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Zander in the Sunday Mail

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Aberdeen star Zander Diamond celebrates birthday with a Celtic cake and party hat


Party Bhoy Zander's Celtic Celebration


ABERDEEN hero Zander Diamond celebrates his birthday - decked out in Celtic gear.


The defender is pictured wearing a headband bearing the rival club's name and blowing out candles on a Hoops themed birthday cake sitting beside a Celtic birthday card.


The cake, decorated with a Celtic ribbon, features images of club favourites Massimo Donati, Stephen McManus, Shunsuke Nakamura, Scott Brown and Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink.


Dutch striker Vennegoor of Hesselink was blamed for giving Diamond a black eye when Aberdeen knocked Celtic out the Scottish Cup two weeks ago.


After the 1-0 win at Parkhead, boyhood Hoops fan Diamond said: "I have a lot of friends and family who are Celtic supporters. We have put one over on them and it's great to win in Glasgow."


The snaps were taken by Diamond's girlfriend Laura Park as he celebrated his 23rd birthday in a restaurant this month.


She posted them on social networking website Bebo.


Laura, 25, of Dumbarton, grew up near Diamond, who was born in nearby Alexandria.


A friend said: "It is well known Zander has a soft spot for Celtic but no one thought he would appear on the internet decked out in Celtic stuff.


"I'm sure the Aberdeen fans will take it in their stride, as he has proved to be a stalwart for them." Aberdeen fan Alan Duncan said: "Oh dear, that doesn't look very good.


"There are players in every SPL team who support the Old Firm but it doesn't affect how committed they are to the club they play for. I'm sure it was all very tongue in cheek."


An Aberdeen spokesman said: "Zander's family are Celtic fans. If that is how he chooses to celebrate his birthday, we have no problem.


"He is 100 per cent committed to this club and he has been fantastic for us all season."



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Guest swaddon

Unsurprising given that he's a Celtic supporter. As long as he's playing well every week for the Dons (when he's available and not injured by Celtic players), he can have any sort of party he wants.

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If I was playing professional football for a team other than the Dons I would have no qualms about doing that with Aberdeen gear. The guy has every right to follow his team as long as he is committed to us when he plays. I wonder if Venegoor signed his card.

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It doesn;t bother me he gives his all for the dons and plays when he is injured and that's enough dedication for me, also when we pumped the tims 1-0 he was on celebrating like he was a dandy so it's alright.




Wonder if Bebo was there in his Tim memorabilia as well

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Gets away with it because he’s playing well.


Had it been last season or Mackie/Maguire/Foster then all hell would have broken loose.


You have to question why this even made the paper though.  What exactly did anyone hope to gain from this other than taking a pop at our fans.  Anyone in the Glasgow area want to tail the journalist who wrote this, so we can dish his dirt for no reason other than being a spiteful cunt?

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DONS defender Zander Diamond today laughed off the fuss created by images of him decked out in Celtic gear appearing on an internet site.


Zander, who has never hidden the fact he supports the Hoops, is shown wearing a Celtic headband while celebrating his 23rd birthday earlier this month.


The pictures – taken by Zander’s Dumbarton-based girlfriend Laura Park – also show Zander with a Celtic themed birthday cake and card.


Fans learned of Zander’s birthday bash via a report in a Sunday newspaper, but the player is confident they won’t hold that against him.


Zander said: “I’ve not given the story a second thought because it’s tomorrow’s chip paper.


“The pictures were all done tongue in cheek.


“Everyone knows I always give 100% when I play for the Dons.


“The fans could see that for themselves when we beat Celtic in the Scottish Cup semis at Parkhead.


“I love playing for Aberdeen.â€


Zander, meanwhile, is expected to get the all-clear today to resume full training for the first time since being elbowed in the face by Celtic striker Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink in that cup semi.


It was feared Zander may have suffered a fracture that could have kept him out for six weeks, but X-rays ruled that out.


He is now due to be examined by an eye specialist before to get clearance to play in next Monday’s SPL clash with Falkirk at Pittodrie.


Manager Jimmy Calderwood said: “We expect Zander to be told everything is fine.â€

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