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Aberdeen V Celtic

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Ok, it was Forrest beating Consi too easily that set up the first


Which really is no surprise given that Considine has never been and will never be a good left back. He's been shoehorned into this position to paper over the cracks in his appalling recruitment in the middle of the park.


Put Considine up against any winger with an ounce of skill and his lack of pace - both in thinking and feet - gets horribly exposed.


He might have turned out to be a competent CB but given his total mismanagement over the past few years, we will never know. A classic case of wrecking a guy's confidence and extinguishing the prospect of anything good that may have once been there to be developed and nurtured.

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Logan isn't fit to lace McKimmie's boots. Also Anderson started out as a right back and Logan isn't as good as he was either.


Agree it is bizarre that we have 3 first team players able to cover left back in Shinnie, Consi and Reynolds (and at a push GMS could probably be put there in utter emergency) and young Harvie has a decent enough reputation in the U21's yet if Logan gets injured/suspended there is no one obvious to fill in. Whoever is in charge come summer better get this sorted.

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Feels like McInnes is still trying to justify his negativity by selecting an almost identical formation & game plan in the must win games, just so he can say " See, I got it right, I told you this is how to beat them etc... " 


His comments post match yesterday were fucking abysmal. De Vries wasn't tested until the 72nd Minute and Celtic had 74% possession first half. This time next season we will be battling Hibs & Hearts for 3rd/4th spot and the bottom line is, the momentum is with them, doesn't mean it'll happen, just means their momentum is there. Plus, as someone keeps alluding too, as much as a detestable prick that he is, Lennon is at least ballsy enough to have a go at either Glasgow team, but he'd never swap Hibs for Aberdeen, I could absolutely guarantee you that.


Next season, we need to build the team around Lewis, McKenna & Shinnie. Logan, GMS & McGinn are still good enough but we need more competition and players playing in their natural positions.


I hope we see Considine take Reynolds place on the bench as backup CB/LB and get Shinnie in to LB. We have been crying out for a LB for years, and we eventually sign one of the better ones in the league and play him midfield. I get it that he's combative, but he can still be combative from LB but also still drive forward and get crosses in the box etc...


I'll be honest, I think we've conceded 2nd place, the focus will be on the Scottish Cup now. Yesterday I finally lost any patience I had with McInnes and genuinely could not care less if he's our manager starting next season.

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His comments post match yesterday were fucking abysmal.


Alarmingly, what stood out most for me was him saying that he got what he wanted from the players and he was pleased with what they gave him. If that is all he is expecting against them then the sooner WBA punt Pardew and come in with compensation then it has to be thank you and cheerio Derek.


In absolutely no way should the manager accept a showing like that against a beatable Celtic team. He is finally making it clear to everyone he doesn't have a clue against either of the cheeks.


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McKimmie is a complete bell end of a human being, but he was an excellent right back and Logan couldn't lace his boots.  I went on You Tube last night and watched some games from the 80s where we destroyed both sides of the OF. It is not something I do often, but just wanted to remember what it felt like having a manager who didn't give a fuck about the OF and players who never wanted to be beaten when they took to the pitch.

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Plus, as someone keeps alluding too, as much as a detestable prick that he is, Lennon is at least ballsy enough to have a go at either Glasgow team, but he'd never swap Hibs for Aberdeen, I could absolutely guarantee you that.


If as I think now a majority hope, we are looking for a new gaffer in the summer, we should at least ask the question. Money talks and I'm sure we could offer him at least 25-50% more than he is on at present plus a better budget for incoming players. With the prospect of playing in a purpose built new stadium and dedicated training facilities in the near future (I realise he already has this with Hibs). If he turned us down, well at least we could say we tried.

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If as I think now a majority hope, we are looking for a new gaffer in the summer, we should at least ask the question. Money talks and I'm sure we could offer him at least 25-50% more than he is on at present plus a better budget for incoming players. With the prospect of playing in a purpose built new stadium and dedicated training facilities in the near future (I realise he already has this with Hibs). If he turned us down, well at least we could say we tried.


I thought ourselves and Hibs were pretty much even when it came to budgets etc... Could be wrong but I assumed we were very similar.


