The last fifteen minutes were the longest I have had to endure as a football fan, amazinly I include the two Scotland victories over France in that 


We missed our train back to Kiev last night so had to get a 7 hour taxi from Dnipro to Kiev, £100 each for me and my mate 


Got smashed in the local tonight, but f**k I better start saving again 


Great Trip 



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