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I like the forum, you get some good debates on it and I think it's ran very well, as opposed to AFC Chat where's... let's just say the posting style is a bit different.

Just wondering if there's some ways we can make it a bit busier here though? I've noticed a few regular posters go quiet recently too (although it is pre-season).

Personally, I'd say merge the Aberdeen & football sub-forums into one. Don't think they need to be separate. People would then see more active threads when they're browsing the forum.

Also, could whoever holds the Twitter keys maybe make a post advertising the forum that the rest of us could retweet? Garner a bit of interest?

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Are we on Twitter? I'm not sure who does that but I know we're on Facebook. Although not sure if we're posting much on there. I haven't checked for a while. 


I'm recently back after a hiatus of a few years so once word of this gets out I'm sure folk will come flooding back. :)

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4 hours ago, Panda said:

I like the forum, you get some good debates on it and I think it's ran very well, as opposed to AFC Chat where's... let's just say the posting style is a bit different.

Just wondering if there's some ways we can make it a bit busier here though? I've noticed a few regular posters go quiet recently too (although it is pre-season).

Personally, I'd say merge the Aberdeen & football sub-forums into one. Don't think they need to be separate. People would then see more active threads when they're browsing the forum.

Also, could whoever holds the Twitter keys maybe make a post advertising the forum that the rest of us could retweet? Garner a bit of interest?

Good post Panda, we always welcome feedback and suggestions for the site.

Yes, the site is a lot quieter than a.n.other one, we are a friendly bunch with no slanging matches, petty name calling, bullying etc etc. It would of course be nice to have more site traffic and it is something for us to consider and discuss over the coming days as to how we could generate this. The timing would be right with the season set to start this weekend.

Personally being an auld bastard myself, I don't really understand or use Twitter, but I'm sure the younger ones amongst us will and might be able to take this on board  

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Yeah I was pleased to see all the old crew posting here after over a decade away. But I was surprised there's nobody new on here regularly. 

The old girl definitely needs an injection of new blood. I like the AFC and Non-AFC separate forums, but looking at other team forums randomly quite a number of them have all football in one forum. 

Maybe merge all the non-football forums together as one "Off Topic" forum to begin with? 


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Good ideas Panda, certainly could help increasing traffic. I “run” the Twitter, but it’s very much a side show.  Hard when I’m on the other side of the world trying to hit those peak viewing times.

Have access to Facebook too, but given some of the Facebook comments you see, and my very infrequent use of it, it doesn’t get much attention. 

merging and then advertising it more absolutely make sense. Will see what we can do.

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