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Ross County v Aberdeen

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Not a great game played in rotten conditions but a win all the same. County are shite.


Totally agree. Atrocious conditions and a win is a win.

Whilst Hayes played very well it was obvious he was carrying a knock and should have been taken off sooner and wrapped in cotton wool ahead of Sunday game against the howkers.

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Sounds like we played well given the conditions.  The result was the most important thing here and another clean sheet.  How did Brown play?  From the match report I read it sounded like he got lucky a couple of times.


Very little to do again.  The shot that the report said he 'parried into the path' of a county player was swerving like a bastard, and he at least pushed it out wide.

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Hayes is a delight to watch when he's playing like last night, his markers must be knackered after it!


A good performance last night in testing conditions. Defence seems much more confident without Clangers, with no hesitation to use Brown as a passing option who's distribution is so much better than the usual!

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We should have been an awful lot more comfortable than 1-0 last night.  We had more than enough opportunities to put the game to bed. Defence looked solid, Flood was tremendous, Jack steady as ever and Hayes was tore the County defence a new one.


Decent performance, bring on victim fc.

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