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I've been a little worried about Jimmy for quite a while to be honest.  Things reached a new low round about the time of the QoS match... I just couldn't see any way back for him.  However his form post split has sort of won me around... I can't recall a time I've seen Aberdeen beat Rangers with such ease, as Thursday night.


However, I'm starting to get worried again, in relation to the players we've been linked with lately. Gary McDonald is a good player, but I'd be surprised if he pushes us on much next season - he's certainly no Barry Nicholson.  However, I'll save judgement till christmas time.


However, I can't really see where guys like Mizer and Stoney are coming from with their unresenting criticism of JC.  The past few years have been our most successful for about 20 years!  Up until this point, I don't think it can be argued that Jimmy has done poorly here.  Some moan about our style of football, but people, I feel, have short memories.  I had a season ticket during the days of Miller, Skovdahl and Pele.... and let me tell you, we're in a far better position now, then we were back then.

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Completely agree Jagerdeen. JC infuriates the hell out of me sometimes, BUT as sonoftherock said, this is our most successful period for years. Alright, we've yet to win anything, but we're making steady progress. Who the hell thought we'd have 3 yes THREE good cup runs this season? Not me thats for sure. And yet we still managed to finish fourth above the Arabs and Brazil. Jimmy's time at AFC has been a weird one, but no way do I want to see him leave just yet. It worries me about the quality of signings we could make, as its not good enough considering we're supposed to have a bit of cash to put about. But lets just see what the summer brings. Roll on the new season!

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No doubt that JC has his moments of infuriation but if you'd offered me two cup semi's, last 32 of the uefa cup and 4th place in the league before the start of the season i would have been delighted with that.  As for signings i'm going to reserve jusgement till i see them but i thought duf was pretty decent against the huns (1st time i've seen him this season)

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the fitba might not be pretty (but no uglier than being played out in most of the rest of the league)


Just because it may be the case for the rest of the league (but that isn't the case exclusively by the way), doesn't mean people should accept it or that people shouldn't have genuine gripes about it. That attitude will never help us improve.


I have high hopes for this season...



I don't have high hopes for this season coming, neither do I think we'll have a stinker. Until we see who else is brought in I don't think we can say either way.


I've been a little worried about Jimmy for quite a while to be honest.  Things reached a new low round about the time of the QoS match... I just couldn't see any way back for him.  However his form post split has sort of won me around... I can't recall a time I've seen Aberdeen beat Rangers with such ease, as Thursday night.


This is the thing with Calderwood. How many times during his reign have we been at the depths of despair with him - even his most ardent supporters must agree to some extent - and yet he always does something to turn it round? The QotS nightmare still hurts but then the form after the split (and getting into the top six itself) lifted people somewhat.  And what has been the cause of this in most cases? Him picking the correct players in the correct position, playing to our strengths and going for victory.


I am in no way a big fan of his, but I certainly don't want to lose him as manager of Aberdeen. He's done enough to make me contented, something we hadn't had for a long time before he came in, but, there has to be a word of warning too. Another result like Queen's Park, the United semi final or Queen of the South, and the knives could be out for him more than they ever have in the past.


The key to it is what he does in the transfer market. AFC and the supporters are in dire need of a "hero", they need a signing or two that will inject enthusiasm and provoke genuine optimism for the season ahead. Come on ye Reds!

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I gave him 3 years - he did amazing in his first year kept things simple played the same way every week and we were good to watch  :thumbsup:


2nd Season still good to watch - did get a great deal of luck pressure now on


3rd Season - football was poor but results going our way was hard to complain - 1 more season would only be fair.


4th Season - Disaster - football was appauling people wanking off about beating falkirk, hamilton, ICT and partick in the cups (ok celtic fantastic achievment hands up there) we totally fluked top 6 - god was looking after as - every result seemed to go our way since febuary -


5th Season - Time will tell, we know we are a good team - play a steady team steady formation (i.e the 4-4-2 which has been working and will work) dont worry about what other teams are going to do - and we WILL be a good side to watch next year,

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4th Season - Disaster - football was appauling people wanking off about beating falkirk, hamilton, ICT and partick in the cups (ok celtic fantastic achievment hands up there) we totally fluked top 6 - god was looking after as - every result seemed to go our way since febuary -


Brilliant eyesight stoney, being able to see all that from the Highland League. ;)


Largely bollocks though, to say we were lucky, will you also say we were unlucky to have goals disallowed against the tims and Motherwell and nice how you completely side stepped any mention of even being in Europe.

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Lucky in the sense that if ICT, Falkirk and hearts had any sort of bottle they would have romped to top 6 before us!


