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Shinnie - Officially signs

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Thought he was the new Alan Gow.  ;D


Was beginning to look that way! Am very surprised and delighted that we've finally signed a left back!  Let's just hope he lives up to the hype surrounding him. Welcome aboard!! I would love it if we were able to get him a bit earlier, could be the difference towards the end of the season.


:ultras: :ultras:

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  • 4 months later...

Really good interview with him on the BBC website.


Seems like a really intelligent lad, future captain perhaps??




What an excellent read.  You're certainly right, comes across as a very intelligent person, if he's already been captain elsewhere, no reason why he couldn't make the step up with us.

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Superb player in a position that's been a chronic issue for decades.  He's a local loon with a superb attitude too.


Exciting signing and one the club deserve a lot of credit for.


Good luck to him at the weekend.


Hope Yogi does it too.  He's a big lovable goon.  Houston, on the other hand, is a bellend.

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  • 4 months later...

And now called into the Scotland squad  :thumbsup:




Although he will probably just take Reynolds position on the bench  >:(


Just spotted that too. Deserves it along with a few others.  Doesn't take away from my ambivalence towards the national team at the moment.  Too little too late imo. Jack and Shinnie should have been in the squad last year. Good luck to him.  :thumbsup:

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