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Saturday 26th October 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Dundee Utd

Aberdeen to appeal Mulgrew red card


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Was listening to your call after the game and someone actually made a very worrying, but good point, the quality of refereeing in Scotland is atrocious, but if we did relegate a match official everytime this situation occurred, we would have even worse referee's in control of our games. I still think though the persistent offenders should be punished through relegation though. If they know no matter what they do they will keep their position then it makes sense as to why they are so incompetent.

Cunts, the lot of them.  >:D

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If we can all tell from our various positions around the ground when a player is offside the ref should be able to too.


I wonder how many people instantly noticed, and understood, that Fletcher was offside?


I'm constantly amazed at the amount of people who don't understand the most simple rules in football.

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I don't think we should get too carried away with this one. Bottom line is that an offside (or lack of) decision was made incorrectly. It's a common element of the game and we will benefit from them as often as we suffer (for the record I think the huns goal was NOT offside earlier in the season. yet was given that way).


Mulgrew's handling of the ball was exactly what it was and he was punished in exactly the way he had to be. I'm not happy about the outcome and Mike McCurry is indeed everything you all say he is. However, let's not pretend that Aberdeen lost that game because of refereeing incompetence. We lost that game because depsite being given huge amounts of posession by a Hibs team that sat back and invited us to attack, we were unable to do so with any level of competence. The smoke and mirrors of offsides and hand balls don't hide those facts, however much we want them to.

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I wonder how many people were in the perfect position to judge that and are supposed to know the rules too.


Seeing as Mulgrew was planted on the line and the boy who took the touch was directly in front of him (Langfield having gone walkies due to an earlier attempt at saving the ball) I'd be surprised if anyone but McCurry didn't notice it.

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Like the referee not understanding the offside rule? I'm amazed at that too.


Especially the officials.


I wonder how many people were in the perfect position to judge that and are supposed to know the rules too.


My reply was in response to this statement.


If we can all tell from our various positions around the ground when a player is offside the ref should be able to too.


Given that Mulgrew was on the line and the player directly in front of him was Fletcher, and they were the only two players in the 6 yard box, I'd assume that most had a pretty good view of it, and would've known straight away if they understand the offside rule.  It's true that many don't though.


Just look at the reaction of the Aberdeen players.  And listen to the crowd.  Very few protest, if any.

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I just simply cannot believe the amount of Sh*te we had to put with after the Rangers games.

The media went mental, those (unts on Setanta saying things like "Rangers were robbed", "clearly a mistake", etc etc.

When it was the CORRECT decision (from even UEFA's point of view regarding offsides)


Then this abortive decision, that even a 2 year old can see is offside, and we get maybe 2 lines at the end of match reports.


I think this is much worse, as it proves Referees don't know the most basic of the laws of the game, and are unable to handle the pressure of officiating. Yet the SFA stands behind them, and compounds the error by not allowing Mulgrew an appeal.


It's thinking like that which proves the SFA is unfit for purpose.

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There was actually an incident in the Fulham v WBA game I think at the weekened where the referee Phil Dowd over-ruled his assistant and allowed play-on even though his assistant raised his flag for off-side.


Such examples being far more frequent than a referee actually calling offside in spite of the linesman not spotting it, McCurry shouldn't really be held responsible for this particular error.


I don't think we should get too carried away with this one. Bottom line is that an offside (or lack of) decision was made incorrectly. It's a common element of the game and we will benefit from them as often as we suffer (for the record I think the huns goal was NOT offside earlier in the season. yet was given that way).


Mulgrew's handling of the ball was exactly what it was and he was punished in exactly the way he had to be. I'm not happy about the outcome and Mike McCurry is indeed everything you all say he is. However, let's not pretend that Aberdeen lost that game because of refereeing incompetence. We lost that game because depsite being given huge amounts of posession by a Hibs team that sat back and invited us to attack, we were unable to do so with any level of competence. The smoke and mirrors of offsides and hand balls don't hide those facts, however much we want them to.


Agree mostly, but the reason more fuss is being made of this is that the linesman didn't make a marginal mistake, as officials commonly do and are perhaps over-criticised for. There is no ambiguity over the fact that, from the linesmans angle, Fletcher was several yards offside and yet he didn't flag, which justifiably raises more serious concerns over Scottish referee's competency.

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Such examples being far more frequent than a referee actually calling offside in spite of the linesman not spotting it, McCurry shouldn't really be held responsible for this particular error.

The referee is ultimately responsible for all decisions during a game.


Agree mostly, but the reason more fuss is being made of this is that the linesman didn't make a marginal mistake, as officials commonly do and are perhaps over-criticised for. There is no ambiguity over the fact that, from the linesmans angle, Fletcher was several yards offside and yet he didn't flag, which justifiably raises more serious concerns over Scottish referee's competency.

I also disagree McCurry couldn't spot the offside as there was clearly only one man within the 6 yard box for AFC when there needed to be two - it's not difficult to spot. Both linesman and Ref to blame. SFA compounding error by not reversing red card.

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Mulgrew red card upheld by SFA


Published: 09/10/2008


THE SFA this afternoon threw out Aberdeen's appeal against Charlie Mulgrew's red card in the game against Hibs.


A statement confirmed that referee Mike McCurry has watched a video re-run of the incident, which saw Mulgrew sent off after handling a shot from Hibs striker Steven Fletcher, who was well offside.

McCurry has accepted he should have given Fletcher as offside, but is sticking with the decision to send Mulgrew for an early bath.


The left-back is now suspended for Aberdeen's SPL visit to Falkirk next week.


The statement from the SFA said: "Aberdeen FC’s claim of wrongful dismissal in respect of the sending off of its player Charles Mulgrew in the match against Hibernian FC on 4th October has been dismissed, following a review by referee Michael McCurry.


"The player had been sent off for denying the opposing team or an opponent a goal or obvious goal scoring opportunity as defined by Law 12.


"Having viewed the video evidence, the referee acknowledged that it clearly shows player Steven Fletcher was in an offside position when he struck the ball. However, given the circumstances (i.e. the offside decision having not been given), the referee had to conclude that the player was correctly sent off.

"Charles Mulgrew will therefore be suspended for Aberdeen’s match against Falkirk FC on 18th October."


Does not compute






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