Also dundee united and hibs totally bottling going for third helped also  :thumbsup:


you know my thoughts on the football last season - no sense in harping on about it, hes here for another season lets just hope he sees sense  ;)

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Lucky in the sense that if ICT, Falkirk and hearts had any sort of bottle they would have romped to top 6 before us!


Also dundee united and hibs totally bottling going for third helped also  :thumbsup:


you know my thoughts on the football last season - no sense in harping on about it, hes here for another season lets just hope he sees sense  ;)


So we had bottle and they didn't, we win.


And yes, some of the football last season was below even disappointing.

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Brilliant eyesight stoney, being able to see all that from the Highland League. ;)


Largely bollocks though, to say we were lucky, will you also say we were unlucky to have goals disallowed against the tims and Motherwell and nice how you completely side stepped any mention of even being in Europe.


Thats a bit of an insulting post TFu. You say it was largely bollocks. Others may disagree. Are we permitted to have a contrary opinion to yours?


What about fucking Europe? We won ONE game in 8. If supporting the football club means going on European piss-ups for the purpose of... a piss-up, then how sad is that?


The Copenhagen win was unexpected in the manner of it, the Bayern game at home was unexpected in how shite they were that night. But we got humped. We had zero chance in the competition, and got as far as we were ever going to go. Even DUFC and QotS fucked us over in make or break cup ties.


It's attitudes like yours, failing to even question the ambition and commitment of AFC plc that guarantees more years of mediocrity. Happy with a couple of European piss-ups? Get a life. And some real perspective of where Aberdeen could be, with even an ounce of ambition.

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Lucky in the sense that if ICT, Falkirk and hearts had any sort of bottle they would have romped to top 6 before us!


Also dundee united and hibs totally bottling going for third helped also  :thumbsup:


you know my thoughts on the football last season - no sense in harping on about it, hes here for another season lets just hope he sees sense  ;)


So all those teams bottled it but we got there because we were lucky.



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Thats a bit of an insulting post TFu. You say it was largely bollocks. Others may disagree. Are we permitted to have a contrary opinion to yours?


What about fucking Europe? We won ONE game in 8. If supporting the football club means going on European piss-ups for the purpose of... a piss-up, then how sad is that?


The Copenhagen win was unexpected in the manner of it, the Bayern game at home was unexpected in how shite they were that night. But we got humped. We had zero chance in the competition, and got as far as we were ever going to go. Even DUFC and QotS fucked us over in make or break cup ties.


It's attitudes like yours, failing to even question the ambition and commitment of AFC plc that guarantees more years of mediocrity. Happy with a couple of European piss-ups? Get a life. And some real perspective of where Aberdeen could be, with even an ounce of ambition.


Largely bollocks in the bits of the season he quoted "wanking off about beating x,y,z" don't remember a wankfest over the quality of the football or even beating these teams.


I am already well aware of the lack of ambition of the club thanks very much, a perfect example was January past, utter intransigence at a time when a little investment could have gone a very long way.


Your assumptions about why I thought our European campaign was worth even a mention are way off the mark and yes, largely bollocks, so maybe getting close to having a life is something you should also try.

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Another result like Queen's Park, the United semi final or Queen of the South, and the knives could be out for him more than they ever have in the past.


That's the worrying thing. Aberdeen ALWAYS seem to have one real nightmare result every season. If it's not being beaten 7-0 by the tims, it's being beaten 6-0 by Livi on our own patch. This season we got horsed by United in the cup. I thought to myself "okay, that's got to be our nightmare result out of the way. At least it happened in the pish cup, and not the bigger cup with the bigger spoils". How wrong was I?


Why can't we weed out these shit results that make us the laughing stock of Scotland for seven days?

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So all those teams bottled it but we got there because we were lucky.




Very easy to pick an isolated sentence like that, but look at the original post that sparked such an exagerrated response, accusing him of largely bollocks.


That is the post of a fan who cares. That is a post of someone who actually invests time and money watching AFC. That post contains an accurate assessment of many of the failings that have brought AFC to where we are today.


It did not deserve such a denigrating response.

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We earned a fucking fortune and scored as many goals as Rangers in many fewer games.


And who will this benefit? The fans? Will the manager see any of it? Is the culture at AFC plc right? The club has been in a fucking state for the whole period of Stewart Milne's tenure, coincidentally, so lets not fucking bury our heads in the sand. They want us to accept the shite we've been given for over 10 years. Attacking dissenting views, and being dismissive and insulting to anyone daring to question the direction of the club, is a surefire way of more of the same.

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