I'd rather go get Clarke from Kilmarnock. There is no contest there in terms of fan base, budget and facilities ( eventually ) and again, he's already managed results against both of them with a much lesser squad, Mulumbu & Jones are the only 2 players I'd welcome at Aberdeen & they could quite easily come up with him.


I think it's all pointless anyway, Milne adores McInnes and he will be happy to get the very odd cup win and the odd 3rd place finish under him in years to come. I just feel like we've rolled over and let this happen. All down to the manager and his negativity, if he really believed we could have taken something yesterday, we'd have approached the game completely differently.


Another huge summer coming up for him and his recruitment. But we'll worry about that when the time comes.

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Guest kiriakovisthenewstrachan

Like most, I wish we had approached the game differently by pressing them a bit more from the outset.  The danger with that approach though is that you run out of steam an hour into the game and they take you apart in the last half hour. 


The manager is always an easy target but GMS had a gilt edged chance in the second half to either shoot or find May in the box.  McLean then had a shot saved by De Vries and McGinn had one cleared off the line.  You can't blame that on poor tactics, it was just bad choice/finishing.  If one of those went in then the result could have been so much different.


The performances in the big games have been poor but I think if you said to fans of other clubs that we wanted McInnes sacked they would probably laugh in disbelief and wonder what our expectations were.


History shows Alex Smith was binned too hastily and the years that followed backs that up and then they binned Jimmy Calderwood after qualifying for Europe because of the notion that "we can do better".  Again the years that followed that were disastrous. 


You've got to be careful what you wish for.  The older fans looked back with rose-tinted glasses at the Fergie years and the late eighties/early nineties but post Bosman and with the three foreigner rule scrapped, the game has changed. 


Being third in the league and in the cup quarter finals is no grounds to get rid of the manager.



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History shows Alex Smith was binned too hastily and the years that followed backs that up and then they binned Jimmy Calderwood after qualifying for Europe because of the notion that "we can do better".  Again the years that followed that were disastrous. 


Holy pishflaps.

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they binned Jimmy Calderwood after qualifying for Europe because of the notion that "we can do better".  Again the years that followed that were disastrous. 


Are you suggesting the JC years were as close to peak AFC we should expect, in this era?


Sacking a manager and appointing a competent/better successor as two entirely separate arguments.

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Like most, I wish we had approached the game differently by pressing them a bit more from the outset.  The danger with that approach though is that you run out of steam an hour into the game and they take you apart in the last half hour. 


The manager is always an easy target but GMS had a gilt edged chance in the second half to either shoot or find May in the box.  McLean then had a shot saved by De Vries and McGinn had one cleared off the line.  You can't blame that on poor tactics, it was just bad choice/finishing.  If one of those went in then the result could have been so much different.


The performances in the big games have been poor but I think if you said to fans of other clubs that we wanted McInnes sacked they would probably laugh in disbelief and wonder what our expectations were.


History shows Alex Smith was binned too hastily and the years that followed backs that up and then they binned Jimmy Calderwood after qualifying for Europe because of the notion that "we can do better".  Again the years that followed that were disastrous. 


You've got to be careful what you wish for.  The older fans looked back with rose-tinted glasses at the Fergie years and the late eighties/early nineties but post Bosman and with the three foreigner rule scrapped, the game has changed. 


Being third in the league and in the cup quarter finals is no grounds to get rid of the manager.

Both sackings utterly correct
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Guest kiriakovisthenewstrachan

Are you suggesting the JC years were as close to peak AFC we should expect, in this era?


Not suggesting that at all but we did get to the group stages of the Europa League and got a pretty decent result against Bayern under his management.  It wasn't all bad.


Sacking a manager and appointing a competent/better successor as two entirely separate arguments.

Spot on, totally agree.  But if you look across the whole country you'd probably find that every fourth or fifth managerial appointment was a success (probably less than that as most tend to last a year at best) so is it really worth the risk?  I doubt it.





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Guest kiriakovisthenewstrachan

He won fuck all though, so the notion of "we can do better" wasn't a wrong one.


Well, yes it was because for the next 5 years we also won fuck all but were much worse off for it under two managers who came in with decent managerial records elsewhere.

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Guest kiriakovisthenewstrachan

I would never have hired the weak midget cunt.


Curious to know who you would have hired instead Rocket?


........................and who you would put in his place now?

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